The purpose of this league is to give young athletes the opportunity to compete in a competitive environment against players from other Catholic communities. Developing skills, sportsmanship, teamwork, and discipline are the objectives of this Christian league and act as Jesus calls us to act. The goals will be attained through the concerned efforts of all players, coaches, officials and the Archdiocese of Newark’s Office of Youth Ministry CYO Athletic Program.

  • League rules will be governed by the National Federation and as per NJSIAA. Remember that the high school rulebooks state that children in grades 8 and below should play no more than 24 minutes per game. Try to keep that in mind and use your substitutions.
  • These rules are to be at the scores table every game and in every coaches bag. Clarification of the rules should be done with coaches, referees and scorers table prior to the game.
  • It is HIGHLY EXPECTED that all parishes elect a service project to partake in prior to the season’s end.

Game Timing/ Forfeit

The gym will open NO LATER THEN 30 minutes PRIOR to the start of games. A SHORT (5 minute grace period) will e enforced for all other games during the day. If after the grace period a team does not have FIVE players to start the game it is a forfeit.

All divisions will play 10 minute periods- running time the WHOLE QUARTER (including shooting fouls)

In the 4th Quarter the clock will stop IN THE LAST MINUTE ON ALL WHISTLES.

Any team that forfeits a game is responsible for paying both referees. 2 checks for $40.00 each must be sent to John Primavera, Assigner of Officials, prior to your next game or you may be removed from the league immediately, and will forfeit your binder fee.

Mandatory Substitution Rule

This rule applies to the JUNIOR VARSITY (5th and 6th grade). The VARISTY (7th and 8th grade league) are encouraged to follow it.

First Quarter – 5 players play whole quarter.

Second Quarter- 5 DIFFERENT players are to be substituted in.

** If there are less then 5 remaining players to substitute the opposing coach can and is recommended to pick the balance of the players that just played to complete the 5.

To assure that 10 players are being used in the first half, there is a mandatory substitution rule in effect for only the first half of the game;second half is regular basketball substitutions.

Example: Team A has 10 players. Team B has 7 players. Team B must utilize the remaining 2 players and substitute the players the opposing coach has picked. If the opposing team coach (Team A) has decided not to pick the five for the starting in the second quarter. Team B must substitute equally throughout the quarter all of their 5 players. Team A can elect to substitute similarly or may substitute for more than two.

Eligibility of Teams and Players

Rosters must adhere to CYO Athletic Program rules. Teams must have a minimum of FIVE players at the start of the game or that game will be a forfeit.


We recommend teams have 10 or more players. A player can only be on 1 roster. The first game the player plays on will determine what roster they will stay on. A maximum of 15 players are allowed on the roster but if more is needed it will be considered on an individual basis.

Rosters must be submitted IN DECEMBER with each player’s name, address, grade, team uniform number, and the date of birth.


Use of the small youth or women’s ball (28.5”) is mandatory. The ball must be leather or synthetic leather. This ball will be used for all divisions except for 7th & 8Th grade boys division. WE will provide a game ball for each game. WE DO NOT WANT PLAYERS OR FANS THIS YEAR BRINIGING BALLS – please have ONLY THE COACH bring balls for the teams to practice with. Last year we had safety issues with balls rolling onto the court during the games.

Assignor of Officials

John Primavera

Cell – (908) 209-4439.

Both teams are responsible for payment of the officials prior to the start of the game. Each official will receive $40.00, each team pays one official. Please pay by cash or check. NO VOUCHERS WILL BE ACCEPTED BY ANY OFFICIAL FORPAYMENT. .

Scores and Standings

Scores and Standings will be posted on the Archdiocesan Youth Ministry Website If your game IS NOT played in the AYRC Gymnasium both the winning and losing coaches are to report the scores no later that 48 hours after the game to Rich Donovan

Lineup Cards/Sheets

Coaches must have a copy of your game lineup sheet and hand it to the scorer prior to the start of the game. It gives you more time to coach.

Unsportsmanlike conduct

If there are unsportsmanlike incidences by players, coaches, team or fans, the league director will place that player, coach, fan and or team on probation for the season. The suspension could be for the current season and possibly future seasons as decided by the league director. If a player, coach, team and fan under suspension commits a second occurrence, they will be expelled from the league this and possibly future seasons. Let’s remember that the league is for the kids !!!.

Technical Fouls

Any player or coach who receives two technical fouls during a game will not be allowed to participate the remainder of the game as well as there next scheduled game. (1) Game automatic suspension. The suspended coach and or player will not be allowed in the gym during any games that they are suspended from. If a coach leaves the game as the result of technical fouls and there is no certified assistant to take his or her place, the game shall be a forfeit. If a suspended player and or coach participates in a league contest during their suspension period, that game will be forfeited and the individual will be expelled from the league until further notice. Also the all of the expelled coach or player’s team parish will be on probation until further notice.

A scoreboard and scorebooks will be used from start to finish. All teams are to hand the official scorebook at the table a copy of your game roster. The game roster will have all your players’ full names and uniform number on it for it to be transferred into the official scorebook. Failure to compile may deem the coach unsportsmanlike.

Press Rule

JV Rule

A full court press will be allowed for the SECOND HALF until one team leads the other by 12 points. The team ahead must then drop back to at least the division line (half court). The defensive team ahead by 12 points must allow the offensive team to get over half court.

Varsity Rule

A full court press will be allowed for the ENTIRE GAME until one team leads the other by 12 points. The team ahead must then drop back to at least the division line (half court). The defensive team ahead by 12 points must allow the offensive team to get over half court

Time outs

3 @ 60 second timeouts and 2 @ 30 second timeouts per game. A full 60 second timeout will be granted for every overtime period. No cheerleaders are allowed to run on the court for cheer during a 30 second timeout.


If the gym in which you are playing has a 3 point arc, it will be used and the 3 pointer will be counted. No imaginary lines will be permitted.

Mercy Rule

If a team is leading by 30 or more points in the fourth quarter, the leading team will be declared the winner. The losing team has the option of ending the game, or playing the remainder of the game. The clock will run without stopping for the remainder of the game. Any further scoring and fouls will not be recorded on the scoreboard.

Foul Shots

All foul shots must be attempted from behind the foul line. We do allow the 5/6th grade girls to fall over the line without violation provided, in the official’s opinion, they are not trying to gain an advantage on an errant shot to rebound.


Team uniforms will match in color, style, and contrast. If a T-shirt is to be worn under the uniform top, it must be of the same color as the body of the uniform top.

All uniform shirts are to remain tucked in and the pants are to be pulled up for the entire game. Failure for a player to comply may be deemed unsportsmanlike and technical fouls may be applied. Coaches it is your responsibility to make sure your players are uniformed properly.



No jewelry can be worn. Band-Aids are not acceptable to be applied over earrings. Have your players ears pierced before or after the season. Or please tell the parents that taking out the starter earnings for 1 hour will not hurt the process.


The director will make the final decision on all weather related issues.

*** ANY CANCELLATION OF GAMES will be posted on the WEBSITE and sent via EMAIL to all coaches, AD’s etc

Final Decision

Any issue that might arise during the season, not noted as a rule or by-law or in print of any kind in this league, will be decided by the Director of this league. And thus the Director decision will be final.

The Hudson/ EssexCounty, CYO Youth basketball league should take precedent over all other leagues. Teams will not be allowed to postpone or move any games within the schedule for other than weather related reasons. Games not played will be subject to forfeiture with a loss incurred by one or both teams. At the direction of the League Director, EXTREME exceptions may be considered.

Rich Donovan

Associate Director

Youth and Young Adult Ministry Office

Archdiocese of Newark, NJ


Cell 908-447-4948

Office: 201-998-0088, ext 4150