/ Jagiellonian UniversityMedical College / / ESHMS
Chair of Epidemiologyand Preventive Medicine
Department of Medical Sociology / European Society
for Health and Medical Sociology

Eleventh ESHMS International Congress

August 31 - September 2, 2006Krakow, Poland

European health – old and new challenges

Tackling health inequalities

Programme of Parallel Sessions


Hall of Collegium Novum / Room 30 Collegium Novum / Room 52 Collegium Novum / Room 56 Collegium Novum
Parallel Sessions / Stream 1 Session 1
Chair: Hilary Thomas
Olaf von dem Knesebeck
Education and health in 22 European countries.
Terje Andreas Eikemo
Social health inequalities in 24 European countries.
Graham Scambler
Reducing health inequality: structural relations, their media of enactment and purposive change.
Espen Dahl
Educational inequalities in avoidable deaths in Norway. / Stream 3 Session 2
Chair: Jurgen Pellikan
Holger Penz
Readjusting evidence in health promotion.
Judit Bak
Images of Smokers among adolescence in Hungary: the relationship between prototype perception and risk behaviour.
Eero Lahelma
Socioeconomic differences in health behaviours among employees from Britain, Finland and Japan.
Christa Peinhaupt
Potential for health promotion in wellness tourism? / Stream 4 Session 3
Chair: Rudolf Forster
Beate M. Huseby
Hospital reform and centralisation, specialisation and decentralisation of hospital services in Norway.
Pal Erling Martinussen
Assessing the Norwegian hospital reform: evidence from the hospital physicians.
Dag Album
Possible effects of diseases and specialty prestige on actual Possible effects of diseases and specialty prestige on actual priority settings in hospitals.
Bard Paulsen
Patterns of collaboration between hospitals and community care. / Stream 1 Session 4
Chair: Antonina Ostrowska
Matthias Richter
Socioeconomic status and adolescent health risk behaviour in Germany.
Ferdinand Salonna
Mediators of socio-economic differences in adolescent self-rated health.
Simonetta Bisi
Psychological discomfort market and the group most at risk: children.
Social inequalities in health behaviour among Hungarian adolescents.
Parallel Sessions / Stream 1 Session 5
Chair: Olaf von dem Knesebeck
Robert Williams
Masculinities, health and trust: the experiences of working class fathers in the UK.
Johannes Siegrist
Non-Reciprocal Exchange at Work and Depressive Symptoms.
Joanne Jordan
Recent trends in the provision of specialist services for femaleurinary incontinence (FUI): a matter of medicalisation or emancipation?
Stefanie Sperlich
Single Motherhood: a health risk factor? / Stream 3 Session 6
Chair: Espen Dahl
Reproductive health between cultures and migrations.
Ondrej Kalina
The effect of religiousness on sexual behaviour among university students.
Helen Sweeting
Beer, Wine Or Buckfast – What Are You Drinking? Alcohol Consumption Among Young People In The West Of Scotland.
Zofia Słońska
The New Face of Medicalization of Health Care: Redefinition and Marginalization of Health Promotion in the Process of Health Care Reform in Poland. / Stream 4 Session 7
Chair: Denny Vagero
Guido Giarelli
The ambivalent pluralism. The role of unconventional medicine in the Italian HNS.
Linda Midttun
Knights or knaves? Explaining the labour supply motivation among private and public sector working medical specialists.
Paula Feder-Bubis
The changing dynamics of inter-professional relationships in Israeli hospitals.
Trond Hatling
Involuntary Outpatient commitment – for whom? / Stream 2 Session 8
Chair: Jon Ivar Elstad
Mary Boulton
From ‘Tragedy’ to ‘Triumph’: women’s narratives of parenting a child with Severe Vision Impairment.
Hilary Thomas
Women’s experiences of epilepsy, reproductive health and health care.
Sara Carmel
Gender differences in predictors of survival at old age: Self-rated health and the will to live.
Markus Bönte
Non-medical influences on medical decisions: A factorial experiment.
13.00-13.30 Parallel Poster Sessions 1, 2 - Cloisters of Collegium Nowodworskiego, 12 Św. Anny street
Parallel Sessions / Stream 1 Session 9
Chair: Eero Lahelma
Elina Laaksonen
Socioeconomic circumstances and common mental disorders among Finnish and British public sector employees.
Netta Mäki
Occupation-based social class contributes more than education or income to socioeconomic differences in female suicide mortality in Finland.
Akseli Aittomäki
Job decision latitude as a moderator of the contribution of physical work.
Ossi Rahkonen
Do working conditions explain the socioeconomic differences in sickness absence? / Stream 1 Session 10
Chair: Graham Scambler
Siegfried Geyer
Life chances after surgery of congenital heart disease: The influence of cardiac surgery on intergenerational social mobility. A comparison between patients and general population data.
Pierre Aiach
Social inequalities of health and handicap. The example of the Social inequalities of health and handicap. The example of the cerebral vascular attack.
Socioeconomic inequalities in perceived health status among patients with coronary heart disease.
Sakari Karvonen
Subjective Social Status in Adolescents: Does it contribute to health? / Stream 4 Session 11
Chair: Guido Giarelli
Karl Krajic
Health (Care) Systems Analysis? A Promising Field for Sociological Research?
Rudolf Forster
Patient and Public Involvement.
Alf Trojan
Health Consumer Groups and Policy Making in Germany.
Widmer Marcel
The Backbone of Health Care Planning. / Stream 2 Session 12
Chair: Sara Carmel
Johan Hakon Bjorngaard
Parents’ satisfaction with mental health services for children and adolescents as an indicator of service quality.
Johan Hakon Bjorngaard
Patients’ experience of outcome and alliance with therapists in private and public mental health out-patient treatment.
Per Bernhard Pedersen
Capacity and compulsory detention in mental health institutions.
Włodzimierz Brodniak
Suicidal behaviours among patients of alcohol treatment centres: prevalence and risk factors.
Hall of Collegium Novum / Room 30 Collegium Novum / Room 52 Collegium Novum / Room 56 Collegium Novum
15.20-16.20 Parallel Sessions / Stream 1 Session 13
Chair: Matthias Richter
Lourdes Lostao
Social inequalities in access to health care.
Carmine Clemente
Technological progress and health: a trade-off between new opportunities and unequal access?
Sille Ohrem Naper
The health status of Social assistance recipients in Norway. / Stream 3 Session 14
Chair: Mall Leinsalu
Patrick West
Family socioeconomic status, young people’s disposable income and relationships to health risk behaviours: findings from the West of Scotland 11 to 16study.
Brzyski Piotr
Comparative study of quality of life and illness behaviours in patients with colon cancer before and after surgical treatment.
Marek Kopacz
Sexual Development and Behaviour Issues in Polish Teenage Magazines. / Stream 4 Session 15
Chair: Karl Krajic
Piet Bracke
The balance of peer support among persons with chronic mental health problems: consequences and antecedents.
Beata Tobiasz-Adamczyk
Opposite direction of social support and quality of life in the Polish elderly. Effect of tradition or consequences of transitional processes.
Thomas Halvorsen
The impact of individual and community-specific factors on psychosocial care for the elderly: Multi-level analysis of Norwegian data. / Stream 2 Session 16
Chair: Włodzimierz Piątkowski
Martin Nagl-Cupal
Well being of patients in the hospital environment. Results from an empirical study at a psychiatric ward.
Ruddy Verbinnen
Consensus on good practice in Palliative Care (PC), Palliative Medicine (PM) and Terminal Care (TC) in Hospital Support Teams (HST).
Penny Curtis
‘You were one of the outcasts’: Children’s experiences of obesity.


Hall of Collegium Novum / Room 30 Collegium Novum / Room 52 Collegium Novum / Room 56 Collegium Novum
8.50-10.50 Parallel Sessions / Stream 1 Session 17
Chair: Siegfried Geyer
Petteri Sipilä
Geographical variations of physical and mental health and theirdeterminants in the Helsinki metropolitan area.
Mall Leinsalu
Does mortality of Russians in Estonia follow the mortality trend in Russia or in Estonia? An analysis of mortality changes over the last 15 years.
Jon Ivar Elstad
Associations between income inequality in Norwegian regions and 10-year cause specific mortality: a register based multi-level population study.
Kjetil van der Wel
Social capital and health
– a multilevel analysis of 25 administrative district in Oslo.
Marit Gisselmann
Social class and the influence of working conditions on birth outcome.
Mikko Laaksonen
Home ownership and mortality in Finland. / Stream 3 Session 18
Chair: Zofia Słońska
Anthony Glendinning
The myth of low self-esteem in youth.
Maya Mayblin
Ethnicity and organ donation: the significance of identity and belonging.
Trude Gjernes
Universals in conceptions of health; The Role of healthy balance.
Giuseppina Cersosimo
Health education and changes in the concept of well-being.
Tomi Mäkinen
Socio-economic differences in leisure time and commuting physical activity among Finnish people from 1978 to 2002.
Agnieszka Borowiec
Protestant Ethics, Individualism and Healthy Lifestyle of Middle Class in Poland. / Stream 4 Session 19
Chair: Ossi Rahkonen
Anthun Sarheim Kjartan
Forecasting the demand for hospital services: evidence and projections from Norway 1998-2025.
Birgitte Kalseth
Do municipal characteristics affect the risk of early readmissions to hospital for old patients in Norway? A multilevel analysis.
Sari Purhonen
Equality of population groups in the jungle of legislation on rehabilitation.
Jutta Suoranta
Analysis of the Rehabilitation system in one region in Finland.
Marian Adnanes
Factors explaining Norwegian general practitioners’ different approaches to patients with a moderate or severe mental illness.
Wiktoria Wróblewska
Patterns of Health-Related Quality of Life in Poland. Evidence from the Population Study. / Stream 5 session 20
Chair: Rosaline Barbour
Aurora Minetti
Choice of research method in a palliative treatment context.
Ursula Karl-Trummer
Research at the science-practice interface: A transdisciplinary project to measure health and health determinants of hospital workers.
Heike Koch-Gießelmann
A German version of the BedfordCollege Coping Inventory (COPI): A synthesis of qualitative and quantitative methodology.
Per Maseide
Disabilities, impaired bodies, helping devices, and distributed processes.
Rosaline Barbour
Realizing the potential of focus groups for sociological theorizing.
Tomasz Knurowski
Socio-economic inequalities in mortality among the Polish urban elderly.


Department of Medical Sociology, Kopernika 7 St, 31-034 Krakow, Poland
Phone: +48 12 4223182, +48 12 4231003, +48 12 4247236, Fax: +48 12 4228795
