A Bill to ban the sale, distribution, and production of assault rifle magazines that hold over 15 rounds.
Section 1. All sales, distribution, and production of all assault rifle magazines that hold over
15 rounds shall be prohibited.
Section 2.2.1 - Sales - exchange of commodity for money
2.2 - Distribution - action of sharing commodity among others or
process of supplying commodity to a business, wholesale and retail
2.3 - Production - manufacturing from lesser components
2.4 - Assault Rifle - a semi-automatic firearm with barrel length over 14.5” with
no modifications, and the ability to accept a detachable magazine.
2.5 - Magazine - ammunition storage and feeding device and includes all types of
gun magazines.
Clips of any size are still legal for law enforcement and military use.
Section 3.Due to the number of these magazines already in circulation, possession of
magazines is not illegal unless found under any of the following circumstances,
- Found loaded
B. Inserted into a gun
Section 4.Infractions will follow the guidelines below.
1st offense- If caught with illegal magazine attached to a loaded firearm, fine will
be $4,000.
2nd offense - If violated a 2nd time you will be fined $8,000.
3rd offense - Gun will be confiscated and an additional $5,000 fine will be
All infractions will involve confiscation of the magazine. The Bureau of Alcohol,
Tobacco, Firearms and Explosive shall oversee the enforcement of this law.
Section 5. If passed, this law would be implemented Jan. 1, 2017.
Section 6.All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void.
Respectfully Submitted By Okoboji High School
The AR-15 has been named the the “American Rifle” by the NRA. “American Rifle” type guns were involved in 372 mass shootings in 2015 according to PBS. This resulted in 475 deaths and 1,870 people injured. In Orlando at the Pulse Nightclub around 2 a.m. Omar Mateen entered the club through a backdoor. Then the slaughter began. Mateen seemed at ease as he sprayed the club with bullets, muzzle flashes illuminating his face. Norman Casiano was among the dead. He ran and hid in the bathroom. He prayed that it would not end this way. Mateen walks in and stood inches away. He pleaded with him to let him live. Omar Mateen then mercilessly shot him 3 times. According to The Trace, a 30 round high capacity magazine was used in the Orlando massacre. Seems like an oxymoron, something that represents so much of our heritage causes an incomprehensible amount of damage to the american people. According to Every Town Research, 155% more people were killed in shootings involving assault rifles with high capacity magazines. This is the start of a trend, it’s not as much the gun causing the damage as it is the magazine capacity. Lower capacity in the magazine means less damage in a single setting. 62 mass shootings were investigated at random by the Mother Jones. Of 143 different weapons used, 71 were some type of assault weapon. Of those 71 weapons, 42 used high capacity magazines. 49% of the guns were AR-15 type rifles, and 59% of those used high capacity magazines.