Testing Outline

I. URL: https://csstg.cnd.nodak.edu/psp/NDCSSTG/?cmd=login.

II. Most of your testing will be in the 2009 aid year to test batch processes, however, some 2008 awards will need to be entered manually so you can test disbursement. If you have special cases that you want to test in 2008, you are encouraged to do that testing.

A. After getting security for performance testing, recommend that you consider doing the below setup during performance testing and scheduling ISIR Load, ISIR Load Status Report and FA Term build Tuesday night/Wednesday morning, 8/9 April.

B. Outbound processes for loans, Pell and ACG/SMART should be tested, even though you normally would not transmit these files yet. Production Control will be testing their part in the process.

III. One person from each school needs to complete AY Rollover prior to doing any activity in 2009; other testers can test in 2008 until rollover is complete:

A. Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid > Application Processing >INAS 2008-2009 Global Options:

1. On the first tab, INAS Rules, set to "CSS Rules/Values".

2. On the first tab, in the “Global” Box, insure:

a) INAS Data Source is “Federal”.
b) INAS Calc Type is “FM”.

3. On the first tab, in the “Federal” box: UND only needs to check-mark "Calc PC for Independent".

B. Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid > File Management > ISIR Data Load Parms:

1. On Tab 1, Load INAS Data section, check-mark “Call INAS”. (Leave other boxes checked)

2. On Tab 3, INAS Call Options section, change from “Store INAS Calc Request” to “Always call INAS”

3. On the last tab, Search Parameter needs to be NDUSFASRCHMATCH. The “One Match” parameter needs to be set to “Update”.

C. After completing the above steps, run Financial Aid > File Management > INAS Batch Calculation to calculate the EFC on all the ISIRs you have received to date. Your run control should reflect Application Type “F”, and Clear Calc Requests “Y”.

D. Because the Pell maximum has changed to $4731, update the maximum on:

1. Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid > Awards > Financial Aid Item Types, FA Item Type 4 tab

2. Set Up SACR > Product Related >Student Financials > Item Types, Amount Edits tab.

3. Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid > Awards > Packaging Plan, each Packaging Plan, Packaging Rules 1 tab.

4. Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid > Pell Grants > Pell Payment. Update Maximum Pell Award ($4731) and Max EFC ($4241).

E. Copy from your 2008 set up to 2009:

1. Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid > ACG/SMART Grants > ACG/SMART Processing Options

2. Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid > ACG/SMART Grants > ACG/SMART Reporting Options

IV. ISIR Load (AY 2009 ISIRs)

A. Schedule ISIR Load process at Financial Aid > File Management > ISIR Import > Process ISIRs. Please use your normally scheduled time.

B. Schedule NDU Applications > Report > NDU ISIR Status Report at your normally scheduled time.

C. See imported files at Financial Aid > File Management > ISIR Import > 2008-2009 ISIR File Data

D. TEST TOUCHPOINT: Go to Financial Aid > File Management > ISIR Import > 2008-2009 Suspense Management. (or use your ISIR Load Report)

1. Identify at least 4 students with an ISIR designated for your school, but which did not load because the student was not admitted.

2. Note the EC Queue Instance, and use that to find the student at Financial Aid > File Management > ISIR Import > 2008-2009 ISIR File Data, “ISIR Inbound File Data” tab, “ISIR Data 1” link.

3. Provide your Admissions Office with Name, SSN, DOB, address and Career (Degree/Certificate values1 - 4 = UG; 5,6 = Certificate; 8 = Grad)

4. Request these students be admitted/matriculated. At next ISIR load, follow up to insure they loaded. Bonus points for having the students entered with incorrect Name or SSN or DOB; following up to ensure they don’t load; getting them corrected and following up to ensure they do load.

E. Manually Load at least one EmplID on-line at Financial Aid > File Management > ISIR Import > 2008-2009 Suspense Management

V. Verification (AY 2009 ISIRs)

A. Run the queries that apply to your business process: Reporting Tools > Query > Query Viewer:

1. NDU_0022_FA,Verification Selection – Low Income

2. NDU_0023_FA,Verification Selection – Will File

3. NDU_0024_FA,Verif Sel – Dependents

4. NDU-0048_FA,Verification Query

Note that you can add queries to a query version of “My Favorites”

B. Schedule Communications:

1. NDU Applications > NDU Financial Aid >Process > NDU Verification Select Letter

2. Campus Community > Communications > Letter Generation

C. Enter Data on-line at Financial Aid > Verification > Manage 2008-2009 Verification.

D. Perform compare on-line at Financial Aid > Verification > Perform Auto Verification.

E. See corrections at Financial Aid > Federal Application Data > Correct 2008-2009 ISIR records.

F. Run Process ISIR Correction Export at Financial Aid>File Management > ISIR Corrections > Process ISIR Corrections.

G. Run process to outbound ISIR data at Financial Aid > File Management > Create Federal Data Files (FA EC File Outbound). Your path will be like: C:\psoft\finaid\federal\export\vcsu1\, where “vcsu1” represents your 5 digit institution code.

H. View outbound batch data at Financial Aid > File Management > ISIR Corrections > View 2008-2009 Outbound Files.

I. Manage ISIR corrections at Financial Aid > Federal Application Data > Manage Corrected ISIR Data

J. View inbound batch data at Financial Aid > File Management > ISIR Import > 2008-2009 ISIR File Data (Get Batch Numbers from the NDU ISIR Load Status report)

K. Mark completed students as complete at Financial Aid > View Packaging Status Summary or Financial Aid > Verification > Perform Auto Verification.

L. Remove Verification loan-holds at Financial Aid > Loans > Commonline Management > Maintain Originated Loans

M. Set Pell to re-originate (to update verification status) at Financial Aid > Pell Payment > Manage Pell Payment

VI. Aid Year Activation (AY 2009)

A. Enter on-line at Financial Aid > Aid Year Activation > Manage Financial Aid Years

B. View info at Financial Aid > View Financial Aid Status

C. View info at Financial Aid > View Packaging Status Summary

VII. FA Term Build(AY 2009)

A. Schedule first step of FA Term Build at Financial Aid > Financial Aid Term > Create FA Term Driver Records. Allow about 5 minutes to run in this test environment.

B. Schedule second step of FA Term Build at Financial Aid > Financial Aid Term > Build FA Term in Batch

C. Access at Financial Aid > Financial Aid Term > Maintain Student FA Term

D. View Report of students with FA Term set to inactive at census at Financial Aid > Financial Aid Term > FA Term Census Report

E. TEST TOUCHPOINT: Have Student Records update the Expected Grad Term and the loan (credits enrolled) on students that you identify that have a 2009 FA Term. Rebuild manually to ensure information updates. Note that SR must add a row in order for the FA Term to update.

VIII. Budgeting (AY 2009)

A. Run Freeze Budgets, NDU Applications > Process > NDU Freeze Budgets

B. Correct term weeks at NDU Applications > NDU Financial Aid > Process > NDU Term Week Reconcile.

C. Identify students with mismatched residency codes at Reporting Tools > Query > Query Viewer, NDU_0020_FA, Compare Adm to FA Residency

D. Mass Budget:

1. Run step 1 of budgeting in batch at Financial Aid > Budgets > Assign Budgets > Select Students

2. Run step 2 of budgeting in batch at Financial Aid > Budgets > Assign Budgets > Process Formulas

3. Run step 4 of budgeting in batch at Financial Aid > Budgets > Assign Budgets > Move Budgets to Students

4. Run step 6 of budgeting in batch at Financial Aid > Budgets > Assign Budgets > Adjust Pell Budgets in Batch

5. Review budgets at Financial Aid > Budgets > Assign Budgets > View Batch Budget Details

6. Run step 5 of budgeting in batch at Financial Aid > Budgets > Maintain Budget Work Table

E. Check for complete budget at NDU Applications > NDU Financial Aid >Report > NDU Missing Mndtry Bdgt Amnts

F. Create Budgets on-line at Financial Aid > Budgets > Create Student Budget. Test each variable in your Budget Formulas

G. Adjust budgets on-line at Financial Aid > Budgets > Maintain Term Budget

H. View Budget Summary at Financial Aid > Budgets > View Student Budget Summary

I. TEST TOUCHPOINT: Have Residency revised for a student with a 2009 budget, then rebudget to ensure tuition costs are updated.

IX. ACG/SMART (Pre-Award)

A. Add Student Group at Records and Enrollment > Career and Program Information > Student Groups (DSU MISU, NDSCS, VCSU and WSC only)

B. Evaluate Students for ACG/SMART at Financial Aid > ACG/SMART Grants > Evaluate ACG/SMART Grant Eligibility

C. Maintain eligibility information at Financial Aid > ACG/SMART Grants > ACG/SMART Grant Eligibility.

D. If you do not include ACG/SMART in your packaging plans, manually award at Financial Aid > Awards > Award Processing > Assign Awards to a Student.

X. Award Entry/Packaging (AY 2009)

A. Review Packaging Plans at Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid > Awards > Packaging Plan

B. Test each Packaging Plan on-line at Financial Aid > Awards > Award Processing > Assign Awards to a Student

C. Assign Education Benefits at Financial Aid > Awards > Award Processing > Identify Education Resources

D. Assign aid with override at Financial Aid > Awards > Award Processing > Invoke Professional Judgment. (With the latest bundle, ACG/SMART should now award with override)

E. Mass Package:

1. Mark students as Ready to Package at NDU Applications > Financial Aid > Process > NDU Ready Package or NDU First Year Ready Package.

2. Select students at Financial Aid > Awards > Mass Packaging > Select Students. Use Equation Name READYPACKAGE.

3. Assign plans at Financial Aid > Awards > Mass Packaging > Assign Plans. Use Selection Definition READYPACKAGE. You must select a Career, Plan ID and Sort Field.

4. Calculate awards at Financial Aid > Awards > Mass Packaging > Process Mass Packaging. Use Selection Definition READYPACKAGE.

5. See results at Financial Aid > Awards > Mass Packaging > View Mass Packaging Details

F. Do Clean-up, as appropriate:

1. NDU Applications > NDU Financial Aid > Reports > NDU Pell Grant with BA

2. Reporting Tools > Query > NDU_0141_FA, Failed to Mass Package

3. Find overawarded students at Financial Aid > Awards > Generate Overaward Report .

4. If you have 2 and 4 year programs, run NDU Applications > NDU Financial Aid > Reports > NDU 2 Yr Prog Loan Eligibility

G. Grant students self-service access to their awards at Financial Aid > Awards > Self-Service Awarding >Assign Self-Service Access

H. View Anticipated Aid by Term at Financial Aid > Awards >View Anticipated Aid by Term

I. Expire Anticipated Aid at Financial Aid > Awards > Award Processing > Expire Anticipated Aid

J. View Aggregate information at Financial Aid > Awards > Aggregates > View Aggregate Aid

K. View NSLDS information at Financial Aid > Awards > View NSLDS Loan Data

L. Revise NSLDS information or add unrecorded loans at Financial Aid > Loans > Aggregates > Update Incoming Aggregates. Note that NSLDS totals can be overrriden.

M. View Award Activity at Financial Aid > Awards > View Award Activity

N. View Award/Earnings at Financial Aid > Awards > View Award Earnings Summary

O. Schedule Communications:

1. NDU Applications > NDU Financial Aid >Process > NDU Award Select Letter

2. Campus Community > Communications > Letter Generation

XI. Loan Counseling (AY 2009)

A. Create and pre-fill loan counseling rows by running process at NDU Applications > Financial Aid > Process > NDU Loan Counseling Update. This creates a checklist and/or a communication if you select those options. Select NSLDS Option if you want transfer students with previous loans to be completed (as currently happens in SA8.0)

B. Identify students who need to complete Entrance Counseling by running Reporting Tools > Query > NDU_FA_0001_1, Loan Entrance Counseling.

C. Complete Entrance Counseling at Financial Aid > View Packaging Status Summary, Loan Counseling link. This also completes the checklist.

D. Identify students selected for Exit Counseling by running Reporting Tools > Query > NDU_FA_0001_2, Loan Exit Counseling Forecast

E. Create communications for Exit Counseling by running NDU Applications > Financial Aid > Process > NDU Mass Exit Counseling.

F. Create letters by running Campus Community > Communications > Letter Generation. Use letter code _LI.

XII. Perkins (Using Perkins MPN process – AY 2009)

A. Run Perkins MPN process at Financial Aid > Loans > Print Perkins MPN.

B. Enter Perkins MPN information at Financial Aid > Loans > View Perkins MPN.

C. View Perkins indebtedness information at Financial Aid > Loans > View Perkins Loan Indebtedness.

A. Identify students who have not returned their MPN at NDU Applications > NDU Financial Aid > Reports > NDU Perkins Missing MPN Report

XIII. Pell Origination (AY 2009)

A. Originate at Financial Aid > Pell Payment > Originate Pell Payment

B. Manage Pell Originations at Financial Aid > Pell Payment > Manage Pell Payment

C. View Pell origination status report at Financial Aid > Pell Payment > Origination Reports > Origination Status

D. Request federal reports at Financial Aid > File Management > Pell Grants > Create Pell Data Request.

E. Outbound Pell data requests at Financial Aid > File Management > Create Federal Data Files. Your path will be like: C:\psoft\finaid\federal\export\vcsu1\, where “vcsu1” represents your 5 digit institution code.

XIV. ACG/SMART (After awarding)

A. Originate at Financial Aid > ACG/SMART Grants > Originate ACG/SMART Grants

B. Maintain origination information at Financial Aid > Manage ACG/SMART Grants > Manage ACG/SMART Grants

C. Run query at Reporting Tools > Query > Query Viewer > SFA 876, ACG/SMART Origination Status. Run for the options that make sense for what you are attempting to do.

D. Request federal reports at Financial Aid > File Management > ACG/SMART Grants > COD Data Request.

E. Outbound federal data requests at Financial Aid > File Management > ACG/SMART Grants > Outbound Data Request. Your path will be like: C:\psoft\finaid\federal\export\vcsu1\, where “vcsu1” represents your 5 digit institution code.

XV. Self Service (Staff)

A. Set up options at Set Up SACR > Common Definitions > Self Service > Self-Service Options

B. Set up lenders for Self-Service at Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid Loans > Identify Self-Service Lenders

C. See student activity at Financial Aid > Awards > Self Service Awarding > View Self Service Activity

D. View Self-Service information at Financial Aid > Awards > Self Service Awarding > View Self Service Status

E. Respond to Financial Aid > Awards > Self Service Awarding > View Self Service Requests

XVI. Self Service (Student)

A. Student user logons will be available upon request from security for testing.

B. Accept aid at Self Service > Student Center, Accept/Decline Aid link. (This navigation subject to change)

C. Enter lender at Self Service > Student Center, Accept/Decline Aid link, loan item type Link. (This navigation subject to change)

XVII. Loan Origination (AY 2009)

A. For school cert requests, obtain school certification information at Reporting Tools > Query > Query Viewer > NDU_0131_FA, School Certification Request

B. Add PLUS Borrower at Campus Community > Personal Information > Add/Update a Person

C. Add Relationship for PLUS Borrower at Campus Community > Personal Information > Biographical > Relationships

D. Enter Lender Information for PLUS Borrower at Financial Aid > Loans > Commonline Management > Enter PLUS Prom Notes

E. Enter Lender Information for Stafford Borrower at Financial Aid > Loans > Commonline Management > Enter Stafford Prom Notes

F. Run process to move self-service lender selections to Stafford MPN page at NDU Applications > NDU Financial Aid > Process > NDU Assign Lender/Guarantor.

G. Originate Loans at Financial Aid > Loans > Process Loans

H. Run process to put loans on hold because of verification at NDU Applications > NDU Financial Aid > Process > NDU Verification Loan Hold.

I. View or update originated loans at Financial Aid > Loans > Commonline Management > Maintain Originated Loans

J. View Loan Information at Financial Aid > Loans > View Loan Application Status

K. Change Address at Campus Community > Personal Information > Biographica l> Addresses/Phones > Address

L. Change e-mail address at Campus Community > Personal Information > Biographical>Address/Phones > Electronic Addresses

M. Change Driver License information at Campus Community > Personal Information > Identification > Driver License Data

N. Do batch Validation at Financial Aid > Loans > Commonline Management > Validate CL 4 Loans

O. Maintain loan disbursement amounts at Financial Aid > Loans > Commonline Management > Maintain CL Disbursements

NOTE: We previously thought you could validate individual students at Financial Aid > Loans > Commonline Management > Maintain Originated Loans, tab 4, however this functionality is only for CRC loans; we will be using the CommonLine 4 format for the foreseeable future, so cannot use this feature.

XVIII. Letter Generation (Right to Rescind example)

A. Create Right to Rescind letter by running NDU Applications > NDU Financial Aid >Process > NDU Right to Rescind Letter. Alternatively, enter letter information manually at Campus Community > Communications > Person Communications > Communication Management.

B. Run Letter Gen at Campus Community > Communications > Letter Generation

XIX. Checklist

A. Add Checklist at Campus Community > Checklists > Person Checklists > Checklist Management – Person (Or use the Add a New Checklist Icon available on most pages

B. View summary of entered information at Financial Aid >View Financial Aid Status

XX. Comment

A. Add Comment at Campus Community > Comments > Comments Person > Person Comment Entry (or use the Add New Comment Icon available on most pages)

B. View summary of entered information at Financial Aid >View Financial Aid Status

XXI. Service Indicator

A. Add Service Indicator at Campus Community > Service Indicators (Student)> Manage Service Indicators (Or use the Service Indicator Icon available on most students, and use “Add Service Indicator link")

B. View summary of entered information at Financial Aid >View Financial Aid Status

XXII. Disbursement (AY 2008)

A. Manually authorize at Financial Aid > Disbursement > Disburse Aid or Financial Aid > Disbursement > Disburse Aid With Override