Laurel Highlands School District- Transition Assessments and ActivitiesDraft 2010-2011

Gr. / Trans. Assessments/
Who is Responsible / Academic
Assessments / Activities to Support
Post-Secondary Education / Activities to Support
Employment / Activities to Support
Independent Living
7 /
  • LHSD
  • 4Sight
  • PSSA Scores
  • Brigance
  • Survey Inventory
  • Electronic career portfolio program “My Career Journey”
  • Survey Inventory
  • Electronic career portfolio program
  • Home Economics
  • Guidance Class

8 /
  • LHSD
  • 4Sight
  • PSSA Scores
  • Brigance
  • “Adventures in Reality” via guidance
  • Career Fair
  • Electronic career portfolio program “My Career Journey”
  • Summer bridge
  • “Adventures in Reality” via guidance
  • Career Fair
  • Electronic career portfolio program
  • “Adventures in Reality” via guidance
  • Home Economics
  • Guidance Class

9 /
  • Survey
Case manager /
  • StudyIsland
  • 4Sight
  • Keys 2 Work
  • Practice SAT
  • Keystone
  • Freshman Seminar
  • Career paper
  • Making high school count
  • Vocational Technical school tour
  • After-School tutoring, Credit Recovery, Junior Achievement, Peer tutoring
  • Job Shadowing
  • Electronic career portfolio program
  • Vocational Technical school tour
  • Career field trips
  • Banking Skills Math Classes

10 /
  • Student Survey
  • StudyIsland
  • 4Sight
  • Brigance Test
  • Practice SAT
  • Meet with counselor to review goals and credits
  • Career Related Field Trip
  • After-School tutoring, Credit Recovery, Junior Achievement, Peer tutoring
  • Career & Community Cluster
  • School to Work
  • Guest Speakers
  • Electronic career portfolio program
  • Job Shadowing
  • Cover papers
  • Career field trips
  • Career portfolio
  • Career Prep l

11 /
  • Personal Skills Assessment Survey
  • Know Your Employability Skills (used at CACTC) ?
  • StudyIsland
  • 4Sight
  • PSSA
  • Practice SAT
  • Meet with counselor to review goals and credits
  • Career Fairs
  • Speakers
  • College Fair
  • Transition Fair
  • After-School tutoring, Credit Recovery, Junior Achievement, Peer tutoring
  • Career & Community Cluster
  • School to Work
  • Mock Interview
  • Resume
  • Guest Speakers
  • Career papers
  • Career field trips
  • Career portfolio
/ Career Prep II
12 / Student Survey
(Keys2Work) /
  • Keys2Work
  • Meet with counselor to review goals and credits
  • Speakers
  • College Fairs?
  • Career Portfolio
  • Graduation Project (related to a specific class)
  • OVR
  • College Visit
  • After-School tutoring, Credit Recovery, Junior Achievement, Peer tutoring
  • Career Fairs?
  • Job Shadow
  • Update Resume
  • Guest Speakers
  • Career field trips
  • Career portfolio
  • Drivers Education

  • Awareness of disability and need for accommodations (PYLN Toolkit) - can be used any time during HS