Third Quarter 2005

PO Box 12555, Prescott AZ 86304, 1 888 ISSUES–9 www.issuesineducation.org Bob & Geri Boyd

“The fool has said in his heart, ‘There is no God.’” Ps 14:1. A fool in Scripture is not an idiot, but an atheist. Those who embrace evolution may be brilliant, but how foolish to believe that complexity can arise by random, thoughtless processes. ‘Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools’ (Ro 1:22) –Dr John Morris ICR



With all the huge problems in the schools, a US District Court Judge John Jones has discovered the real threat to the nation's schoolchildren. It’s called Intelligent Design or ID. Judge Jones ruled that intelligent design has no place in public school science classes because, as he said, “It’s religion in disguise.” But is I.D. religion?

The Dover PA schools weren’t even teaching ID! They just wanted students to hear a brief statement before classes on evolution began. The statement said evolution is not a fact. But one of the parents, along with the ACLU, sued the school because his daughter would suffer serious harm from just hearing the statement. He said it would usurp his authority to be the one in charge of his daughter’s religious education. Just hearing a brief statement challenging evolution would usurp his daughter’s religious education. What about the tremendous harm EVOLUTION is doing Christian students? And he’s worried about one statement.

Who is a judge to determine that Intelligent Design is not scientific? Intelligent design is not religious. The judge was wrong. But because of his pro-evolution prejudice, teachers are denied their freedom of speech and cannot present origins objectively when they can’t even mention Intelligent Design to let students decide. Not only did the judge overreach, but his decision is totally unconstitutional.

“What’s different about the ID movement is it didn’t arise out of religious conviction but out of new scientific discoveries. Simply put, scientists are discovering that life is too complex and too highly ordered for the current neo-Darwin explanation. In fact, what they assert is that life on earth was DESIGNED. The ID movement shows a belief in a Creator SCIENTIFICIALLY fits with the facts!” Alan Keyes

Jones said I.D. was religion camouflaging itself as science. But it’s evolution that’s camouflaging itself as science. The ID movement exposes the fraudulent “evidence” used in high school textbooks. Darwin’s “tree of life” is inconsistent with the fossil evidence. Yet it’s presented to innocent school children as a scientific fact. Creative drawings of evidence for evolution, are still used in textbooks as proof for evolution even though they’ve been disproven for decades. WHY? Evolutionists want no other viewpoint taught in science class because it makes evolution look foolish.

If I told you a frog turned into a man, you would call that a fairy tale. But evolution says billions of years ago a frog became a man. And that's called science? But it's not scientific, it’s a religion! Evolution has become the state supported religion that's being indoctrinated at taxpayers’ expense, under the guise of teaching science.

Scientist and Founder of the Institute for Creation Science, Dr Henry Morris, said “Evolution doesn’t occur in the present, it never happened in the past, and, in fact, its not even science at all…If evolution were a real process it would still be happening today.” This is a classic quote from a scientist!

Here’s what really happened. God created man out of the dust of the ground, not from another species. Jesus said, “From the beginning, God created them male and female.” Notice He said from the beginning- not millions of years later. God created them. They didn’t evolve. Jesus was there at the beginning of creation (John 1:1,Col 1:16), Darwin wasn’t. Jesus said, in John 5:46, “If you believed Moses you would believe me.” Moses wrote about Adam not evolution. Paul wrote in Rom 5:14 that “death reigned from the time of ADAM!” Death didn’t exist before Adam sinned, like evolution teaches.

EVOLUTION IS a competing RELIGION! Darwin made atheism scientifically respectable by appealing to “intellectuals.” Many of us believed that the “monkey chart” was proof of evolution. We thought that scientists had unearthed actual monkeys and half-men that looked like this picture. And once you've seen that picture it's so convincing that it's hard to forget. But this chart is pure fiction. It's an imaginative artist's fabrication. Sure they found some bones and teeth, but you can draw whatever flesh or fur you want on those bones, it's just an artist’s imagination- not science. Yet that chart has fooled many children, who simply believed what they were told in science and rejected the Bible.

A building is evidence there was a builder, right? A painting is evidence there was a painter, right? So creation is evidence of a ______, (fill in the blank). This is logical; it doesn’t require faith, just logic.

“There are many who believe a car is the result of a designer. But let me tell you what really happened. Many centuries ago iron, rubber, plastic and glass came up out of the ground, and each substance fastened itself in the right place with another substance and holes found themselves at the right places. Then one day some people found one of these things and they called it an “automobile”. Incredibly these automobiles have the ability to change each year, that’s called "auto-mutations.” I would be called a raving lunatic if I believed automobiles evolved but highly intelligent people believe something far more complex just evolved. Scientists admit a car had a designer, but many reject the idea that creation has a Creator.”

Pastor Chuck Swindol

"Creationism has been ruled not scientifically plausible when in fact it is the true reality." Pastor Chuck Smith

Teaching Science Intelligently 922

Are science teachers trying to change the RELIGIOUS beliefs of students? If Christian students learn to believe evolution, will they eventually deny their Christian faith? Dr Terry Mortensen, of Answers in Genesis, says evolution is not a science but a philosophy. In fact, evolution is a religion. Atheism depends totally upon evolution. It takes faith to believe evolution.

Kevin Snider, the Chief Counsel for The Pacific Justice Inst., says PJI is suing the Univ. of Cal. for using tax dollars to undermine the religious beliefs of Christians. If government favors teaching only evolution, is it establishing a religion?

The state is actually supporting and promoting an atheistic philosophy that is a direct violation of the first Amendment by establishing a secular religion-atheism!

There is a religion which has more churches, more power, more audiences and more control than any other religion in America. Yet 99% of people don’t even know what religion it is. It is the religion of secular humanism. Its church buildings are our public schools; its property is valued in the hundreds of billions of dollars. Every year tens of billions of dollars are spent in the propagation of its doctrines. It is particularly dangerous because unlike any other religion it is officially endorsed and taught in the public school systems of America. Pastor Dr D. James Kennedy.

Judicial Tyranny 927

What’s the most serious issue facing our political system today? Did you know that the decline of morality in the last fifty years is directly attributable to the courts?

There wouldn’t even be a culture war if it weren’t for the COURTS!

Who owns YOUR children? YOU? or the state? Recent Court rulings say- the state. NOT YOU!

YOUR FUTURE and the future of your children and grandchildren will be affected by the Supreme Court. Their decisions will affect your right to own property!! Your church will be affected! The very definition of marriage and tax increases are affected by courts. Your business! Even your very right to life will be affected by the nine justices sitting on the Supreme Court.

Do we want judges who will rule according to the Constitution or make up their own laws?

Has America surrendered the rule by Constitution to an absolute rule by judges?

·  People think they own their own house. Churches think they own their own land. But in the recent case of KELO, eminent domain now means if the city wants to take your house or church and give it to a developer to build a Wal-Mart or hotel, to generate more taxes, that’s too bad for you.

·  People think their children belong to them. But according to the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, parents have no right to control what their children are taught. Children as young as first grade are asked very personal questions about sex and the court ruled that parents have no right to do anything about it. The Circuit Court ruled that parents have no right “to control the upbringing of their children by introducing them to sexual matters based on their personal and religious beliefs.” This means the courts believe your children belong to the state.

The founder of Eagle Forum, Phyllis Schlafly, author of The Supremacists- The Tyranny of Judges and How to Stop It, says there’s lot that can be done to stop the outrageous court decisions that threaten our democracy. If you are interested, get a copy of #927 Judicial Tyranny.


GET your church and your Bible study involved in these vitally important issues that will affect us all. Christianity will be completely erased as a significant influence in America if Christians fail to take action. NOW is the time to become informed (that’s why we make Issues) so you can pray intelligently. THEN GET ACTIVE. We can’t criticize Congress or the courts if we’re apathetic. Call your US Senator (202 224-3121 or 225-3121) and tell them how you feel about confirming a judge (Judge ALITO) who will judge according to the Constitution. This is vitally important so do it now.

Without any Constitutional justification, judges have banned the public recognition of God, mandated the indoctrination into evolution, redefined marriage, undermined national sovereignty, released a flood of pornography, while censoring school children from singing Christmas carols.

·  How can one RELIGION, Islam, be constitutional to be in the classroom but another religion, Christianity, is unconstitutional? Because Islam is “cultural” and Christianity is religious.

·  How can an atheist philosophy be taught in the classroom but others beliefs can’t? An atheist philosophy is called “science” (evolution), but scientific evidence that verifies God’s existence is called too religious. So the truth is eliminated and a myth is taught as gospel fact.

ISLAM and ATHEISM are religions! Just calling them “cultural” or”scientific” doesn’t change them. Do you see what’s happening? Public schools are proselytizing innocent school children away from Christianity. Our guest Dr Asha Shani is one, like many, who was HERSELF proselytized away from Christianity and into Islam. But now she is a teacher and a “born again” Christian public school teacher and our guest in Christ in the Classroom.

Christ in the Classroom 928

Is it really unconstitutional for a Christian public school teacher to talk about the gospel in class? If not, why are Christian teachers intimidated into silence? Not all are. Here is one who isn’t afraid of what man can do to her.

Dr Asha Shani, author of Jesus Christ in the Public School Classroom, is a real Christian, who is also a teacher in the LA unified. She vividly describes miraculous accounts, both physical and spiritual, in her classroom. Dr Asha Shani says:

·  Our culture has done a grave injustice to our children by taking the gospel out of schools. LOOK WHAT WE HAVE DONE. In all my 24 years as a public school teacher, THIS GENERATION IS THE MOST DEGENERATE OF ALL. Today’s youth are involved in gangs, sex, drugs, devil worship and homosexuality.

·  Many people don’t realize how intolerant schools are to Christians. Matt Henton was suspended for possession of Christian materials. What did he do? Matt handed a flier for the next Fellowship of Christian athletes to another student. And that student was threatened with suspension if he was caught in possession of Christian materials at school. (Schools treat the gospel as if it was pornography and pornography as if it’s the gospel.)

·  87% of public school teachers are evolutionists. As a Christian do you want an evolutionist teaching your child?

·  Supreme Court rulings have been outrageous. For example, it has been ruled unconstitutional for a kindergarten class to ask whose birthday is celebrated at Christmas.

·  At the same time some health textbooks say, “Although homosexuality has traditionally been categorized as unnatural there is no evidence that homosexual acts are any more unnatural than heterosexual acts.”

Jesus Christ in the Public School Classroom by Dr Asha Shani

So kids are taught to turn away from God and toward SIN. Remember Jesus said in Matt 18:6 “If anyone causes one of these little ones who believes in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a large millstone hung around his neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea.” That’s serious.