Unit Title:Reading for Information and Writing Creatively / Time Frame:
Second Grading Period
Facilitation Questions:
· What are informational texts?
· How does what I read influence how I read it?
· How does my purpose for writing influence how I write?
· How and when are others trying to persuade you?
· Why do people make speeches?
· Do speeches ever make a difference?
· Does it make a difference to know about the author of a text?
· What truths can be learned or expressed through fantasy?
· What do all stories have in common? / Abstract/Overview:
Active reading is critical with informational texts. Students have to be aware of the purpose of the text and understand techniques authors use to communicate their ideas. We want students to understand that external factors can and do influence the message conveyed, and informational texts are a perfect place to begin this discussion. In writing classes, we will build on students’ text experiences in reading classes and students’ continuing work to master the writing process, grammar, and conventions to coach students through the process of composing imaginative stories and poetry.
Reading - Analyze author’s craft through informational texts (expository, procedural, and persuasive).
Writing – Compose an imaginative text. Compose poetry. Respond to poetry using Claim-Evidence-Commentary.
Enduring Understandings:
· Organization is essential to communicate ideas and information.
· Effective persuasion depends on careful and logical organization and the ability to anticipate counterarguments.
· Point of view affects meaning.
· Strong introductions and conclusions can enhance a piece of writing.
· Informational texts include facts to support a thesis or controlling idea.
· By being aware of persuasive techniques, I can better evaluate the validity of the message.
· Purpose and audience influence how we read, write, and present information.
· I will grow as a reader and writer by practicing the ongoing reading and writing processes.
· Imagination is essential to being an effective and engaging story teller.
· An effective story uses various techniques to sustain reader interest.
Essential Questions:
· What is an informational text?
· Why do we read and write informational text? Narrative Texts? Poetry?
· How is an informational text different from fiction?
· How do authors of informational texts engage their readers?
· How do the audience and purpose determine the use of informal versus formal language?
Spiraling TEKS:
v Fig. 19 Students use a flexible range of metacognitive reading skills in both assigned and independent reading to understand an author’s message. Students will continue to apply earlier standards with greater depth in increasingly more complex texts as they become self-directed, critical readers. The student is expected to:
v Fig. 19 (A) establish purposes for reading selected texts based upon own or others’ desired outcome to enhance comprehension
v Fig. 19 (B) ask literal, interpretive, evaluative, and universal questions of text
v Fig. 19 (C) reflect on understanding to monitor comprehension (e.g., summarizing and synthesizing; making textual, personal, and world connections; creating sensory images)
v Fig. 19 (D) make complex inferences about text and use textual evidence to support understanding RS, SS
v Fig. 19 (E) summarize, paraphrase, and synthesize texts in ways that maintain meaning and logical order within a text and across texts RS, SS
v Fig. 19 (F) make intertextual links among and across texts, including other media (e.g., film, play), and provide textual evidence RS
v 8.2 (A) determine the meaning of grade-level academic English words derived from Latin, Greek, or other linguistic roots and affixes RS
v 8.2 (B) use context (within a sentence and in larger sections of text) to determine or clarify the meaning of unfamiliar or ambiguous words or words with novel meaning RS
v 8.2 (C) complete analogies that describe a function or its description (e.g., pen:paper as chalk:_____ or soft:kitten as hard:______)
v 8.2 (D) identify common words or word parts from other languages that are used in written English (e.g., phenomenon, charisma, chorus, passé, flora, fauna)
v 8.2 (E) use a dictionary, a glossary, or a thesaurus (printed or electronic) to determine the meanings, syllabication, pronunciations, alternate word choices, and parts of speech of words RS
Ø 8.14 (A) plan a first draft by selecting a genre appropriate for conveying the intended meaning to an audience, determining appropriate topics through a range of strategies (e.g., discussion, background reading, personal interests, interviews), and developing a thesis or controlling idea
Ø 8.14 (B) develop drafts by choosing an appropriate organizational strategy (e.g., sequence of events, cause-effect, compare-contrast) and building on ideas to create a focused, organized, and coherent piece of writing
Ø 8.14 (C) revise drafts to ensure precise word choice and vivid images; consistent point of view; use of simple, compound, and complex sentences; internal and external coherence; and the use of effective transitions after rethinking how well questions of purpose, audience, and genre have been addressed
Ø 8.14 (D) edit drafts for grammar, mechanics, and spelling
Ø 8.14 (E) revise final draft in response to feedback from peers and teacher and publish written work for appropriate audiences
Ø 8.19 (A) use and understand the function of the following parts of speech in the context of reading, writing, and speaking:
Ø (i) verbs (perfect and progressive tenses) and participles
Ø (ii) appositive phrases
Ø (iii) adverbial and adjectival phrases and clauses
Ø (iv) relative pronouns (e.g., whose, that which)
Ø (v) subordinating conjunctions (e.g., because, since)
Ø 8.19 (B) write complex sentences and differentiate between main versus subordinate clauses
Ø 8.19 (C) use a variety of complete sentences (e.g., simple, compound, complex) that include properly placed modifiers, correctly identified antecedents, parallel structures, and consistent tenses
Ø 8.20 (A) use conventions of capitalization
Ø 8.20 (B) use punctuation marks, including:
Ø (i) commas after introductory structures and dependent adverbial clauses, and correct punctuation of complex sentences
Ø 8.21 (A) spell correctly, including using various resources to determine and check correct spellings
The student will know and be able to:
v Fig. 19 (D), (E), (F) (see Spiraling)
v 8.2 (B) (see Spiraling)
v 8.2(E) (see Spiraling)
v 8.7 (A) analyze passages in well-known speeches for the author’s use of literary devices and word and phrase choice (e.g., aphorisms, epigraphs) to appeal to the audience SS
v 8.9 (A) analyze works written on the same topic and compare how the authors achieved similar or different purposes SS
v 8.10 (A) summarize the main ideas, supporting details, and relationships among ideas in text succinctly in ways that maintain meaning and logical order RS
v 8.10 (B) distinguish factual claims from commonplace assertions and opinions and evaluate inferences from their logic in text SS
v 8.10 (C) make subtle inferences and draw complex conclusions about the ideas in text and their organizational patterns RS
v 8.10 (D) synthesize and make logical connections between ideas within a text and across two or three texts representing similar or different genres and support those findings with textual evidence RS
v 8.11 (A) compare and contrast persuasive texts that reached different conclusions about the same issue and explain how the authors reached their conclusions through analyzing the evidence each presents SS
v 8.11 (B) analyze the use of such rhetorical and logical fallacies as loaded terms, caricatures, leading questions, false assumptions, and incorrect premises in persuasive texts SS
v 8.12 (A) analyze text for missing or extraneous information in multi-step directions or legends for diagrams
v 8.12 (B) evaluate graphics for their clarity in communicating meaning or achieving a specific purpose SS
Ø 8.15 (A) write imaginative stories that include:
Ø (i) sustains reader interest
Ø (ii) includes well-paced action and an engaging story line
Ø (iii) creates a specific, believable setting through the use of sensory details
Ø (iv) develops interesting characters
Ø (v) uses a range of literary strategies and devices to enhance the style and tone
Ø 8.15 (B) write poems using:
Ø (i) poetic techniques (e.g., rhyme scheme, meter)
Ø (ii) figurative language (e.g., personification, idioms, hyperbole)
Ø (iii) graphic elements (e.g., word position)8.17 (B) write a letter that reflects an opinion, registers a complaint, or requests information in business or friendly context
Ø 8.17 (C) write responses to literary or expository texts that demonstrate the use of writing skills for a multi-paragraph essay and provide sustained evidence from the text using quotations when appropriate
Ø 8.19 (A) use and understand the function of the following parts of speech in the context of reading, writing, and speaking
Ø (i) verbs (perfect and progressive tenses) and participles
Ø (ii) appositive phrases
Ø (iii) adverbial and adjectival phrases and clauses
Ø (iv) relative pronouns (e.g., whose, that which)
Ø (v) subordinating conjunctions (e.g., because, since)
Ø 8.19 (B) write complex sentences and differentiate between main versus subordinate clauses
Ø 8.19 (C) use a variety of complete sentences (e.g., simple, compound, complex) that include properly placed modifiers, correctly identified antecedents, parallel structures, and consistent tenses
Student Understanding (student friendly TEKS):
v Fig. 19 (D) I will infer using textual evidence.
v Fig. 19 (E) I will summarize, paraphrase, and synthesize texts so that their meanings are not changed.
v Fig. 19 (F) I will make connections among and across texts and other media and provide textural evidence while I am reading.
v 8.2 (B) I will use context clues to determine or clarify the meaning of words.
v 8.2 (E) I will use the dictionary, glossary, or thesaurus to determine meanings, syllabication, pronunciations, alternate word choices, and parts of speech of words.
v 8.7 (A) I will explain how a speech writer appeals to an audience by using literary devices and word and phrase choice (such as aphorisms, epigraphs, etc.).
v 8.9 (A) I will compare how the authors achieved similar or different purposes by analyzing works written on the same topic.
v 8.10 (A) I will summarize expository texts so that the main idea and supporting details are in logical order and maintain meaning.
v 8.10 (B) I will distinguish factual claims from commonplace assertions and opinions and evaluate the authors inferences based on the logic and text.
v 8.10 (C) I will analyze the ideas and the organizational patterns of an expository text in order to make inferences.
v 8.10 (D) I will read expository text and (1) synthesize ideas within the text, (2) make logical connections between it and other texts, and (3) provide textual evidence to support my thinking.
v 8.11 (A) I will compare and contrast persuasive texts that reached different conclusions about the same issue and explain how authors reached their conclusions through analyzing the evidence each presents.
v 8.11 (B) I will analyze the use of rhetorical and logical fallacies in persuasive texts (loaded terms, caricatures, leading questions, false assumptions, and incorrect premises).
v 8.12 (A) I will analyze multi-step directions or legends for diagrams to find missing or extraneous information.
v 8.12 (B) I will evaluate graphics for their clarity in communicating meaning or achieving a specific purpose.
Ø 8.15 (A) I will write imaginative stories that include
Ø (i) I will write an imaginative story that sustains the interest of the reader.
Ø (ii) I will write an imaginative story that includes well-paced action and an engaging story line.
Ø (iii) I will write an imaginative story that creates a specific, believable setting through the use of sensory details.
Ø (iv) I will write an imaginative story that develops interesting characters.
Ø (v) I will write an imaginative story that uses a range of literary strategies and devices to enhance the style and tone.
Ø 8.15 (B) I will be able to write poems.
Ø (i) I will identify and use poetic techniques (e.g., ryme scheme, meter).
Ø (ii) I will identify and use figurative language (e.g., personification, idioms, hyperboles).
Ø (iii) I will identify and use graphic elements in poetry (e.g., word position).
Ø 8.17 (C) I will write a multi-paragraph essay that responds to another text using evidence and quotations when appropriate.
Ø 8.19 (A) I will use and understand the parts of speech in reading, writing and speaking. (i)
Ø (i) I will identify perfect and progressive tense verbs and participles and use them correctly in my writing and speaking.
Ø (ii) I will identify appositive phrases and use them in my writing and speaking.
Ø (iii) I will identify adverbial and adjectival phrases and clauses and use them correctly in my writing and speaking.
Ø (iv) I will identify relative pronouns and use them correctly in my writing and speaking.
Ø (v) I will identify subordinating conjunctions and use them correctly in my writing and speaking.
Ø 8.19 (B) I will write complex sentences and know the difference between the main clause and the subordinating clause or clauses.
Ø 8.19 (C) I will include simple, compound, and complex sentences in my writing that use correctly placed modifiers and antecedents and that have consistent structure and tenses.
Targeted College Readiness Standards: Click here to access CCRS document in full.
Targeted ELPs: Click here to access ELPS TEA web document in full.
Language of Instruction (use this terminology in your classroom instruction and discussions):
· connation/denotation
· literary devices – aphorisms, epigraphs
· commonplace assertions
· claims
· opinions
· textual evidence
· rhetorical fallacies and logical fallacies – loaded terms, caricatures, leading questions in connect premise, false assumptions
· extraneous
· multi-step directions
· legends
· diagrams
· graphics
· clarity
· rhetorical devices
· premise
· poetic techniques (rhyme scheme, meter)
· figurative language (personification, hyperbole, idioms)
· graphic elements (word position)
· hero
· imaginative