Welcome — Congregation, School, Teachers, Parents, Grandparents, Groups, Friends of First United Methodist, Visitors, Family and CHILDREN!

5:30 – 7:30 p.m.

Wednesday, October 26th

First United MethodistChurch Campus

101 West Dakin Ave, Kissimmee, FL34741

“Make & Take” Crafts, Hay Rides, Moon-Walker Inflatables, Games, FoodLots of Fun!

Popcorn, Caramel Apples, Hot Dogs, Chips, Pop, Apple Cider and More—so come hungry.

Vehicle Registration & Details

Decorate the trunk of your vehicle in any non-scary, G-rated, church appropriate theme and pass out candy or trinkets that you bring. Vehicle set-up will begin at 5:00 p.m. in the designated parking area. All vehicles will need to be in their parking space by 6:00 p.m. Only registered vehicles will be allowed to give out candy. This way our children will have a safe and fun-filled evening. If you want to decorate your trunk for Trunk or Treat, please pick up a registration form in the church office or e-mail me at .


Bring an old long sleeve & long pants child’s outfit to stuff your own little scarecrow to take home.
We are encouraging families to pre-register their children to make sure we have plenty of candy and crafts. Children that are registered before October 19th will receive a special treat. We also suggest non-scary costumes with Biblical, Jungle, Hawaiian, Fairy Tales, Wonders of the World, Sports, Cartoons, Movies, Caribbean, Winter, 50’s, 60’s, 70’s, 80’s, Super Hero’s, Space, Wild West, or Medieval themes to name a few. Use your creativity!
Don’t forget to bring your own trunk or treat bag to collect all your goodies!

Other Ways to Help

Donate wrapped candy; clean hay for scarecrows and hay ride; and mini pumpkins! Please bring these items to the church office before October 19th .

Hay Bales (Please put hay in the Field of Dreams or I’ll be in trouble with the church office : )

Sign up to be a volunteer. Volunteers are needed for safety, food, crafts and fun!

For more information, please contact Muriel De Vore, Office 407-847-3700 Ext. 230, Cell 407-873-4556, e-mail . Let’s all Fall together to make this a sweet event.


First United MethodistChurch Campus

101 West Dakin Ave, Kissimmee, FL34741

Wednesday, October 26th

5:30 – 7:30 p.m.

  1. Bring an old long sleeve & long pants child’s outfit to stuff your own little
    scarecrow to take home.
  2. Decorated trunk vehicles will check in upon arrival and receive a parking pass.
  3. Children that are trunk or treating will need to check in to receive their early registration treat upon arrival.


First United MethodistChurch Campus

101 West Dakin Ave, Kissimmee, FL34741

Wednesday, October 26th

5:30 – 7:30 p.m.

General Registration Information:

(Everyone complete this section please.)

Adult Name: ______Telephone #: ______

Address: ______City: ______Zip: ______

E-mail: ______Church You Attend: ______

Check all that apply:

 Member of FUMC  Non-member but attend FUMC  Associated with Hispanic Congregation
 Associated with FUMS  Associated with FUMCCC  Staff of FUMC/FUMS/FUMCCC

Found out about this event by:  News Paper Kissimmee Main Street  Radio  Friend or Family

 Vehicle Registration Information:

(You do not have to have children trunk or treating to decorate your vehicle and hand out candy but you must be associated with the church or school whether that be a member, non-member but attend church here, you have or had students enrolled at our school or you are staff of the church or school.)

Check which type of vehicle you will use: Car Van Truck

What type of theme: ______(You may change your mind but please keep it non-scary, G-rated and church appropriate. Thank you.)

Children Trunk or Treating Information:


Child’s Name Age Child’s Name Age


Child’s Name Age Child’s Name Age


Child’s Name Age Child’s Name Age
