9thJanuary 2018
Personal Invitation from the Principal – Maths Conference at Kirk Balk Academy
Dear Parent/Carer,
I’d like to take this opportunity to wish your family and your child a Happy New Year! I trust that you all enjoyed a wonderful and restful Christmas Break together.
I hope that you understand that I am trying to do all that I can to ensure that your child gets the highest grade possible by the end of Year 11. As an academy, our focus on improving every student’s performance is as strong as it has ever been. I realise that as a parent, you expect nothing less and as Principal, I am determined to ensure that students do well again this year so that their future life chances are enhanced.
I have been delighted with how most students in Year 11 have risen to the challenge and accepted the additional support, where it has been offered. Some students have had extra English and/or Maths lessons, some stay behind every night and some have engaged with some one-to-one tuition that we pay for.
As we move closer towards the examinations, I want to make sure that ‘no stone is left unturned’ for any student. Our students deserve the best and we are unwavering in our ambition to support them as best we can. A series of further interventions therefore, will be introduced and it is in this regard that I am writing to you now. Note that different interventions will be offered for different students, according to their own personalised needs.
This coming Saturday (Saturday 13th January 2018)marks the very first Northern Education Trust Maths Conference and we have offered to host it at Kirk Balk Academy. Students from several schools in our family will be joining us from as far afield as Newcastle, Northumberland and Bolton, with many having to make long journeys to get here.
This is both a unique and spectacular opportunity to not only revise bespoke and specific topics you’re your child must work on but also to see how he/shecompares to other Year 11 students from different parts of the country. This after all, is what will happen when your child sits their actual examinations in the summer. The beauty of course, is that this conference is being hosted at our own academy, making it very convenient for our students.
I would therefore like to formally invite your child to attend this event on Saturday. In addition to our own superb Maths teachers such as Miss Elvin, Northern Education Trust have sourced a variety of expert professionals who will be working with students on key topic areas using strategies that are proven to boost student grades significantly; attendance at this event really will make a difference toyour child.
Food will be provided including a ‘conference standard’ breakfast and a free Domino’s Pizza Lunch.
Breakfast will be served from 10:30am and the Conference will have finished by 3:30pm.
Please support this endeavour by ensuring that your child attends this crucial event on Saturday and by sending in the reply slip to our main reception with your child by Wednesday of this week. Note that students need not attend the conference in their school uniform.
Thank you once again for your continued support. If you would like further details about the day then please do not hesitate to contact Miss Elvin, our Director of Maths, who will be happy to respond to your queries.
I look forward to seeing your child here on Saturday as we work together to continue to improve their performance in maths.
Yours sincerely
Mr D Buckley
Reply Slip – Please send back to our main school reception by Wednesday 10th January 2018
(please tick)
I confirm that my child will be attending the Maths Conference on Saturday from 10:30am