MOCC Agenda

Thursday, September 20th, 2007

1:00 pm to 3:00 pm, CST

605-773-2303; password: 7625#

Minutes to be recorded by Rose Ann Lennon

(Back up: Don Ticknor)

Main Agenda:

1.  Introductory items:

þ  Role call

þ  Agenda modifications

þ  Approval of minutes from August 16th meeting

2.  Technology Update: Don

þ  D2L

þ  Other

3.  Immunization Update:

þ  MCR 20C was distributed via email to the MOCC, Immunization Committee, BOR administrators (Dr. Shekleton, Dr. Gingerich, and Monte Kramer), and RIS (Carla Reihe and Suzanne Preszler); in addition, it was posted to the MOCC website.

þ  The compliance report is now perpetually available to campuses through WebWizard. Emails that delineated the process and university access were sent last week.

þ  Regental immunization status as of last Thursday, September 13th: 624 students were non-compliant.

þ  Timeline: Thursday, September 20th marks the end of week 1 of the five-week grace period.

þ  Audit: the first audit of temporary waivers and permanent exemptions will be conducted on October 1; campus-specific samples will be selected, and universities will be asked to submit documentation that validates code assignments.

4.  MCR #33 (Catalog Assignment): An audit designed to identify mismatches between start date and catalog was created, tested, and refined. ESC implemented its use this month; report - Rose.

5.  Non-standard programs: any module discussion to report?

6.  Social Security Number project: Based on feedback and recommendations from MOCC, Monte agreed to narrow the focus of this project. MOCC will address only those processes and forms that are common to the regental system.

þ  Next step: module discussion

7.  Processing calendar: In accordance with MOCC’s request, home location update has been run on a weekly basis.

September 21- 30:

Day / Item / Responsible party / Relationship
21 / MI Flag updated only for 2007FA / RIS
21 / Run Home Location Update (XIBU) for 2007FA / SDA
21 / Email Update (XCDE) run for 2007FA / SDA / After XIBU
21 / Run PADU / SDA
21 / Advising holds put on students prior to early registration / Registrars
21 / Universities set section status to Active for terms for which they will allow pre-registration / Univ / prereg
24 / WA Early Alert message added to mid-term grading screen / Stephanie
24 / WA parameter screen set so six mid-term grade fields are displayed - to permit USD Early Alert grading / Suzanne
24 / Notify the Master Program Database Coordinator of the programs to which the new catalog should be entered and if DA is rolled over / Universities
24-Oct 3 / NSLC - 2007FA Initial Submission with deadline of 10/3. This provides one day per University to submit 1st submission (9/24-10/1) / FA/Registrar Modules
25 / Run Enroll Status (XUES) in audit mode for 2007FA / SDA
25-Oct 1 / Early Alert Grading for USD / USD Registrar
26 / Enter SD Opportunity Scholars Cohort Codes / UDA's
26 / Run Recalculate term standing (RTSL) - (Enter rule on STLD for UG and GR to check for "P" status). / SDA / Before CLUP
26 / Run Class Level Update (CLUP) for 2007FA / SDA
26 / Update Cohorts prior to enrollment freeze / UDA / Before Extract
27 / Run Immunization Report / SDA
27 / RIS File Maintenance 6:00 p.m. to 1:00 a.m. / RIS
28 / 2007FA Census Date Enrollment freeze (Fri because of Thurs maintenance) / RIS
28 / 19th Day of Class (9/22) - the student, who did not pay charges in full (a student with an account balance due at the end of the 19th day of class) and did attend class(es) is administratively withdrawn by the Home Univeristy OR one or more of the four tracking restrictions (CDEF, CDFA, CPA, CPAY, or CAR) is entered indicating the "financial arrangement to pay" as determined by the Home University. / AR/Registrars
28 / MI Flag updated only for 2007FA / RIS
28 / Run Home Location Update (XIBU) for 2007FA / SDA
28 / Run PADU / SDA
28 / Transfer work entered and evaluated so credits may be included in completed credits in preparation for setting registration priorities / Universities
28 / Add catalogs on CTLG, ADPA & update PROG / Ranny
28 / Add catalogs on XAID / ESC
28 / Load SDOS Census Term data to SDOS Admin DB / RIS / SDOS
Sept 29 and possibly Oct 6 / Select current students (less those who have withdrawn and high school concurrent students) and create savedlists of students by credit hours earned. / NSU / prereg; requires 2 weekends

October 1 - 18:

Day / Item / Responsible party / Relationship
1 / Generate a report indicating students with a balance due for that term / SDA / After 19th day of class
1 / FISOP and FISAP Federal Financial Aid Report deadline to ED / Financial Aid
1 / SD Opportunities Scholars Report due / AR/FA / SDOS
1 / USD runs Early Alert exception report for all campuses / Don/USD
1 / WA parameter screen set so one mid-term grade field is displayed / Suzanne
1 / 2007SU term removed from RGWP, WSRP and CSWP. / Suzanne / 30 days after EOT
1 / WA early alert message removed from mid-term grading screen / Stephanie
1 / Purge preferred Lists for 2007SP, 2007SU & 2007FA. / Suzanne / prereg
1-28 / No registration will occur for 2008SP except for new orientation students for 2008SP for whom registration priorities will be set by the individual universities. / prereg
2 / Remove Reg priorities flag from RYAT (2007FA and 2007SU). Set Reg Priorities flag on RYAT for 2008SP and 2008FA. Set 2008SU to Y to prevent registration until Spring pre-reg. / Suzanne / prereg
2 / WSRP - 2007FA and 2008SP will remain. 2008FA will be added / Suzanne / prereg
2 / RGWP (Registration Web Parameters) and CSWP (Class Schedule) - terms available should be 2007FA, 2008SP, and 2008FA. / Suzanne / prereg
2 / Secure SREP centrally so no Reg Priorities can be added while the common assignment process is in progress / Suzanne / prereg
2-10 / Remove all current registration priorities for all terms and set registration priorities for 2008SP and 2008FA for students selected. / NSU
2-10 / Delete prior restrictions indicated in next sentence. Run paragraph to determine the population to add the CPG1, CPG2, CGE1, CGE2 and CGET restrictions. Saved lists generated from the paragraph sent to the UDA's for batch update via ADCR and notification to students / NSU/DAs/Registrars / prereg
4 / Run Immunization Report / SDA
4 / RIS File Maintenance 6:00 p.m. to 1:00 a.m. / RIS
5 / MI Flag updated only for 2007FA / RIS
5 / Run Home Location Update (XIBU) for 2007FA / SDA
5 / Run PADU / SDA
5 / Student list determined for who will be requested to sit for the proficiency exam / RIS/Cory
8 / Native American Day Holiday / All
9-11 / Degree Verify for 2007SU degrees - Clearinghouse / FA/Registrar Modules
11 / Run Immunization Report / SDA
11 / RIS File Maintenance 6:00 p.m. to 1:00 a.m. / RIS
12 / MI Flag updated only for 2007FA / RIS
12 / Run Home Location Update (XIBU) for 2007FA / SDA
12 / Run PADU / SDA
12 / by 10pm / Universities must enter current immunization codes for all students / Univ
12 / 10:01pm / RIS will run a master list of non-compliant students; this will be provided to all universities through the DA’s. It will serve as the basis for administrative withdrawal. / SDA
15 / Load SDOS Fund data to SDOS Admin DB / RIS / SDOS
15 / Update ACT.TERMS FLTT table for October ACT tapeloads IF/WHEN universities have loaded their Sept tapelod / RIS / After last Sept tapeload
15 / SDOS Distribution of Funds / SDOS
15 / Universities will administratively withdraw non-compliant students from all courses; the official date of withdrawal will be noted as October 12, 2007. Those affected will receive prorated refunds for tuition, fees, and housing. Active fall courses will be noted on transcripts, and the corresponding grade for each will be W. A comment will be added: “Withdrew and Date.” (Refer to established procedures for administrative withdrawal detailed below.) / Univ
18 / Run Immunization Report / SDA

8.  Structure of MOCC service:

þ  Brainstorming of ideas relevant to member rotation, length of terms, etc.

þ  AAC agenda item

9.  Next meeting

Supplemental Agenda:

1.  MCR 26A: Coding specific to teacher education:

þ  Clarification of intent: students who pursue degrees that lead to initial certification or additional certifications as teachers, administrators, and/counselors in K-12 employment settings will be coded.

þ  Meeting: Paul, Ranny, and Trudy met on September 12th to review the MCR and discuss necessary modifications.

þ  Next steps:

ü  Ranny will revise the MCR document and distribute for MOCC consideration.

ü  Paul will coordinate academic access and training.

2.  Visitor Program: Sam indicated that a system-wide database of participants is critical to communication; he has asked the technology module to discuss its development.

3.  Web Advisor: Email from Suzanne (sent previously – also attached)

4.  Other?