One of the young men in our church was asked if he was coming to visitation on Tuesday evening. He replied “who died”? The first Christian said “nobody died, I was talking about Church Visitation”. “Oh, I thought you were talking about visitation at the Funeral Home” was the reply. Sometimes our folks just don’t know, and we have to give them information. That’s what the Lord has called us to do – inform Christians how to better witness. Is it interesting? Yes! And sometimes more than others. That’s what Joy and I personally need to do every day until we die, or the Lord returns, witness for the Lord.
Weekend Witnessing Seminars
A Ministry To Help Baptist Churches
Win A Lost World To Christ
Dr. Bob Martin – GIBM Evangelist to
the United States and the World
95 Baptist Drive, Vicksburg, MS 39180
601/618-4191 601/618-1811
Mission: GIBM, 602 Manco Rd., Lewisville,
Texas 75067
Planning for Next Year!!!:
Several Pastors have expressed an interest in hosting a Seminar in the coming year. We are endeavoring to formulate the calendar for 2016,
so, please contact us at your earliest convenience and we will work through to the best date for you.
January Promises to Be A Great Month:
We have an early round of doctor’s appointments, and then get to spend some days with our traveling children. Our son-in-law (U. S. Navy) gets his Christmas holidays late as well as our granddaughter’s husband (U. S. Navy). So we will do a couple of late Christmas/New Year’s/ birthdays with them.
From north Arkansas we head to Ponca City, Oklahoma and Harmony Baptist Church for a 1 day missions conference on January 10. Dr. D. R. Baker is the pastor, and he and his wife have been our dear friends for some time.
The next weekend we will be in Whitesburg, Georgia for a weekend Seminar at Grace Baptist Church. Bro. Jimmy Lester is the pastor of this great church.
January 3rd, the evening of January 17th, and the 24th, and 31st are open if you need us to do a 1 or 2 day seminar, or fill the pulpit.
December was a Good Time for Us:
We were home the 1st three weekends of December, enjoying the fellowship of our home church, doing pastorial work (when our pastor had surgery), and attending various doctor appointments. It was a great opportunity to be a help to our pastor and the church, and to have wonderful fellowship with the brothers and sisters we love at Southside Baptist Church. It was delightful to see our home church with a new burden on their hearts. God has saved several people and given a new concern for the lost. Praise His name!
We went to Texas to spend Christmas and my birthday with some of our children:
December 24th I had an early birthday present (71 years old) of riding with my son (a Carrollton, Texas policeman) for the whole day. What a delight to me to get to do this, because I was a police chaplain for some years, it is always good to do a “ride along” with an officer, and especially to get to spend a whole day with my son. I would encourage you to pray for our men and women in blue, first that God would save them, and for their safety.
December 27 I taught Sunday school and preached at Landmark Baptist Church in Red Oak, Texas. On the night before, a tornado tore through Red Oak, but on the other end of the town. There was much destruction, with a total of 9 tornados being recorded from Red Oak to Garland, Texas. For Sunday-school I was privileged to share much of what the Lord had done in the Seminars during 2015, and then in the morning service preached on the subject of Divorce. This church has been a help to us through the years in prayer and financial support. Bro. Chad Spence is the pastor.
How long before the Lord will return in the air to take His children home? Don’t know, and do not want to speculate. I said to my friend “we may not get through 2016 before the Lord comes”. To which he replied “we may not get to 2016 before the Lord comes”. It really doesn’t matter; because until He comes or I go, I’m going to serve the Lord and seek the lost for Christ.
Bro. Bob