This induction applies only to Temora Saleyards. Persons who work at other Saleyards within NSW may need to complete the Saleyard Operators Association of New South Wales Saleyard Safety Induction presentation or specific inductions related to individual saleyards.
Temora Shire Council as owner of the Temora Saleyards are responsible under the WH & S Bill 2011 to provide a safe workplace for persons undertaking any work at these premises.
This Induction and safety information manual will give a guide for users of the saleyards to ensure a high level of safety.
This manual may be used in conjunction with other information provided to ensure a safe workplace and to eliminate or control hazards.
Other material available to users include:
· Code of practice for the selling of sheep and lambs in NSW Saleyards
· Prevention of falls in the transport of livestock
· Saleyards Operators and Primary Users National Agreement for Workplace Health & Safety at Saleyards
· Workplace Health and Safety Manual Saleyard Operators NSW
· Saleyard Safety Booklet for Employees
The guidelines contained in this manual are user friendly.
You will need to complete a Induction Assessment at the back of the manual and forward it to Temora Shire Council when completed and signed.
A Certificate of Induction Card will then be forwarded to you with a registration number printed on your card. This card should be carried with you when you attend Temora Shire Council Saleyards for proof of induction.
Workcover inspectors may request proof of induction if they attend the saleyard.
Item 1 - Shared Zone & Signage
Temora Saleyards are a shared zone area used by vehicles and pedestrians. The signs at both entrances indicate a shared zone area. The recommended speed for vehicle in this area is 20Km/Hr.
Item 2 – Using Adjustable Ramps
Ramps must never be used when supported by the cable only. The bar must be locked in to the steel rack at all times. The cable is only used to raise or lower the ramp.
Vehicles should be fitted with a reversing alarm system or a guide used to ensure there is no possibility of a person being hit or crushed.
Always stand where you are visible to the driver.
Alignment of the truck and ramps must be checked to avoid trip hazards or the possibility of feet or legs falling into gaps.
Safety footwear should be worn for feet protection whilst clothing should be tidy and collected, to prevent catching on obstacles.
Under no circumstances are persons to climb or hang from the outside of the ramps.
The adjustable ramps are all fitted with new lights and can be used at night. Extra caution is to be used however as visibility is reduced.
Vehicle movement on to ramps – vehicles loading and unloading stock from ramps must follow the Vehicle Movement Plan as follows.
Item 3 – Hazard Identification and Reporting
In the interest of safety for all persons using the Saleyards every person has a responsibility to report any hazard that may cause harm to any individuals.
A hazard or hazardous situation must be reported to Councils representative present at the sale or to Councils Risk Assessor/Safety Officer. The hazard will be recorded and then registered so action can be instigated to remove or control the hazard.
Monitoring of the action taken in relation to the hazard will be ongoing to ensure the hazard or hazardous situation is controlled.
Item 4 – First Aid
Temora Shire Council will provide a First-Aid Kit at the Saleyard facility. The First-Aid Kit will be stored in the Councils representatives vehicle in attendance.
A First-Aid Kit sign will be displayed on this vehicle. The Councils representative will have qualifications in either Basic First Aid or Senior First Aid
Item 5 – Emergency Situations
In the event of an emergency situation procedures on the following page will be followed.
The Emergency Assembly area is located at the gateway adjacent to the Bartondale gateway.
These procedures relate to emergencies, which may occur on site. Emergencies can include leakage of fuel, chemical spills, work or traffic accidents etc. The impact of emergencies includes:
· danger or threat to people’s health of safety;
· environmental damage;
· damage or threat to property.
1. Clear the area of personnel . If necessary proceed to the Emergency Assembly area LOCATED AT THE BARTONDALE ROAD GATEWAY.
2. Remove disabled persons to emergency assembly area.
3. Identify the type of incident and its severity – Is it an accident, spillage, fire or explosion?
4. Notify appropriate Emergency Services: Telephone 000, and 000 or 112 for Mobiles.
5. Assist with First Aid to injured person(s)
6. Have a person ready to direct emergency vehicles
7. Keep the area clear of persons where the incident has occurred
8. Obey instructions from the Emergency Services.
9. Notify related authorities if required to do so.
10. Use fire extinguishers if safe to do so
Item 6 – Inspection of Saleyard and Facilities
Temora Shire Council is responsible for inspecting the saleyard and facilities.
However as stated at Item 4 any person may report to Councils representatives any hazard that is identified.
This is Councils checklist used for inspection of the saleyard by Council staff.
(Following page)
ITEM / YES / NO / N/A / COMMENTRubbish bins empty
Sheep yards Clean
Including dead stock
Pig yards Clean
Including dead stock
Broken panels on yards
Broken panels on small ramps
Ramps lubricated
Ramps locked in correctly
Ramp cable condition
Lights operating
Ramps clear of waste
Toilets clean & operating
Plumbing satisfactory
Vegetation Control
Broken branches removed
All stock removed
48 hours after sale
Workcover sign displayed
Truckwash area safe and hazard free
Date: ……………………
Item 7 – Dogs at Saleyards
Dogs must be muzzled at all times and be under strict control of their owner.
There are signs at the saleyards advising persons of these requirements. Dogs remain the responsibility of their owners.
Item 8 – Treatment of Livestock
Livestock must be treated in a manner required by the individual Code of Practice.
It is the responsibility of persons handling livestock to ensure that the codes are adhered to.
Item 9 – Personal Protective Equipment
All persons handling livestock are required to wear appropriate footwear (heavy boots). Temora Shire Council staff are to wear Personal Protective Equipment appropriate to their relative Policy.
Any person directing vehicles are required to wear a high visibility vest.
Item 10 – Children at the Saleyards
Children must be kept under supervision by their parent or guardian at all times when in attendance at the saleyards.
It is the responsibility of the parent or guardian to ensure the safety of children at the saleyard.
Item 11 – Dead Stock
Council staff will remove all dead stock from the saleyards. Every person however has the responsibility to report dead stock to Councils employees so dead stock can be removed in the proper manner.
Item 12 – Using Wash Bay Facilities
Persons using the truck wash bay facilities must follow the guidelines as set out in the publication Prevention of falls in the transport of livestock (Worksafe Victoria). A copy of the publication is available from Temora Shire Council on request. Vehicle movement plans for the wash bay facilities are located at Item 2.
Item 13 – Exiting and Entering Cabins of Vehicles
Users must follow the guidelines in the publication Prevention of falls in the transport of livestock. A three point contact is required at all times when entering or exiting vehicle cabins.
Identified Hazards in relation to Items and their Controls
Item 1 – Shared Traffic Zone
Hazards-Vehicle Accidents, persons being hit by vehicles, reversing vehicles, person being crunched between ramp and vehicle.
Controls-Shared Zone Signs, Reversing alarms and lights, spotters, high visibility garments, stay clear of ramp.
Item 2 – Using Adjustable Ramps
Hazards-Ramp not locked in properly, person falling from side of ramp, slips, trips, falls, contact with stock (stock charging persons).
Controls-Never operate ramps whilst supported by cable only, do not climb on ramps, wear good footwear, wear tight fitting clothes, do not enter ramps with animals.
Item 3 – Hazard Identification
Hazards-It is the responsibility of every person working at the saleyard to report hazards that may cause injury or affect the health of others.
All persons working have a legal responsibility to ensure the safety of others working at the saleyard.
Failure to report a hazard or hazardous situation can lead to injury or ill health to others at the worksite.
Controls – report all hazards or hazardous situations to Council representatives.
Council Representatives to record all reports on the appropriate form and to initiate remedial response.
Regular consultation is required between Council, Council representatives and users of the saleyard.
Item 4 – Emergency Situation
Hazards-Uncontrolled procedures, No organisation for emergency personnel, lose control of situation, poor response time.
Controls-Have procedures in place, practice drills, advise patrons of procedures.
Item 5 – Inspection of Saleyards and Facilities
Hazards - Hazards or hazardous situations not identified, controls not in place, injury to persons, effects on persons health.
Controls - Carry out regular inspections to identify, control and monitor hazards and hazardous situations, consult with users of saleyards.
Item 6 – Dogs at Saleyards
Hazards - Injury to sheep (bites), injury to persons (bites), injury to other dogs, spread of disease.
Controls– Signage, Always have dogs muzzled, Monitor muzzling of dogs.
Item 7 – Treatment of Livestock
Hazards - Unnecessary suffering of livestock, loss of livestock (financial), requires additional work-removing dead or injured stock, possibility of litigation if reported to RSPCA.
Controls – Follow code of practice for selling of particular livestock (sheep), maintain supply of water or feed, monitor stock, monitor yard conditions, use care when handling stock, muzzled dogs.
Item 8 – Personnel Protective Equipment
Hazards - Injury to self of others, costs of injuries, lost time off work
Controls – Always wear required personnel protective equipment, Council Representatives to monitor and control use of personnel protective equipment.
Item 9 – Children at Saleyards
Hazards – Injury or ill health, unnecessary trauma, injuries from animals (charging or dog bites)
Controls – Always monitor the presence of children, children to be under supervision of parents or guardians, Council Representatives to monitor the control of children.
Item 10 – Dead Stock
Hazard – Spread of disease, manual handling, additional unnecessary work, ill treatment of stock, risk of prosecution.
Controls – Follow Codes of Practice, plan lifting and removal of stock, dispose of dead stock in proper manner, wear personnel protective equipment (gloves, long clothing), treat stock with care.
Item 11 – Using Wash Bay Facilities
Hazards – Falls from heights, slips, tips, falls, high pressure water, risk of disease, working alone, working in poor light.
Controls - Follow guidelines from the publication Prevention of Falls in the Transport of Livestock. Council representative to monitor truck washing procedures and control poor practices. Wear appropriate personal protective equipment (boots, close fitting waterproof clothing), never direct high pressure water towards persons.
Where possible, have an assistant present, if that is inappropriate have a contact plan in case of injury or emergency, mobile phone, advise someone of your whereabouts. Avoid using facility at night.
Item 12 – Exiting and Entering Cabins of Vehicles
Hazards – Fall from vehicles, injury when jumping
Controls – Maintain three point contact, don’t jump from cabin
1. What do the signs at both entrances indicate?
2. What is the speed limit for all vehicles in the saleyards – 15 – 20 – 30 – 40?
3. When using adjustable ramps can you hang from the outside or edges?
4. Can you use the ramps when suspended by the cable only?
5. What must you do if you notice a hazard or hazardous situation?
6. Who has the responsibility of reporting a hazard or hazardous situation?
7. Where is the Emergency Assembly area?
8. What is the emergency telephone number if you require assistance?
9. Who has the main responsibility for inspecting saleyard facilities?
10. Who is mainly responsible for dogs at saleyards?
11. What the guidelines called that relate to the treatment of livestock at saleyards?
12. When handling livestock what type of footwear must be used?
13. What should be worn if you are assisting vehicles to reverse on to a ramp?
14. If children are attending who is mainly responsible for their supervision?
15. What is a hazard in relation to the handling of dead stock?
16. How many points of contact should be made when entering of exiting cabins of vehicles?
Answers Total / 16
I have read the WH & S Induction Manual and completed the Induction Questions.
I agree to work under these guidelines when in attendance at Temora Saleyards.
Council Use
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