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IETA seminars - 2017
Our course list is divided into three categories: Personal Lines, Commercial Lines, and general topics that apply to all insurance professionals.
Webinars: We have an extensive list of 1-hour webinars. The list is available on request.
In addition, I can offer additional services because I am an approved instructor for:
o IIABA’s “E&O Program – The Challenge of Change” - I am also the author of this course!
o All nine AAI program segments
o AIS Designation
o All nine ACSR modules
o CISR program (contact us for further details)
CREATE YOUR OWN PROGRAM: IETA can create a program to meet your needs. Topics below can be combined or amended. You can also suggest your own topic and we will tailor a course specifically for you!
Interactive “case study” format: Sometimes the usual “lecture format” may not fit your program vision. We can create ½ day and full-day courses that challenge the participants to think and interact. These “case study” format courses are based on questions received by the IIABA Virtual University “ask the expert”. As one of the 50 “IIABA experts”, I can develop programs based on the most prevalent , personal or commercial lines, questions coming from agents across the country.
Homeowner’s Courses:
HO Ins & Outs (6 hours)
The ISO Homeowner program is the mainstay for the Personal Lines insurance marketplace. This course will take participants on a journey of exploration. We will delve into the ISO HO policy from definitions, coverages, perils (named and open) and conditions. The program will not only provide a solid foundation of in-depth understanding of the breath of coverage, but will include examples and discussions not usually included in the average HO course. Included in our discussion will be a comparison between the HO ‘91, HO ‘00, HO ‘01 and HO ‘11 forms.
Homeowners 2011 – This is Not the Same Old HO Policy! (6 hours)
Life is always a balancing act of taking the good with the bad. This best explains the ISO
HO ’11 policy. Our 6-hour course will review the first major change in the ISO HO policy in a decade. The 2011 version includes twenty-seven (27) changes effecting both the basic policy and endorsements and we will explore them all! Included in our discussion will be a comparison between the HO ’91, HO ’01 and HO ’11 forms.
Homeowners 2011 – The Good and the Not So Good! (3 hours)
Our half day course is a “down and dirty” intensive review of the major changes that have occurred in the ISO 2011 HO edition. We will compare several of the changes to the “old” ISO HO versions of the past – 1991, 2000 and 2001 – all of which are all still being sold in the marketplace! Along with the basic HO form, several endorsements are addressed.
Home Business vs. the Homeowners Policy – An Asset or Liability? (3 hours )
Did you know that experts estimate that a large percentage of your homeowner customers have some kind of business in their home? Most don’t even realize that their “money making activity”: is even a business! Not only did they not contact you – but they may not even realize that the HO policy has only limited property and liability coverage for the” in-home business” exposure. We will explore, in-depth, how the HO policy (’91, 2000, 20011 & 2011) define a business and the various ISO HO endorsements that are available to fill the gaps. This course will conclude with an overview of the ISO Businessowners Policy (BOP) – possibly the best way to treat the “in-home business” exposure!
HO Endorsements – When & How To Use Them (3 hours)
The ISO HO policy includes a number of gaps in coverage that can be filled by a variety of endorsements. This course will review many of the “meat and potatoes” endorsements available – state specific changes would be incorporated in any discussion. The endorsement review will include:
· Residence held in Trust
· Personal Injury
· Loss Assessment
· Additional Insured
· Permitted Incidental Occupancies
· Increased limits of Business Property
· Ordinance or Law Increased Amount of Coverage
· Landlord Furnishings
· Personal Property at other Residences
· Business Pursuits
Condo and Renter Policies - Nothing to Worry About or an E&O Nightmare? (3 hours)
This course will compare the ISO HO-4 and HO-6 policies against the “owner-occupied” HO forms highlighting areas of policy amendment. Our topic would not be complete without an in-depth discussion of the unique challenges of Condo ownership in relationship to the Condo “declarations” & “by-laws”, including insurance requirements, coverage A limits, association master policy deductibles and state specific requirements regarding insurance. The program is chuck full of special details that every personal lines insurance professional must know.
Dwelling Program:
The ISO Dwelling Form– A policy of Pitfalls (3 hours)
What are the similarities between the HO and Dwelling forms? The forms differ, and therefore, may cause gaps in coverage for our insureds. Spend a day comparing the coverages between the HO and Dwelling policies including the Dwelling theft and liability endorsements. This course will compare the ISO HO 2011 and the ISO Dwelling 2014 policies!
Personal Automobile Policy:
The Personal Auto Policy (6 hours):
The PAP plays an important role in the insurance protection of most personal lines customers yet there are several gaps and limited coverage areas. Our full-day course is designed to review the current version of the ISO PAP including several endorsements. If applicable, mandatory, state specific, endorsements will be incorporated in the program discussion. Those working with the Personal Automobile Policy will find this course a necessity!
PAP Endorsements – When & How To Use Them (3 hours)
The ISO Personal Auto Policy provides critically important coverage for our insured’s “over the road” exposures. However, as broad as the policy appears to be, there are a number of gaps in coverage that can be filled by a variety of endorsements. This course will review many of the endorsements ISO has available to tailor the auto policy to meet the needs of individual insured. State specific endorsements, if applicable, will be included.
Personal Auto - What Secrets are Buried in the Form? (3 hrs.)
The majority of our insured’s are protecting their auto exposures through coverages offered under the ISO PAP. How broad is this coverage? What limitations are buried in the contract wording? How can we find coverage for unusual incidents? This course will answer these and many more PAP questions for the personal lines professional.
Personal Lines Inland Marine:
Personal Lines Inland Marine- Coverages, Features and Concepts (3 hrs)
This seminar is an intermediate program that will explore the basic concepts of personal inland marine. The Personal Articles floater (PAF) will be compared to the HO policy, with details of eligibility, insuring agreement, conditions, exclusions and coverage specifics. Our program will also review the Personal Effects Form, the Personal Property Form and ISO’s “stand-alone” options.
Personal Umbrella:
Personal Lines Umbrella – A Nonstandard Answer (3 hours)
How do you compare the differences in coverage and exclusions found in umbrella policies? Although personal umbrella contracts vary greatly, we will review ISO’s personal umbrella policy. This in-depth review will provide insights into coverage inclusions and exclusions that you can use as a guide to compare the wide variety of personal umbrella contacts available in today’s market place. Topics will include: persons insured, coverages, exclusions, conditions, and limitations.
Personal Lines Ocean Marine:
The Watercraft Exposures: From the Dinghy to the Yacht! (3 hours)
Boat and Yacht policies are non-standard forms of marine insurance; however, the need to understand the exposures and coverages is important in our region. This course will start by introducing types of boats and yachts and the marine terms our insureds use to describe the boating experience. We will build from there to discuss the coverages, perils, exclusions found in most Boatowners and Yacht policies as well as marine representations and warranties usual to the boating exposure. Welcome aboard!
Personal Lines General Topics:
The following topics combine several topics or personal lines contracts under one concept
Trusts – An Insurance Challenge (3 hours)
This three hour course is an intermediate course aimed at providing participants with an in-depth look at the insurance implications of personal “trusts”. Trusts are rapidly becoming standard practice for households that hold any appreciable asset, even if it's only a home. The principal attraction of trusts is:
§ That they allow property to be passed down to heirs more quickly and at less cost than a will.
§ Assets can pass immediately from the grantor (or donor or settlor) to the beneficiaries without having to go through the cost and public disclosure of probate.
Miscellaneous Personal Lines Topics – Who, What, When, Where, Why! (3 hrs)
This course reviews and compares some the “new millennium” personal lines exposures to our “old” personal lines contracts. We will determine where there is coverage, where there are gaps, and what solutions we can offer to our current customers for today’s complex issues. Topics include: unusual resident relative issues, significant others vs. the traditional family unit, personal trusts, business pursuits for the in-home business, and the “new” volunteer activities.
Personal Lines Issues, Gaps & Coverages (3 hrs)
This program is a fast paced look at some of the "gray" areas in personal lines. Several personal lines contracts are examined. Some of the topics include: insuring adult & children’s “toys”, coverage gaps with non-traditional “living arrangements”, how the HO addresses coverage for golf carts, insurance issues under the HO and PAP for trusts, divorce and the HO coverage for children.
PL - An Insurance Kaleidoscope (6 hours – can also be reduced to a 3 hours course)
This full-day course will combine separate but unique topics. Participants will enjoy a lively and varied day of coverage discussions that incorporate real world examples and court cases that mold and solidify how insurance responds to customer’s needs.
Below are the topics that will be addressed:
o Rental Car - Collision Damage Waiver vs. Auto Insurance
o Basic Perils – History & Mystery
o The Hidden Jewel – Debris Removal
o Trusts – An Insurance Challenge
o Insuring the College Experience – an Adventure or a Nightmare?
o The HO policy and the Issue of “Host Liquor”
o Personal Auto – Sometimes it is as Clear as Mud
Personal Lines Insurance School
In the “olden” days insurance companies provided insurance training courses that provided a multi-day format covering the “meat and potatoes” coverages. These schools gave a leg up to those who participated by immersing the attendees in a variety of insurance coverages over a multi-day program. Our Personal Lines Insurance School is based on this concept. Each day is a full day course providing detailed instructions on coverages. Participants will leave with a strong foundation of knowledge. We offer a two or three day option as follows:
Two Day format:
Day #1:
Homeowner’s - The Answer for our Residential Insureds
The ISO Homeowner program is the mainstay for the Personal Lines insurance marketplace. This course will delve into the property and liability coverages that have been designed to meet the needs of the average insureds. Although this is an indivisible contract, we will highlight the differences in what is covered in Section I and Section II.
Dwelling – What Coverages Are Missing And Can You Find Them?
What are the similarities between the HO and Dwelling forms? The forms differ, and therefore, may cause gaps in coverage for our insureds. Spend a day comparing the coverages between the HO and Dwelling policies including the Dwelling theft and liability endorsements. This course will compare the ISO HO 2011 and the ISO Dwelling 2014 policies!
Day #2:
Personal Auto – A Policy of Protection
The majority of our insured’s are protecting their auto exposures through coverages offered under the ISO PAP. How broad is this coverage? What limitations are buried in the contract wording? How can we find coverage for unusual incidents? This course will answer these and many more PAP questions for the personal lines professional.
Personal Lines Umbrella – How Broad is the Coverage?
Although personal umbrella contracts vary greatly, we will review ISO’s personal umbrella policy. This in-depth review will provide insights into coverage inclusions and exclusions that you can use as a guide to compare the wide variety of personal umbrella contacts available in today’s market place. Topics will include: persons insured, coverages, exclusions, conditions, and limitations.
Three Day format:
Day #1:
HO Ins & Outs – A Complete Package
The ISO Homeowner program is the mainstay for the Personal Lines insurance marketplace. This course will take participants on a journey of exploration. We will delve into the ISO HO policy from definitions, coverages, perils (named and open) and conditions. The program will not only provide a solid foundation of in-depth understanding of the breath of coverage, but will include examples and discussions not usually included in the average HO course. Included in our discussion will be a comparison between the HO ‘91, HO ‘00, HO ‘01 and HO ‘11 forms.
Day #2:
The ISO Dwelling Form– A policy of Pitfalls
What are the similarities between the HO and Dwelling forms? The forms differ, and therefore, may cause gaps in coverage for our insureds. Spend a day comparing the coverages between the HO and Dwelling policies including the Dwelling theft and liability endorsements. This course will compare the ISO HO 2011 and the ISO Dwelling 2014 policies!
Personal Lines Inland Marine- Coverages, Features and Concepts
This seminar will explore the basic concepts of personal inland marine. The Personal Articles floater (PAF) will be compared to the HO policy, with details of eligibility, insuring agreement, conditions, exclusions and coverage specifics. Our program will also review the Personal Effects Form, the Personal Property Form and ISO’s “stand-alone” options.