/ Corrosives | 6


[Name], [Title]

[Company] [Address]

T: [Main Telephone] DD: [Direct Phone] E: [Email]

Corrosives Overview

The definition of corrosive is a chemical that causes visible destruction of, or irreversible alterations in, living tissue by chemical action at the site of contact.

Corrosive chemicals are commonly used in the workplace and in homes. Corrosives come in many forms: liquid, powder, pellets or gas. Most corrosives have a strong irritating odor. Common corrosives include: lye, battery acid, paint stripper and drain cleaner (CFR 29 1910.1200).

OSHA’s Hazard Communication Standard applies to operations involving employee exposure to corrosives. Under the Hazard Communication Standard, you must inform employees about the standard requirements and the operations in the employee work area where hazardous chemicals are present, along with the location and availability of the written Hazard Communciation Program.

Health Hazards

Health hazards from corrosives include:

·  Chemical burns.

·  Respiratory tract ailments.

·  Poisoning

Corrosives have other physical hazards as well, that include being a(n):

·  Flammable or combustible liquid.

·  Compressed gas.

·  Explosive.

·  Organic peroxide.

·  Oxidizer.

·  Pyrophoric.

·  Water-reactive or unstable chemical.

Review the Safety Data Sheets (MSDS/SDS) and the container label to find out the specific physical hazards of the corrosives your employees are working with.

Employee Protection

Engineering controls and work practices may not be enough to completely eliminate the risk of exposure to corrosives. In that case personal protective equipment (PPE) is required. PPE could include the use of splash goggles, face shields, gloves, aprons, coveralls, shoe covers and respirators.

Employees must, upon initial assignment (and whenever a new physical or health hazard is introduced) be trained to:

·  Understand the requirements of the OSHA Hazard Communication Standard.

·  Understand the various componets of the company’s Hazard Communication Program.

·  Know where information is located and how to obtain a copy.

·  Know what operations uses hazardous chemicals.

·  Know where Safety Data Sheets (MSDS/SDS) are located and how to read and understand them.

·  Know how to follow safe work practices.

·  Understand what PPE is required and how to use and care for it.

Training Tips:

·  Review 29 CFR 1910.1200 and the Handout.

·  List work areas or tasks that require the use of corrosives.

·  Have samples of warning labels used at your company and explain the different elements required on the labels.

·  Bring a sample Safety Data Sheet and the corresponding chemical container with label. Point out that the label contains much less information than the MSDS/SDS.

More Information:

29 CFR 1910.1200 – Hazard Communication

Corrosives Handout


The definition of corrosive is a chemical that causes visible destruction of, or irreversible alterations in, living tissue by chemical action at the site of contact.
Corrosive chemicals are commonly used in the workplace and in homes. Corrosives come in many forms: liquid, powder, pellets or gas. Most corrosives have a strong irritating odor. Common corrosives include: lye, battery acid, paint stripper, drain cleaner and many more.
Because you can’t always avoid using corrosives, you must be aware of how to protect yourself from corrosives at the point of contact.
You Can Protect Yourself
·  Before you use any product, read the warning label and the Safety Data Sheet (MSDS/SDS) for the product.
·  The MSDS/SDS will explain what is in the product and its physical and health hazards.
·  MSDS/SDS will also recommend safe handling procedures, personal protective equipment, first aid procedures and other important information.
Your Employer Will:
·  Inform you of workplace hazards, including where corrosive chemicals are used.
·  Explain the hazard communication labeling system being used in your workplace.
·  Provide access to MSDS/SDS and explain how to read them.
·  Inform you of measures you can take to protect yourself from hazards.
Commonly Used Corrosive Chemicals
The following are some of the more commonly used corrosives:
·  Acetic Acid
·  Ammonium Hydroxide
·  Chromic Acid
·  Hydrobromic Acid
·  Hydrochloric Acid
·  Hydrofluoric Acid
·  Nitric Acid
·  Oleum
·  Perchloric Acid
·  Phosphoric Acid
·  Potassium Hydroxide
·  Sodium Hydroxide
·  Sulfuric Acid /
Corrosives can Hurt you!
ChemicaL Burns
respiratory tract Ailments
Corrosives Can Also React
Cause Irritation and Burns to Skin and Mucous membranes
be flammable or combustible
be an oxidizer
may react violently with water

The GlobaL harmonized System (GHS) for labeling uses the above symboL for corrosive chemicals.

Sodium Hydroxide is on the list of commonly used corrosives


Where does my company use corrosive chemicals?

What corrosive chemicals are in my workplace?

Where is my workplace written Hazard Communication Program and where can I get a copy of it?

Where are the MSDS/SDS kept?

In case of an emergency I should contact:

Corrosives Sign –Off Sheet

The employees of ______Company Name______, have taken part in a training session on Corrosives. The session covered:

·  Operations at this facility which use corrosive chemcials.

·  Where to find the MSDS/SDS and how to read them.

·  The health and physical hazards of corrosives.

·  What PPE is required when working with corrosives.

Date of Training: / Facility:
Employee Signature / PRINT NAME


Supervisor’s Signature