Ph. D. Anna Sinitsyna graduated from MoscowStateUniversity for Geodesy and Cartography (MIIGAiK) in 1999.
The group of young scientists, postgraduates, students and she leading by Professor Kira Shingareva studies the Problems of the Megacity Road and Transport Complex (case study Moscow) on the " Economic and Business " chair of The Moscow State University for Geodesy and Cartography since 2000 year.
This article includes the data of the Development of GIS Separate Elements for the Megacity Roads and Transport Complex (case study Moscow).
Made Ph. D.: " Estimation of Transport Component in Economic of Megacity Industry (On Moscow Example) ". Anna Sinitsyna has about 15 papers.
Address for contact: Russia, Moscow, 105064, Gorohovskiy pereulok, 4. Tel.: +7(495) 262-19-53. Mob. +7(916) 178-17-99. E-mail: , .
Anna Sinitsyna
The MoscowStateUniversity for Geodesy and Cartography
105064, Moscow, Gorohovskiy per., 4
- The general GIS structure description
The group of young scientists, postgraduates, and students leading by Professor Kira Shingareva developed the Concept and the basic formation aspects of the Megacity Road and Transport Complex (RTC) GIS (case study Moscow) [15] on the "Economic and Business" chair of The Moscow State University for Geodesy and Cartography in 2006 year.
The RTC GIS structure separate elements are carried out now.
1.1.Information structure
RTC GISstructure consists of four basic modules: organizational and technical means, the cartographical database, the attributive database and independent auxiliary software (see fig. 1).
The module "Organizational and technical means" includes: technical means (server, operator automated workplace), organizational-technical support, legal maintenance, the creation and using rules and GIS standards.
The organizational-technical support includes as the RTC GIS Concept maintenance and development actions (natural and departmental researches, work with DB, the received results analysis and etc.), so and technical and software (updating, modernization, service and etc.).
Software ArcView GIS version 9.0 (ESRI, USA) (license number - 37 163637 27 005_E201 2/02) was used for RTC GIS creation [15.] The recommended requirements are a Pentium computer with a 1 GHz processor, 512 MB RAM, and approximately 2 GB of free disk space is used.
The Legal maintenance assumes the RTC functioning legal parameters research [15], conformity creative RTC GIS to law rules of, use of license hardware-software means and the organization RTC legal aspects perfection recommendations development on the received results basis.
The RTC GIS structure creation important element is received results quality assurance actions development. The similar GIS Russian and international quality standards research is conducted now for this purpose.
On the basis of foreign and domestic experience of construction of similar geoinformation systems the rules of creation and use (technological schemes of work with system, the basic users, a mode of safety, etc.) is under construction.
As object of research for creation RTC GIS of a megacity the city of Moscow is chosen. For today the problem of mobility of motor transportation moving in Moscow is one of the most important problems of municipal economy.
RTC GIS megacity (case study Moscow) conducts (creates, modifies and supports in an actual condition) set of the electronic cards displaying a condition and processes megacity RTC. Each electronic card (EC) consists of actually card and the tables of attributive data connected by it.
At present as base EC the digital card of 1998 of scale 1:10.000 is applied. It represents set that (outputs of the underground, a building, street and separate structures bridges, reservoirs, quarters, the rivers and streams, municipal areas, etc.) [2]. Updating of information system of a card is made on a course of work.
The module includes « Independent auxiliary software RTC GIS: means of imposing of data for a base card, means of input and editing (editors of signs, lines and fonts, creation of libraries of images, preparation of the hypertext, import of data), means of creation of derivative cards, editing, calculations on cards, transformation of the form of data presentation, means of the spatial analysis of data, means of configuration of target documents, receptions of information, press and export of data, means of interpretation of data.
Creation and representation of documents in RTC GIS differs from similar opportunities of the systems focused on document circulation, way of the organization of the document: if in the last an integrating component is the text, in RTC GIS - a card.
1.2.Basic thematic layers RTC GIS
The basic results of research RTC GIS of Moscow [2-15] are represented in the form of system of bases of geographically adhered data in following directions: Roads and transport, Transport streams, Transport jams, Parking space, Territorial zoning of city territory, Social and economic development, the General plan for development, Ecology, ДТК a pathology. These data are grouped in thematic layers and are represented separately on each component (see fig. 2).
The component " GIS - Roads and transport " creates bank of geodata about roads of city, quality of a covering, a technical condition of roads, characteristics of bridges, проездов, crossings, traffic signs, economic parameters of use of roads for cargo and passenger transportations, cost of the maintenance of roads, and also the register of the property and border of the responsibility that allows to define and effectively to use technical and economic conditions of operation and development of a transport high system (see fig. 3) creates.
The component « GIS - Transport streams » creates geobase of organizational division RTC, information bases of the basic transport streams, connects information databases of management of condition RTC on technical parameters of the forecast of dynamics of change of parameters of transport streams of a megacity (including a direction of a stream, speed, intensity, density of a stream), on time parameters (on years, quarters, day, time of day), on quality indicators (as automatic telephone exchange – cargo, automobile, buses; a pattern of ownership of automatic telephone exchange – state, private, corporate; on the purposes of a trip – under private affairs, on affairs of business, entertaining routes, etc.), that allows to analyse functioning RTC as by the current moment, and in dynamics and, with that to provide conditions of development of actions on management of the organization of traffic (see fig. 4).
The component « GIS - Transport jams » accumulates information base of the basic characteristics of transport jams (duration, length, seasonal prevalence, etc.), that will allow to solve problems of operative monitoring of condition RTC.
The component « GIS - Parking space » creates bank of geodata about parkings on three key parameters – cost indexes (parking costfor 1 hour, day or night, day, week depending on type of automatic telephone exchange, preferential programs and tariffs, etc.), technical parameters (on a design of a structure – ground, underground; presence of heating, presence of a technical complex on automation of process of payment and entrance/departure, existence of the service centers); the legal parameters (a pattern of ownership – state, private; the status of the maintaining organization; a mode of use – service, municipal, object and etc.), that allows to redistribute vehicles within the limits of territory of city and to lower loading on a street-road system (SRS) (see fig. 5).
The component « GIS - Territorial division » creates geobase of spatially-territorial division of city (a kernel of the center, the center, a median zone, periphery), that will allow, considering specificity of use (business-areas, areas of inhabited mass building, industrial zones, trading-entertaining zones) and functional purpose of territory (the recreational zone, a nature protection zone) to optimize management ДТК of a megacity.
The component " ГИС - Social and economic development " creates geobase of administrative division of city, information databases of management of economy on parameters of the forecast of social and economic development (including development of the industry, small business), that allows to execute прогнозный the analysis of prospects of development ДТК and to provide introduction of actions on optimization of development of management of the organization of movement.
The component " ГИС - the General plan for development " creates geobase on realization of construction, reconstruction, perspective projects of development RTC.
The component "GIS-ECOLOGY" creates bank of geodata about an ecological condition of city and provides conditions of development of organizational actions of perfection ДТК for improvement of ecological conditions.
Component " GIS – RTC the pathology " creates bank of geodata about influence of transport conditions on a state of health and death rate of the population (road and transport incidents, failures, stress a condition because of movement in transport jams, etc.) and provides an objective estimation of conditions of transport service of the population in territory of city.
- Functional structure RTC GIS of a megacity
RTC GIS does not duplicate information processes of services of management by the organization of movement in city, and of Moscow allows to generalize, represent and use effectively data obtained during researches during decision-making on increase of efficiency of functioning RTC.
The basic functions of user RTC GIS:
- operative introduction of data about parameters RTC;
- creation and representation of documents (projects and reports) about functioning a transport complex;
- creations of own thematic cards (layers) on the basis of existing patterns and layers;
- the analysis of a condition and processes of activity RTC in territory of city.
The complex of analytical functions provides performance by the user of the analysis of a condition of all RTC or its parts (area, district) and gives an opportunity of modelling of variants of development of situations.
Analytical functions RTC GIS give opportunities of selection (sample), processing and data presentation. Selection of data provides opportunities of a choice of a subset of objects under their spatial and-or attributive characteristics. Processing includes the statistical analysis providing an opportunity of revealing of communications between objects and attributes. Various data presentation - cartographical, tabulared, in the form of schedules (histograms, diagrams, etc.), that allows to display evidently a subject and results of work in the form of, the most corresponding current need.
Operative introduction of data provides constant actualization of the information. It can be made by next ways:
- creation of new cartographical objects, input and editing of the attributive given objects of the existing layer, carried out by the operator;
- periodic updating of layers EC by new data;
- automatic updating thematic EC on the basis of specialized hardware-software complexes.
That division of the description really was the powerful tool of development, function of connection provides an opportunity of transformation of tables and cartographical files. Thus the target table can be received by converting and change of structure initial. The target layer can be some subset of objects initial, to the allocated on spatial or attributive principle.
- Supply with information RTC GIS of a megacity
The important place in functioning GIS of any level and purpose borrows a supply
with information, namely: bases of the cartographical and thematic geospatial information, the accepted system of classification and coding of data, and also a complex of organizational questions (legal, legal and financial), connected with an exchange and delivery of the information to users GIS. Thus, creating GIS on the basis of modern geoinformation technologies, it is necessary to generate a complex of the interconnected information streams (resources) on territory of service GIS, in other words, to create distributed database GIS.
Creation of distributed database GIS and presence in it of an operative database will allow to provide users with the necessary information in a mode of real time directly from workplaces (stations) of operators of system.
Necessity of such database is caused also by that now practically in all bodies of the government of the Russian Federation and its subjects, and also in commercial structures great volumes of the information are saved up, access to which is practically closed. It is caused by dissociation and heterogeneity of the information, its classification, means and a communication facility for data exchange between existing GIS.
As shown in a Fig. 6, the structure of distributed database GIS except for specialized databases (cartographical and thematic) includes an operative database, liaison channels for an information exchange with others GIS and the computer complexes having the geospatial information.
Presence in existing and developed GIS the distributed and operative databases will promote more effective and qualitative maintenance of consumers with the new information on district in more deadlines.
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- Sinitsyna A. Economic Components by Organizing of the Moscow Parking Space territorial Zoning. XII Intern. Scie. and Pract. Conf. «Problems of Town Planning and Building». To the celebration of the PenzaCity the 350-th anniversary. Penza. 2004. (in Russian).
- Sinitsyna A. Krasnopevtseva B., Shingareva K. The Development of GIS Structure for Megacities Parking Space and its Economic Efficiency Estimation (case study Moscow). Proceed. of Intern. Conf. InterCarto 9 "Sustainable territory development: GIS technology and practice". Novorossiysk - Sevastopol. 2003, p. 286-291. (in Russian).
- Sinitsyna A. Economic Factors of Parking Organization in Moscow. Proceed. of X Intern. Scie. and Pract. Conf. «Problems of City Lay-out and Building». Penza – 2003, p. 129-132. (in Russian).
- Sinitsyna A. Problem of Cities Ecology Contamination by Means of Motor Transports and Classification of Parking Space. Actual Problems Ecology and Nature Using. Issue of young scientists, postgraduates and students Scie. papers dedicated to Days of Ecologic Danger Safety for Moscow Region in 2002 year. М.: 2002, p. 65-69. (in Russian).
- Krasnopevtseva B., Sinitsyna A., Shingareva K. The Development of the Main Economic and Organization Parameters for Parkings Place Basic Map in Moscow. Issue the XV-th Conf. of young geographers in Siberia and the Far East «Geography: New Methods and Prospects of Development». Irkutsk. Intstitute of Geograthy SD RAS, 2003, h. 185-187. (in Russian).
- Larin Yu., Krasnopevtseva B., Sinitsyna A., Tenyaev D., Feldman I., Shingareva K. Systematization and Analyses of Initial Data on Parking Space GIS for the Economic and Mathematical Model Development the (case study Moscow). Issue the 58-th Scie. and Techn. Conf. of young scientists, postgraduates and students (The Moscow State University for Geodesy and Cartography). Moscow. 2003. MGUGiK, p. 213-219. (in Russian).
- Sinitsyna A. Experience of Parking Place in Megalopolises as an Optimization Model Component on the Base of GIS-Technology. Proceed. of the Intern. Conf. Intercarto 8. GIS for Sustainable Development of Territories. St.-Petersburg. – 2002, p. 291-295.
- Sinitsyna A. Estimation of economic efficiency by using of the Automated Control System Traffic (ACST), Constructed with application of GIS-technologies. Proceed. of Intern. Conf. on Cartography and GIS. Borovec (Bulgaria). (25-28 January 2006).
- Krasnopevtseva B., Sinitsyna A. The Estimation of Probable Economic Damage Moscow Anthropogenic Parking Space Factors Influence on Ecology. IZV.vuzov. Geodesy and Aerialphotograficsurveu, №5, 2003, p. 142-147. (in Russian).
- Sinitsyna A. Influence of Megacity Parking Space on Economic Efficiency of Industry Enterprises (case study Moscow). Proceed. of Intern. Conf. InterCarto 10 "Sustainable territory development: GIS Technology and Practice". Vladivostok (Russia), Chang-Chung (China): 2004, p. 301-306. (in Russian).
- Sinitsyna A., Shingareva K. The Optimization of Megacity Territory Parking Space (case study Moscow). Issue the 18-th jubilee Conf. of postgraduates and students (The Moscow State University for Geodesy and Cartography). Moscow. 2004. MGUGiK. (in Russian).
- Sinitsyna A., Krasnopevtseva B. Systematization and Economic Analyses of Parking Space Anthropogenic Factors of Influence on Moscow Ecology. Actual Problems of Ecology and Nature Using. Issue of young scientists, postgraduates and students (Moscow Region). М.: 2003, p. 75-78. (in Russian).
- Sinitsyna A. The Economic and Mathematic Model Development within GIS TCM (case study Moscow). Proceed. of the Intern. Conf. Intercarto 11. Sustainable of Territory Development: GIS Theory and Practice. Stavropol. – 2005. (in Russian).
- Sinitsyna A.L., Feldman I.A., Shingareva K.B.development of concept ГИС of transport system of a megacity (on an example of Moscow). Materials of International conference InterCarto-InterGIS 12. Steady development of territories: Theory ГИС and practical experience. Kaliningrad: 2006.