Physics with Technology
Mr. Brian Felsch
School email address:
School telephone number: 654-0640 extension 3786
Physics is the basis for all of the other sciences. You will encounter applications of physics every day of your life. In this course you will demonstrate lab skills and learn the fundamentals of topics such as: Mechanics, Energy, Circular Motion, Universal Gravitation, States of matter, Sound and light, Electromagnetism, and Thermodynamics.
Expectations:Come to class on time daily and be prepared to excel. I expect you to come to class with whatever materials it takes to learn, such as; paper, writing implement, and your laptop. Quizzes will be administered almost every class period,thereforebe prepared. Our work will be submitted on Canvas therefore learn to use the program well. I also expect you to obey all school rules as posted on the Wasatch School District website. I will enforce the school dress code and additionally my classroom is a “no hat area”. Cell phones or other electronic distractions may be confiscated when used inappropriately.
Everyone will be expected and required to do their own work and to adhere to the following statement;
“I will not lie, cheat, or steal, nor tolerate anyone that does.”
Grading: I will grade the class using the following criteria:
35% - Quizzes and homework
35% - Unit tests
20% - Lab write-ups
10% - Term Final
The following is the grading system used for Biology:
A - < 93B + - <86.5C+ - < 76.5D + - <66.5F - >59.5
A - - < 89.5B - < 82.5C - < 72.5D - <62.5
B - - <79.5C- - < 69.5D- - <59.5
Please sign below to acknowledge that both you and your parents have read this disclosure document.
Student signature and date______
Parent’s signature and date______
Parent’s email and phone number______