West High STAR Testing 2014
Dear Freshman,
This is a very unique year for state testing as we transition from STAR Testing to Smarter Balance Testing for the Common Core. Freshmen will not be tested this year. Therefore, on Tuesday, April 8, 2014, Freshmen do not have to be at school until 9:50am (first period). On Wednesday, April 9, 2014, Freshmen do not have to be at school until 11:25am (first period). These are the only two days that Freshmen will arrive later than normal. Students who must take a bus to school can arrive at the regular time and go to the cafeteria to wait. All students will be released at the normal bell times (2:50pm)
West High STAR Testing 2014
Dear Sophomore,
This is a very unique year for state testing as we transition from STAR testing to Smarter Balance Testing for the Common Core. Sophomores will only take one test this year, the Life Science Test. The test will be administered on Tuesday, April 8, 2014. It is very important on this day that Sophomores be on time and in their testing rooms at 7:50am. Testing room assignments are alphabetical and based on the students’ last names. Students in our Special Education program will get information from their English teacher about room assignment.
Acevedo-Arriaga / P-2 / Fonseca-German / P-1 / Martinez-Medeiros / MS-8 / Sanchez-Shipman / P-10Asi-Birdsong / H-2 / Giardina-Goswamy / H-14 / Medina-Munoz / ST-1A / Silva-Strong / P-16
Bolanos-Cara / H-12 / Gov-Henson / P-15 / Murillo-Padilla / H-15 / Suarez-Tran / H-13
Cardenas-Chase / MS-21 / Hernandez-Jenkins / MS-16 / Page-Purcell / P-7 / Trasvina-Villanueva / MS-2
Chavez-Dancy / P-24 / Jimenez-Khalili / MS-22 / Quaresma-Regalado / P-8 / Villorente-Zuro / H-16
David-Drymon / MS-15 / Kim-London / MS-11 / Rehman-Romby / MS-6
Duran-Flores / H-3 / Lopez-Martin / H-8 / Romero-Samady / P-14
On Wednesday, April 9, 2014, sophomores are not testing. They should arrive at West at 11:25am for their 1st period class. This is the only day that Sophomores will arrive later than normal. Students who take the bus can arrive at the regular time and go to the cafeteria to wait. All students will be released at the normal bell times.
West High STAR Testing 2014
Dear Junior,
This is a very unique year for state testing as we transition from STAR testing to Smarter Balance Testing for the Common Core. All Juniors will take the ELA test to be used for college assessment at junior colleges and CSU’s. This test will be administered on Wednesday, April 9, 2014. It is very important on this day that Juniors be on time and in their testing rooms at 7:50am. Testing room assignments are alphabetical and based on the students’ last names. Students in our Special Education program will get information from their English teacher about room assignments.
Abdul-Arias / P-2 / Flores-Gaynor / P-1 / Morgan-Nott / MS-8 / Talimalie-Valdez / P-10Ariza-Barrera / H-2 / Gomez-Hays / H-14 / Nunez-Pelaez / ST-1A / Valencia-Villorente / P-16
Barrientos-Burboa / H-12 / Hernandez-Iribe / P-15 / Pena-Quintanilla / H-15 / Wagner-Zambrano / H-13
Burrell-Castellon / MS-21 / Jimenez-Langry / MS-16 / Ralston-Rivera / P-7 / Zamora-Zuniga / MS-2
Castillo-Cottier / P-24 / Lara-Madrid / MS-22 / Robledo-Rueda / P-8
Cruz-Durate / MS-15 / Magee-McMillan / MS-11 / Ruelas-Simmons / MS-6
Edmiston-Finke / H-3 / Medina-Moreno / H-8 / Singh-Tagulao / P-14
In addition, Juniors who have taken Algebra II or higher math will take the Math college assessment on Thursday, April 10, 2014. Students will receive a pass to come take this test. Lastly, Juniors will have a late start time on Tuesday, April 8, due to Sophomore testing. On April 8, Juniors are expected to be at school at 9:50am. Bus students may come early and wait in the cafeteria.