Government publications cataloguing
To be catalogued for a GP location
1. All parliamentary material for Canada and Ontario.
2. All Statistics Canada material
3. Current serials with holdings already catalogued for a GP location.
To be LC classed and placed in the regular stacks
1. All firm ordered material except current serials with holdings already catalogued for a GP location.
2. All deposit material not included above.
Cataloguing specifics
1. For items received on deposit the Method of acquisition code in the MFHD must be deposit.
2. Add the phrase “UWGovPubs” in the 997 subfield d for all Canadian government publications (all levels of government).
Monographic series
When the next item of a monographic series is received which would be catalogued for the stacks, note how many are already catalogued for a GP location.
If less than five, recatalogue for the stacks and fix authority record. Catalogue new items for stacks.
If more than five, and LC copy was used to catalogue previous numbers, consult with selector to determine if they would prefer that the older material be moved to the regular stacks.
Add to list to reclassin the future as time permits.
Fix authority record.
Catalogue new items for stacks.
If more than five, and LC copy was not used to catalogue previous numbers but is readily available, consult with selector to determine if they would prefer that the older material be moved to the regular stacks.
If so, consult with Circulation staff to determine if there is room in the regular stacks for the material.
Add to list to reclass in the future as time permits.
Fix authority record.
Catalogue new items for stacks.
For other series consult with the selector to determine if it would be problematic if the eralier items remain in the GP location. If so, add title and number of items to list for future consideration.
Fix authority record.
Catalogue new items for stacks.
If not problematic, leave older items in GP location but catalogue new material for the regular stacks.
Internet access (Follow in order)
1. Add 856 links to all Federal deposit material which are on the DSP site. The site is now easily searchable by
2. Check the Amicus record for a URL. The National Library plans to start archiving some government publicatons and the URL should remain active. Add 856
3. Check for a URL in the book. If it is active and there are a number of years of publications at the site, add the URL. If the site has few or only very recent publications do not add an 856.
or search by title at:
Location of materials
Depository materials will be received with no location assigned. If part of a monographic series, check to see where the series is located. Otherwise, place in Porter unless you have items classed in the following areas:
QC851-999 - Meteorology. Climatology
QH540-549.5 - Ecology
QK 900-989 - Plant Ecology
R, S-Medicine, Agriculture
If you have an item in one of these areas, please bring it to your supervisor who will check with the Gov Pubs Librarian.