King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals
DammamCommunity College
Course Syllabus
Course Number & Title: / CA 110 KeyboardingNumber of Credits: / 3
Prerequisites: / None
Semester: / Fall 2009
Contact Information:
Instructor: / Rashid Khan / Offices: / Room 273-3Office Hours: / As per advice on office door
Email: /
Course Description:
This course is designed to teach basic alphanumeric keyboarding skills and techniques with an emphasis on speed and accuracy. Introduction to formatting letters, tables, and reports using word processing software would be included.
Course Objectives:
Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
- Use a keyboard with proper technique and reasonable speed and accuracy.
- Perform simple document processing using word processing software.
GreggCollege Keyboarding and Document Processing, Ninth Edition
Ober, Johnson, Rice, and Hanson.
ISBN: 0-07-830516-0
Teaching Week / CAT 110 Lecture/Lab Topics / Lab Lessons / Typing Goal Lab Test / Lab Work / HW1 / Course overview, learning new keys / 1 - 2 / 12 WPM
2 / Unit 1: New keys / 3 – 4 / 14 WPM
3 / Unit 2: New keys / 5–6 / 16 WPM
4 / Unit 3: New keys, numbers / 7 -8 / 18 WPM
5 / Unit 4: Numbers, symbols / 9 – 11 / 20 WPM
6 / Unit 5: Email and Word Processing / 12-14 / 23 WPM
7 / Major I
8 / Unit 6: Reports / 15 – 17 / 26 WPM
9 / Unit 7: Correspondence: Block, personal and business letters / 18 - 20 / 29 WPM
10 / Unit 8: Tables / 21 – 25 / 31 WPM
11 / Unit 9: Reports / 26 – 30 / 34 WPM
12 / Unit 10: Correspondence / 31 - 35 / 37 WPM
13 / Major II
14 / Unit 11: Employment Documents / 51-52 / 40 WPM
15 / Unit 11: Employment Documents / 53-55 / 40 WPM
- Attendance
DCC attendance regulations will be strictly applied. Students are expected to be in their seats at the start of each class; attendance will be taken. Once the door has been closed, the instructor may choose not to allow tardy students to enter the classroom and disturb others. However, the instructor may choose to allow tardy students to enter the classroom, but they are marked late; three times tardy equals one unexcused absence. If you are late twenty minutes or more it will be counted as one unexcused absence. A total of 33% unexcused + excused absence will result in a DN. A total of fifteen excused hours of absence shall result in a DN. These rules shall be enforced very strictly; attendance will affect your final grade; points will be deducted for each hour of unexcused absence.
Perfect attendance will be rewarded with 5% of the total final grade; for each excused/unexcused absence, you will lose marks of this grade.
If you are caught sleeping or put your head down on your desk, the instructor may choose to include this as an unexcused absence.
If you miss any lectures, you are expected to consult your classmates, the instructor is not responsible for explaining material which the student missed due to his absence. If you are absent from classes, you are responsible for all consequences.
An absence for which you have an excuse, you must present the official excuse issued to you to DCC Student Affairs and to the instructor within one week of the absence, otherwise the excuse will not be accepted.
- Class participation
Students are expected to be prepared prior to attending class, whether this is by reading the textbook and/or completing the assignment(s). Students are expected to communicate with the instructor and with one another to discuss concepts and problems. Student are expected to come to class fully prepared (i.e. bring textbooks, pens, pencils, calculators etc)
- Assignments
The readings of homework assignments are chosen with the intention that at least three hours of individual study per the number of classroom contact hours will be required for adequate performance. Therefore, you should be prepared to spend at least nine hours per week on this course in addition to classroom time. If you find the assigned problems are not sufficient to give you confidence in your ability to handle the material covered in a chapter, you may attempt some of the problems that were not assigned.
- Major Examination
- The First Major examination will occur around the teaching week 6 and its material would be all done form the beginning to that time.
- The Second Major examination will occur around the teaching week 13
- The Final examination would be towards the end of the semester..
- Questions will cover the materials discussed in class.
- If a student misses the Major exam, he shall receive a zero unless an official excuse is issued by the Student Affairs (extreme emergencies only); makeup examination procedure shall be at the discretion of the instructor.
- Cheating
All forms of cheating (i.e. using mobile phones, translators, etc.) are forbidden and disrespectful. Students caught cheating during an examination will receive a zero for the exam and the case will be reported to the Student Affairs Committee for further action. All parties involved in cheating shall be punished equally.
- Mobile phones, food, drink and chewing gum etc.
Food, drink and chewing gum are not allowed inside the classroom in all circumstances. Your mobile phone must be on silent (no, sound or vibration) or preferably completely off during class times. The instructor shall confiscate your mobile phone until the end of semester if it rings in class or if you use it for any other purposes; students will receive only one warning for the first instance.
- Special arrangements
Any special arrangement must be discussed with the instructor at least one day prior to the event; failure to do so may result in denial of the request.
- Grading Criteria
The passing grade is 60%. Students are strongly encouraged to follow up on their grades on a weekly basis to avoid any potential issues. Student may not contest a grade a period of one week after issuance; the same applies to attendance.
Attendance / 5 %Lab Work / 45%
Practical Tests / 10%
Major 1 / 10 %
Major 2 / 10 %
Final / 20 %
Total / 100 %
Information contained in this syllabus may be changed at the discretion of the instructor without any prior notice; any changes shall be communicated to students.
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