Medicine Lodge Jr/Sr High School, USD 254

Chromebook Policies and Procedures

The Chromebook that has been issued to the student is the property of the Medicine Lodge Public Schools, USD 254. This Chromebook is on loan to you, during the school year, as a student and must be used in accordance -- both at home and at school -- with the following Chromebook Policies and Procedures, the District’s Acceptable Use Policy, and any applicable laws.

Students will receive a Chromebook after the $15 annual fee is paid to the district. This fee includes insurance. The insurance does NOT cover loss, theft or warranty. Chromebooks must be turned in and inspected on or before the last day of school each year or on or before the last day the student is in attendance in our district. Any Chromebook that is not returned by the due date, will be turned in as stolen.

Use of this Chromebook, as well as access to the computer network, the Internet, and email are a privilege and not a right. These items are provided for educational purposes only, and are intended to support the learning objectives of Medicine Lodge Jr/Sr High School, USD 254.

Any violation of the Chromebook will result in the following disciplinary action.

*first violation - student will lose access to Chromebooks and internet access for one week

*second violation - student will lose access for nine weeks

*third violation - student will lose access for eighteen weeks


Only District Chromebooks and computers are allowed in the school and on the school network. All other computers are prohibited.

General Use of the Chromebook

• The student’s parent/guardian must have signed and returned the Chromebook Loan Form Agreement and have paid thefee prior to the student receiving the Chromebook.

• Each Chromebook is assigned to an individual student. Students will never “swap” or “share” their Chromebooks.

• Students will never share their password with another student. Passwords should always be kept confidential.

• Chromebooks will be in a student’s possession or secured in a designated secure area at all times.

• Students are responsible for bringing their Chromebook, fully charged, to school each day. Students will NOTbe allowed to recharge their Chromebooks during the school day if additional charging is needed.

• Students will be allowed to leave their Chromebooks in their main school lockers if the locker is locked.

• Downloading and streaming music and videos is allowed only for academic purposes.

• Students are prohibited from playing non-academic games during the instructional day.

• Students are prohibited from accessing or attempting to access sites that have been intentionally blocked by USD 254 technology staff . This will result in disciplinary action.

• Any computer communication will be used only for legitimate and responsible communication between students, faculty, and the outside world. Bullying, rude, abusive, threatening, or otherwise inappropriate language is not permitted.

• Students will never share personal information about themselves or others while using the student Chromebook.

• Internet access, e-mail, and other media that are accessed, created or stored on their Chromebooks are the sole property of the District. The District has the right to review these items for appropriateness and to limit or revoke a student’s access to them at any time and for any reason.

• Parents, guardians, and students do not have a right or expectation of privacy for any use of the Chromebook or district network. Pornographic, obscene, or vulgar images, sounds, music, language or materials, including screen savers, backgrounds, and or pictures, are prohibited.

• Violations that involve computer hacking or trespassing, harassment, bullying, or threats via computer, and computer fraud can result in serious disciplinary action, which may include an arrest if state law is violated. Ignorance of these regulations will not excuse an infraction.

• The district reserves the right to limit Chromebook use for any student who develops attendance issues, including truancy. In such cases the computer will be collected and kept at school. The student will be required to check the Chromebook in and out each day.

• Any student who continually does not bring his/her Chromebook to school will have the privilege of taking the computer home revoked. The student will be required to check the computer in and out each day.

• A student who forgets to bring his/her Chromebook to school will NOT be given a loanerChromebook to use.

• Understand that the Chromebook belongs to the school, and it can be checked at any time or taken away for disciplinary reasons.

General Care of the Chromebook

• Students are expected to treat their Chromebook with care and respect. The Chromebook is the property of the Medicine Lodge Jr/Sr High Schools, USD 254, and should be kept clean and free of marks at all times. Placing stickers, writing or drawing on, engraving or otherwise defacing the Chromebook is not allowed and will result in loss of privileges.

• Students will not use their Chromebook while walking, on the bus, or otherwise being transported. Chromebooks can be fragile, and if they are dropped they may break.

• Students should protect their Chromebook from extreme heat or cold. Chromebooks are never to be left in a car, even if the car is locked.

• Chromebooks are to be protected from the weather, water or other liquid, food, and pets. Students should never eat or drink while using their Chromebook, or use their Chromebook near others who are eating and drinking.

• Heavy objects are never to be placed or stacked on top of the Chromebook. This includes books, musical instruments, sports equipment, etc.

• Students will use care when plugging in their power cords.

• Any inappropriate or careless use of a Chromebookwill be reported to a teacher or other staff member immediately.

• If the computer is damaged or not working properly, it must be turned in to the District technology staff (Mr. Lowell Dohrmann or Mrs. Tammy Lonker) for repair.

• Parents/guardians/students are not authorized to attempt repairs themselves, or contract with any other individual or business for the repair of the Chromebook.

• If a Chromebook malfunctions outside of school, Medicine Lodge tech hours are school days from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm. The student will need to return the machine to the Tech department on the first school day following the malfunction. The school district does not have an evening or weekend Help Desk.

If the Chromebook is lost or stolen, parents/guardians should immediately report the loss or theft to the administration.

Consequences of Inappropriate Use

• The use of any district technology is a privilege and not a right. Students are expected to use their Chromebooks in accordance with the Chromebook Policies and Procedures, and District Acceptable Use Policy, and any applicable laws. Failure to use this Chromebook in an appropriate manner will result in the following consequences, as determined by the staff and administration of Medicine Lodge Jr/Sr High School, and USD 254:

*first violation - student will lose access to Chromebooks and internet access for one week

*second violation - student will lose access for nine weeks

*third violation - student will lose access for eighteen weeks

*Civil or criminal liability under applicable laws


I understand that this is the only warning I will receive about appropriate use of my Chromebook. Furthermore, I understand that any violation of these policies will result in consequences concerning the use of my Chromebook.


Parent/Guardian signature


Student’s signature

