Mrs. Braun’s Class Expectations
- This includes people and property.
- I will work my hardest to respect you and be honest and straightforward with you in the classroom. I expect that students will return this courtesy to me and to the other students in the classroom, as well as the property in this classroom.
General rules for the classroom:
Extra Help
- I will be available before and after school (7:30am – 3:30pm). Please let me know if you are coming in for extra help, so I am sure to be in my room and not running errands.
- Passes will only be granted if you have your student ID filled out. Try and get any business you need taken care of done during passing time.
- You will be swept.
- You will be using the class sets in class, and you will also have your own copy at home. Please treat the books kindly and do not write in the books.
- It will be YOUR responsibility to find out what assignments you missed when you were absent.
- There is an area in the room that is called “absent world.” Here you will find a basket for each class period. Check the basket for your class period after EVERY absence to see what you missed. Each note is personal to you, so please make sure you are grabbing your personal note.
- If your absence was excused, you have one day for each day you missed to make up your work.
Late Work
- Any work handed in after the due date will be given half credit.
Do Not Bring to Class
- Food, candy, gum, soda, water, etc.
- Radios, tape players, CD players, cell phones or any other electronic device etc.
- If I see or hear a cell phone in my classroom, it will be taken from you and you will need to pick it up in the attendance office.
- On occasion, I will allow you to listen to music, but I will give you the ok first. If you are listening without my ok, it will be confiscated and brought to the attendance office.
- During class, it is my time to teach and your time to learn, we don’t need any outside distractions. This also falls under the RESPECT rule.
- Water is allowed as long as it is in a container with a twist on cap.
- The bell does not dismiss you, I do. I will do my best to give you a few minutes at the end of each class to pack up your things. In return, you will stay seated until the bell rings.
- You will need a 3-ring binder that you will be allowed to keep in class. This will hold all of your papers from the semester.
- Pen or pencil.
- Notebook or loose leaf paper in your binders.
World History Packets
- The World History Packet is your responsibility. If you lose your packet, it will COST YOU $5.00 to replace it. This must be with you in class every day. I suggest that you keep it in your binder, which you can keep in the classroom.
- This is a recycling classroom. There will be a box for paper and a garbage can for empty plastic bottles and aluminum cans. Please do your part to make our world greener!
- RESPECT of all that surrounds you and interacts with you.
- Along with this rule, the rules in the student handbook should also be followed. Remember that mutual respect for everyone in the class will help us all to have a successful year. To be successful in this class it is important to do your homework and HAND IT IN ON TIME, study for tests, and have fun. Also, try not to stress too much. Hope you all have a great year and good luck!
Grading Policy – World History
Grading Policy
Your semester grade will be calculated by adding the number of points you have earned through the first and second nine weeks of the course. Points are earned by successfully completing homework and class assignments, taking quizzes and tests, and participating in class projects. In addition, to receive credit for World History you must successfully complete all district assessments regardless of your grade. Failure to participate, complete or turn-in any district assessment will result in a failing grade.
Mandatory Assignments
- You will have unit study guides that are mandatory. Failure to hand in any of the mandatory assignments at the end of the semester, will result in a failing grade.
Quarter Grade
Homework will be worth 40% of your grade.
Tests, quizzes, and projects will make up 50% of your grade.
Bellwork and binders will be worth 10% of your grade.
Every assignment will have a point value assigned to it, that point value can then be converted into a percentage. Some assignments will be graded on whether or not you have completed the assignment, other assignments will be checked thoroughly.
Semester Grade
Your cumulative grade for the entire semester will be worth 85% of your grade.
The semester exam is worth the remaining 15%.
90% and above = 1
80% - 90% = 2
70% - 80% = 3
65% - 70% = 4
Below 65% = 5
Final/Semester Exam
- The Semester Exam will be the district multiple choice test and it will cover all material taught during each semester.
Missed Quizzes or Tests
Students who have missed quizzes or tests must come in within the week to make-up these assessments. All quizzes and tests will be made-up before or after school unless scheduled otherwise.
Students wishing to improve a test score will have one opportunity to re-take that test during EOP. All retakes must be completed within one week of the original test date. Students will receive the higher of the two scores.
Please detach at the line
Please sign below indicating that you have read and understand my class expectations and grading policies.
Parent or Guardian Signature
Student’s name (please print)
If you have any questions regarding these policies, please feel free to contact me at school.
Thank you,
Amy Braun
623-915-8500 Ext. 7736