Minutes of the meeting of Council held in the Conference Room, Fuji Photo Film Co, 125 Finchley Road, Swiss Cottage, London NW3 6JH. on Thursday 4th November 2004.


Mr Keith BellamyChairman

Mr Jeremy NaylerChairman Elect

Mr Angus RobertsonHonorary Secretary

Mr Geoffrey GilbertHonorary Treasurer

Ms Jane FallowsMembers of Council

Mr Greg Harding

Mr Martin Johns

Mr Andrew Johnson

Mr Nick White

Mr Calum MurrayChairman, Scottish Board

Mr Ray PhillipsBIPP Representative

In part attendance:

Ms Carol FlemingCo-opted

The meeting started at 11.12a.m.


Apologies for absence were received from:

Dr Roger NeighbourPresident

Mr Robert HarrisMember of Council

Mr Anthony RollasonMAA Representative

Miss Charlotte FrickeyStudent Representative


The minutes of the meeting of Council held on the 7th September 2004 had previously been accepted as a true and accurate record subject to the following amendments:

04/55 Chairman’s Address

2ndPara, 2nd line should read “Council had felt that some were inappropriate”.

04/56 Report of the Honorary Secretary

5thPara, 3rd line, replace “Johns” with “Johnson”.


The Chairman, Keith Bellamy, had previously circulated members of Council with details of their individual responsibility on Council and a list of actions from the September meeting of Council.

Mr Bellamy reported that Nick White had been appointed to look after the regions.

04/54 Matters Arising – IMI Archive

Ray Phillips asked whether Garry Swann would be willing to act as Institute Archivist. Mr Bellamy informed Council that Mr Swann would not be takingon this role but both Mr Swann and Julie Dorrington were in the process of cataloguing their own collections in preparation for retirement. He was still looking at Cardiff in providing a permanent home for the archive.


Mr Bellamy welcomed the new members of Council, Greg Harding, Andy Johnson and, in his absence, Robert Harris, Calum Murray the new Chairman of the Scottish Board and Ray Phillips as the BIPP representative and CAMIP Registrar to the first meeting of the new Council. A warm welcome was also extended to Carol Fleming who had specifically attended Council to report on the HPC application.

He had spoken to everybody about their roles but intended to continue the team approach with everyone supporting each other as much as possible.

He had received a request from Richard Morton, Chair of the RPS Medical Group that they are looking for an IMI volunteer to join Julie Smith on the London Region programme sub-committee. Robert Harris had expressed an interest and Richard had asked Council to endorse him as our choice to which Council unanimously agreed.

For the benefit of new councillors, it was explained that a normal Council agenda consists of two parts. Part A, which is receiving reports from the Team Leaders about activity and/or progress since the previous Council meeting. This is our core activity and ensures that Institute business is properly and transparently conducted and recorded. Part B of the agenda is for items that require discussion and decision-making. Ideally, these items will be introduced by a discussion paper, again circulated in advance. This paper should provide introduction and background to the subject; set out any options that have been identified; and make it clear what decisions/recommendations the author wants considered. Any Council member can present a paper in this way and it is the preferred method of raising important matters which otherwise might come up elsewhere in the agenda.

Andy Johnson keeps the website up to date and relevant, but he cannot be expected to carry all the responsibility. Council members, and others, have responsibility for ensuring the content of different areas is up to date and passing on any changes needed to him.Council was also asked to keep a regular eye on IMI Talk.

The Chairman then read from a citation from Richard Morton who would like to re-establish/revitalise the Lancet Trophy. He would like to expand it to beyond just RPS members and thinks it would be good if IMI were involved. This might also include involvement from the Welcome Trust. There was going to be an exploratory meeting the following day and the Chairman asked Council to allow him to pursue this avenue. Council unanimously agreed.

Following the successful application he reported on two pieces of news. Firstly a paper that went to the October meeting of the HPC Council asking them to endorse the first group of Healthcare Scientists recommended for regulation, and secondly a copy of a letter to Dr John Reid, Secretary of State for Health, telling him of the HPC’s decision to recommend Medical Illustration for regulation. The Chairman had then written to the President of the RCGP telling him of our application success and had received a congratulatory reply.

He had previously circulated a document,Workforce Review of Medical Illustrators, earlier for comments and then sent round what he had submitted. Both he and Jerry Nayler would attend another meeting in February or March.

He had also received a letter from the Workforce Review Teamregardingfunding pre-registration training of clinical scientists. There was some ambiguity about the terminology (Clinical Scientist and Healthcare Scientist) and he had written back for clarification.

He had written to the Chief Executive or Dean at each of the IMI award winner’s places of employment and received some nice responses back.

Both he and Jerry Nayler would be attending the next full meeting of the Federation later this month.As part of this, he had completed a proforma, which he thought would be used to develop the Federation’s funding arrangements. He was also working with Keith Ison, the Chair of the Federation, to develop a ‘Master Slide’. Council was also informed that the Federation produce a newsletter and he would be providing them with a piece about our successful application to the HPC.


Carol Fleming reported on the application by CAMIP to the HPC. The application had been successfully approved at the meeting of the HPC held on the 14th of September 2004. Item 9 on their agenda the scoring document provided had shown that all criteria had been met. It had been anticipated that a verbal presentation would have to be made in October but the HPC had unanimously approved the application and commented that we were the first of the aspirant groups to meet all the criteria first-time. They had since been asked to give a presentation possibly in March 2005. A letter had gone to John Reid, Secretary of State for Health from Marc Seale, Chief Executive and Registrar of the HPC stating that it had been decided that Medical Illustratorsshould be recommended for regulation. The profession would be working with the HPC’s lawyers to provide the necessary documentation. Both Mrs Fleming and Mr Bellamy would be meeting with Pat Saunders in January 2005.

The Honorary Secretary, Angus Robertson, was asked to place on record the value of the work carried out by Carol Fleming, Keith Bellamy, Martin Johns and all those involved in securing regulation for medical illustrators. The Chairman Elect, Jeremy Nayler, proposed a vote of thanks for a 40 year marathon.

Ray Phillips, CAMIP Registrar, gave an update from CAMIP. He commended the work done on the new CAMIP website. He had received one or two comments regarding the application form for the new entry route to the register. The new certificates were ready to go to print and he had contacted all those people who had asked for information. Fifty copies of the application form had been printed. He had spoken to the OIA with regard to their registrants and the fees associated with those registrants. A letter had been sent to the Royal Colleges informing them of the successful HPC application and asking to continue CAMIP’s association with them. Mr Phillips was asked to provide copies of those letters to the Honorary Secretary. Mr Phillips asked whether IMI would continue to pay for existing registrants and if so would they pay for new registrants onto the register. He was informed that IMI would continue to pay for those existing registrants. Discussion took place with regard to the new entry rules and regarding those applications from previous professional members of the participating organisations reapplying for registration via their organisation. The Honorary Secretary, Angus Robertson, proposed that as a benefit of professional membership CAMIP should waive the £50 entry fee and this be replaced with the normal £6 annual fee, to be paid by the participating organisation, the £40 assessment fee to remain.Mr Phillips was asked to circulate the CAMIP Board to consider this proposal. For existing Associate members who are then successful in obtaining registrable status Council unanimously agreed that IMI would also pay their administration fee.

Martin Johns reported that the telephone helpline would soon be up and running, there had been difficulty in obtaining a number through the Addenbrooke’s telephone network. This would deal with any queries relating to voluntary registration.

Andrew Johnsoninformed Council that the Medillus e-mail listwas totally independent and had nothing to do with IMI.


The Chairman, Keith Bellamy, informed Council that this was something that the Institute should be involved in. Nick White, the appointed lead person, had attended a training day with the brief of contacting Chris Mody, OIA, with the view of working together and possible accreditation.

Nick White reported on the training day. Although well attended the course itself had been disappointing. The morning presentations had been good but with no structure with a trade show in the afternoon. He had not managed to speak with anyone from Novartis but had spoken to Richard Cragg from OIA. In terms of accreditation there was not a lot on offer. With regard to the specialist interest group consisting of Carol Fleming, Tony Dook, Belinda Colton and Nick White, he asked for Council’s direction. Following discussion he agreed to approach Kevin Harrison with reference to joining this group and he would contact Chris Mody with reference for the group to look at workplace issues.


Members of Council had previously been circulated with a document introducing the proposed review of the BSc in Medical Illustration and asking Council to endorse the setting up of the review; the personnel, broad aims and objectives and the underpinning of reasonable expenses. Keith Duguid had agreed to chair the review with the following members recruited: Keith Bellamy, Jerry Nayler, Ross Milligan, Andy Johnson, Jane Fallows and Bill Young. It was agreed that Calum Murray be appointed as Scottish Board Representative and as Graphics Representative. It was further proposed that Nicky Goodfellow be approached to be the recent graduate representative. Keith Bellamy would write in the first instance to Brian Lawson with reference to this appointment. It was further agreed that reasonable expenses be met to allow the group to discharge its duties and that Terms of Reference be presented to Council at the February meeting.


Martin Johns informed Council that following the publication of the Protocols at the conference in September concern had been expressed regarding the use of the name “Protocols”. He also informed Council that currently four new areas were in production; Code of Responsible Practice, Breast Photography, Rhinoplasty and Orthodontics. Following discussion it was unanimously agreed to change the name to Guidance.


The Health Science Awareness Week was due to take place between the 15th and 21st of November. Greg Harding, Team Leader PR and Marketing, had produced a letter to go Heads of Departments. Martin Johns proposed that for next year a generic poster be produced. It was agreed that PR and Marketing would commission such a poster and that Jane Fallows would contact Justin Still to ascertain whether he would be agreeable to undertake this task.


Members of Council had previously been circulated with a document prepared by Martin Johns on Surviving Registration. Following general discussion it was agreed to re run the census. Martin Johns would circulate to Council a draft of the documents to be prepared.


The Honorary Secretary, Angus Robertson, gave an update on recent activity within the Institute. Council was also informed that in searching for information for a proposed article on state registration that a minute book from 1974 – 1979 was missing. Upon investigation it became apparent that this had been known to a previous Honorary Secretary, Nigel Pearce. The annual return of directors had been made to Companies House with resignations and new appointments. A question had arisen over whether the proposed loan to the 2005 World Conference should be treated as a loan or as a gift. The Honorary Treasurer, Geoff Gilbert, had investigated the previous arrangement for the 1994 World Conference. This had been a loan of £500 which had realised on its return to the Institute a surplus of £271.65. It was agreed that the fine detail be arranged by the officers and that the money be transferred to the organisers.


Members of Council had previously been circulated with a written report from the Honorary Treasurer, Geoff Gilbert. Mr Gilbert then gave an update, on the monies currently held by the Institute.

Account £

Current 215.68

Subscriptions 339.70

Conference 77.87

SpringSchool 44.82

Business Reserve 2,500.00

Capital Reserve No.1 228.53

Bonus Saver 112,434.67

Treasury Stock 18,400.00

The Chairman, Keith Bellamy, questioned the deficit shown under the Conference 2004 summary. He was informed that Council fees still had to be deducted. He also questioned the income to the BSc and was informed that this included £4,100 in fees. Andrew Johnson questioned why JAMM appeared twice in the account summary. Mr Gilbert could not offer an immediate answer but agreed to check this anomaly. Mr Gilbert informed Council that the bank had notified him of their intention to increase the commission on credit card pay-in from 4% to 6% plus £15 per month for the privilege of doing so. An alternative was to rent an electronic version for paying in at a cost of £19.95 + VAT to rent and a commission of 2.35%. Miss Dorrington had agreed to take the machine for subscriptions and for any conference fees that may be paid by that manner. Mr Gilbert proposed that in view of the financial implications of the former that the Institute agree to rent the electronic version. Council unanimously agreed. Council was informed of the problem of contacting Trevor Drake with regard to Fuji sponsoring the BSc awards. The Honorary Secretary and Honorary Treasurer agreed to investigate.Council was informed that Medical Illustration UK Ltd had sponsored the Beach Party at the Conference in Brighton to the sum of £2,399.87.


Members of Council had previously been circulated with a written report from Jane Fallows. The report had several points and recommendations.

The Chairman, Keith Bellamy, indicated that the trade liaison needed to be clarified and that the entry criteria required to be amended. Angus Robertson asked for clarification as to why the entry from Gilliam Lee had been rejected by the awards panel. He was informed that the panel considered that the entry in question did not meet with the entry criteria. Jeremy Nayler reported that Apple had pledged an iMac computer for the awards and that from a judging point of view it was also important to display work that had not achieved any award. Following general discussion the Chairman, Keith Bellamy, asked Jane Fallows to form a Working Party to look at the awards and to bring back proposals to the February Council and also to inform Garry Swann with reference to not having a separate professional exhibition at the York conference.


Members of Council were circulated with a comprehensive report on membership breakdown, renewals and unpaid members as of the 9th of September 2002.

Applications for membership in the following categories had been received from:

Member:Rachel Croskery

Colin Hayes

Lesley McAlpine

Associate:Paul Braham

Ken Preston

The above applications were approved.

The Membership Secretary, Julie Dorrington, had asked for points of clarification on :

Whether the Directory would be printed as is currently done and if so guidance as to how the declaration part of the form should be worded as Council had previously indicated that an amendment was to be made. Following discussion it was unanimously agreed not to print the Directory and with regard to the declaration that members would have to opt out of inclusion in the member’s area of the website. The Directory would be available to members through the member’s area.