21–23 OCTOBER 2014
1. Benefits of Becoming an Exhibitor
v Be part of the very first Symposium on Innovation in Aviation Security which will bring together ICAO States, industry, academic researchers and other AVSEC professionals.
v As a participant to this event, you will be able to network with high level decision makers and explore how new technology, equipment and processes can assist States and industry to meet both existing and future aviation security requirements and challenges.
v Enhance the awareness of your brand’s products and/or services and network with senior officials from civil aviation administrations and industry executives during and after the event.
2. Sponsorship Opportunities
v Hospitality Events
The following table shows the sponsorship categories, hospitality events and the current sponsorship status:
HospitalitySlot No. / Sponsor
Category / Hospitality Event / Day/Approximate Time / Status
1 / Platinum / Welcome Reception / Tuesday, 17:30–19:30 / Available
2 / Platinum / Cocktail Reception / Wednesday, 17:30–19:30 / Available
3 / Gold / Lunch / Tuesday, 12:00–14:00 / Available
4 / Gold / Lunch / Wednesday, 12:00–14:00 / Available
5 / Gold / Lunch / Thursday, 12:00–14:00 / Available
6 / Silver / Continental Breakfast / Tuesday, 07:30–09:00 / Available
7 / Silver / Continental Breakfast / Wednesday, 07:30–09:00 / Available
8 / Silver / Continental Breakfast / Thursday, 07:30–09:00 / Available
9 / Bronze / Coffee/Refreshments / Tuesday, 10:15–10:45 / Available
10 / Bronze / Coffee/Refreshments / Tuesday, 15:15–15:45 / Available
11 / Bronze / Coffee/Refreshments / Wednesday, 10:15–10:45 / Available
12 / Bronze / Coffee/Refreshments / Wednesday, 15:15–15:45 / Available
13 / Bronze / Coffee/Refreshments / Thursday, 10:15–10:45 / Available
v Delegate Bag
The delegate bag will display the sponsor’s logo and be handed to each delegate at registration. The following table shows the current sponsorship status:
v Promotional Material Distribution
A piece of the sponsor’s promotional material will be inserted into the delegate bag which will be given to each delegate at registration.
3. Sponsorship Privileges
Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze and the Delegate Bag sponsorship categories obtain the following exclusive privileges:
Privileges / PlatinumSponsor / Gold
Sponsor / Silver
Sponsor / Bronze
Sponsor / Delegate Bag
Sponsor's logo and link on the event Website / ✓ / ✓
Fifteen-minute non-commercial presentation to the delegates prior to the sponsored reception or lunch / ✓ / ✓
Complimentary prime location double exhibition space / ✓ / ✓
Delegate bag includes up to three pieces of promotional material / ✓ / ✓ / ✓
Recognition by the event moderator during the opening and closing ceremonies / ✓ / ✓ / ✓ / ✓ / ✓
Prime visibility in the Symposium directory of the sponsor’s name, logo and company’s products/services / ✓ / ✓ / ✓ / ✓ / ✓
Display of sponsors' logos in the venue areas / ✓ / ✓ / ✓ / ✓
Invitation to the hospitality event with sponsor name and logo on the Symposium auditorium screen / ✓ / ✓ / ✓ / ✓
Display of sponsor’s logo during the event being sponsored / ✓ / ✓ / ✓ / ✓
Free delegate or exhibitor passes and delegate bag / 6 / 4 / 2 / 1 / 2
4. Sponsorship Fees
The following fees have been established for the exclusive sponsorship privileges described above:
Platinum: USD 18,500.
Gold: USD 16,500.
Silver: USD 5,500.
Bronze: USD 3,500.
Delegate bag: USD 7,500.
Promotional material distribution: USD 1,500.
5. Booking a Sponsorship Privilege
Sponsorship privileges will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis. See Item No. 2 above for the current availability of the sponsorship opportunities and then complete the Sponsor Booking Form.
6. Further Information
Further information about the Symposium on Innovation in Aviation Security can be obtained from:
Mr. Christian Khouzam Ms. Caroline Casabon
Tel. No.: +1 514-954-8219 (ext. 7474) Tel. No.: +1 514-954-8219 (ext. 6466)
Fax No.: ++1 514-954-6769 Fax No.: +1 514-954-6769
E-mail: E-mail: