Name Due Date Friday, May 22nd (A-Day B-Day)
Book Talk Info Sheet and Rubric
Your Book Talk assignment involves presenting a pre-recorded 5 minute book talk to the class about the novel you have read in your Literature Circle. The object of a book talk is to convince the listener to read the book you are recommending. This book talk is essentially a persuasive speech to convince the listener that they should read a specific book. A book talk is very similar to a movie trailer for a film, which shows you just enough information to convince you that you should watch the movie.
Basic Guidelines:
• Remember that the class is not familiar with your book, characters, etc.
• Talk to the class about your book by providing background information about the author.
• Include information about each stage of the plot without giving the story away.
• Explain who the characters are and describe enough about the story so that everyone will understand what they might like to read.
• Read exciting, interesting, or amusing passages from your book. Include visual aids in your presentation.
• I suggest having a moderator to help keep the talk focused and at an appropriate pace.
• Each member must be a part of the presentation and have speaking parts. Speaking parts must be memorized – unless you are sharing a passage from the book (you may reference the book for this).
• Be creative. Include visual aids where appropriate. Remember, you want to entertain, persuade, and inform students about your books.
• Watch a book talk on-line. For example, watch an Oprah Book Club to see how she presents a favorite book without giving it away.
• Must be pre-recorded. This helps you get a better grade, since you have the freedom to edit if you mess up a line. Also, you will not be affected if someone gets sick the day of the presentation, since it will be pre-recorded.
• Presentations need to be at least 5 minutes long. A minimum of 10 points will be deducted if this minimum is not met.
• You will provide me a hard copy of your basic outline of the script. I will NOT accept your presentation without a typed copy of your script. Minimum of 1 typed full page.
• This is an English 2 test grade, which your work should reflect English 2 test quality work.
• The project is due on Friday, May 22nd. You may turn in the project by 5 p.m. on Thursday, May 21st, and receive 6 points extra credit.
Name Due Date Friday, May 22nd (A-Day & B-Day) Score
Rubric for Book Talk
CATEGORY / Exceeds Standards / Meets Standards / Average / Needs WorkOriginality of Book Talk
80 Points / Book Talk shows considerable originality and inventiveness with the images, characters,
dialogue, etc. selected. The content and ideas are presented in a unique and interesting manner. The presentation is a strong reflection of the scenes, characters, and themes of the novel. The students have creative choices - evidence that symbolic thought of the novel has taken place. / Book Talk shows originality and inventiveness with the selected images, characters, dialogue, etc. The content and ideas are presented in an interesting way. The presentation is a good reflection of the characters, scenes and themes of the novel. There are some creative choices and some evidence that symbolic thought of the novel has taken place. / Book Talk shows an attempt at originality and inventiveness with the selected images, characters, dialogue, etc. The presentation is a satisfactory reflection of the scenes, characters, and themes of the novel. There is little evidence that symbolic thought or creativity of the novel has taken place. / Book Talk is predictable. Very little attempt at originality with the selected images, characters, dialogue, etc. The presentation is a poor reflection of the novel.
Overall Presentation of the Book Talk
20 Points / Sound and visual quality are excellent. The students create a realistic interpretation of the novel and Book Talk. The students were well-prepared. Reflects an exceptional degree of student creativity in its production. / Sound and visual quality are good. The students create a somewhat realistic interpretation of the novel and Book Talk. Reflects a good degree of student creativity in its production and effort in preparedness. / Sound and visual quality are average. A few elements of the Book Talk reflect student creativity in its production. One or two lines might be difficult to hear and/or see. / Sound and visual quality are poor in a few spots. A couple of elements of the Book Talk reflect student creativity in its production.
¬I will not accept your project without the typed outline.
I verify that I read all of the guidelines and my rubric.
Student Signature (Required)