Echunga Tennis Club Newsletter

Season 2012-2013

Quick word from President

Well, we come to the end of another year and the last newsletter for 2012. But an important one as we need your help. We have some work still ahead and we need your support in Feb as you will see below, so please help us and reduce the workload. A big day and great chance to get some funds for club development.

Teams are progressing fairly well with most in the top 4 and few having some challenges getting a few wins. A great night was had at the Quiz night more details below. Enjoy the Tennis on TV, some great tennis to be watched.

So on Behalf of Boxer, Andrea, Belinda, Penny, Angela, Ron, Sue and myself(the Committee), we hope you all have a magical Christmas with your families, a Happy New Year and a safe time on holidays.


All British Day and the Echunga Tennis Club

What is it you may ask? The All British Day is an annual display day and picnic for enthusiastic vehicle Club Members to meet and show off their British motor vehicles. This year it is to be held at ECHUNGA on Sun 10th Feb 2013.

All the local service groups will be providing full food and beverage catering, thus it is a great opportunity for our club to be part of this fund-raising enterprise.

What is required from all our members? The ETC has 2 drink sites to operate during the day. Members will be required to be participants on a roster to cover all the requirements for a successful day. If you have a preference for a particular role or a specific time slot please email Angela Berry () before the 5th Jan 2013 as the roster will be published following this date.

The aim is to have our sites operational by 9.00am to capture the breakfast market.

The choices of roles and times are as follows:

·  Set-up of gazebos, trestles, eskies etc 8.00am -9.00am

·  Sales and Service between 9.00am and 3.00pm

·  Take down team between 3.00-4.00pm

We are also asking for assistance with large eskies,or similar cooling product, if you have anything to offer could you please notify Angela Berry.

It is also our aim to cut down on costs by making our own ICE. If you have some freezer space and can make ice bricks in 2L or 4L icecream containers (preferably only half full for ease of breaking-up) could you make up ice bricks and place in plastics bags. We are going to have a freezer placed in the Rec Room for these ice bricks and further communication will be forthcoming on delivery time etc.

Quiz Night Success

This year’s quiz night was once again a huge success and the effort from the committee in aquiring sponsorship and donations for the silent auction and prizes is to be commended.

Special mention must go to to Michel Tunbridge who was co-opted to support the committee in this fund-raising venture. Michel did a fanatstic job with table decorations that acknowledged all our sponsors and donors.

The committee would also like to thank Roz Schulz and Tammi Rothe for once again assisting by helping Boxer behind the bar.

The club would like to thank all our sponsors & donors for their support:

We would also like to acknowledge and thank all the Players and families who have very generously donated many goods for silent auction items and prizes.

Team Reports


Overall our Juniors are having a successful season and I hope they are all enjoying themselves. Currently the ladder stands as: Div 1 Boys - 3rd, Div 2 Boys – 5th, Div 6 Boys – 5th, Div 12 Boys – 2nd, Div 1 Girls – 3rd, Div 3 Girls – 3rd, Div 6 Girls – 1st

We have had one tennis training cancellation due to heat (2 for Hot Shots), so just a reminder to check the weather report the night before. If the forecast for MtBarker the previous night is for 35 degrees or higher, all coaching sessions scheduled to start before 6pm will be cancelled. If 38 degrees or above all training sessions will be cancelled.

Over the holidays some of our players will be competing down at the Country Carnival, playing on various court surfaces - acrylic, grass, synthetic, clay. We will also have some of our players competing in the HTA closed tournament at Hahndorf. We wish all our players the best of luck and a great time.

Our first match next year is the 2nd Feb, Training starts back on 29th Jan & 31st Jan. Hot Shot sessions resume on the 31st January.

Use of courts and lights

All members are free to use the courts for practice, key from General Store, however, if this is done under lights there is a fee to pay. Member’s fees for night tennis cover their games with lights, however, any extra usage requires a small fee of $10.

End of Year Social Day

Please keep Sun 3rd March 2013 free for a Beach Picnic. Further details to follow.