Physics Computer Lab: Energy-PS Name____________________________ Date__________
PART I: Science Joywagon Physics Zone
Go to
Login: northridge Password: jaguars On Lessons page, Click on Work & Energy
A. Then Click on Work, Power, Energy Overview and Review and do all sections.
1) Work is the force applied times ________________________________________________________
2) Write the formula for Work ___________________________________________________________
3) What are the units for Work?___________________ or _____________________
4) A Newton meter (N m) is the same thing as a ____________________________________________
5) Energy is a)_______________________________________________________________________
b)______________________________________ c)____________________________________
6) What is the unit for energy?________________________ or ____________________
7) True or False: Work is EQUAL to Energy __________________
8) What is meant by Conservation of Energy?
9) What is Power?___________________________________________________________________
10) What is the formula for Power?_______________________________________________________
11) What are the units for Power?_____________________ or ________________________
12) Horse Power is a larger _____________________________________________________________
Used to describe how _________________________________________________________________.
It is based on the amount of work a ______________________________________________________.
13) 1 h.p. = ____________________________ Watts.
14) Power is NOT a) ________________________ b) _______________________________________
c)__________________________ d) ___________________________ e) ______________________
Go back to the main page “Lessons on Work & Energy”
B. Click on Energies & the Law of Conservation of Energy
1) Energy can neither be ______________________________________________________________
2) Describe and explain the six most common forms of energy for introductory physics:
1. _________________________________________________________________________________
2. _________________________________________________________________________________
3. _________________________________________________________________________________
4. _________________________________________________________________________________
5. _________________________________________________________________________________
6. _________________________________________________________________________________
3) The formula for Kinetic energy is _______________________________________________________
4) An object that speeds up to TWICE its former velocity will have ________ times as much KE as it did.
5) The formula for Gravitational Potential energy is __________________________________________
6) The formula for Elastic (or Spring) Potential energy is_______________________________________
7) What does it mean to say that Internal energy is usually considered “lost”?
8) What is meant by “Mass Energy”? _____________________________________________________
9) Einstein came up with what simple formula to relate mass and energy?________________________
10) The speed of light in a vacuum (“c”) is ___________________________________________ m/s
11) If you could liberate all the energy locked up in 50 g of matter (50 big paper clips), it would be enough
energy to ___________________________________________________________________________
12) Any increase in energy is accompanied by an increase in _____________________________.
Go back to the main page “Lessons on Work & Energy”
C. Click on “Energy of Mass on a Spring” . Run this simulation, then go back and do the “Interactive Lab” (a mass on a spring which you drag and manipulate). Then do the “Bungee Jumper Lab” under this same section.
D. Again back at the main page “Lessons on Work & Energy”, click on “Energy Conservation” and go through the power point slides.
1) Explain why fluorescent light bulbs save energy (and therefore money)
2) How would a day/night meter save energy (and therefore money)?
3) Describe and explain “physics enhanced appliances”:
4) Energy is always conserved, but once it goes into an _______________________________ form it is
Considered ____________________. So the less energy we use, the less we ___________________.
Go back again to the main page “Lessons on Work & Energy”
E. Click on “PowerHouse” and go through this interactive lab.
F. From the main “Lessons” page click on “Energy of a Pendulum.” Go through this as well as the “Interactive Lab” in this section.
G. From the main “Lessons” page click “Energy on a Hill.” Look at the “movie & explanation,” then do the “Interactive Lab” (with the little wagon”) in this section.
1) Describe the difference between “no friction” and “friction” simulations.
H. From the main “Lessons” page, run the “Roller Coaster Energy” simulation and read explanation.
1) This simulation is ___________________________ (with or without?) friction.
I. From the main “Lessons” page run “Energy of Falling with Air Friction.”
1) Describe how this is different from falling while you ignore friction!
Then run the “Interactive Lab” and “Bouncing Lab” in that same section.
J. From main “Lessons” page run “Work Done” simulation.
K. From main “Lessons” page run “Solar Energy Insolation.”
1) What is meant by the term insolation?__________________________________________________
2) What is the date of the Winter Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere?___________________________
3) What causes the seasons?
4) DRAW a diagram of sun and earth showing the tilt of earth’s axis and the angle of sun’s rays hitting earth during the Winter Solstice in the North!
5) a) The date for the Vernal Equinox in the North is __________________________________ .
b) This is when:
6) The date for Summer Solstice in the North is _______________________________________.
7) DRAW a diagram of sun and earth showing the tilt of earth’s axis and the angle of sun’s rays hitting earth during the Summer Solstice in the North!
8) The date for the autumnal equinox in the northern hemisphere is _____________________________, which is when:
L. Back at the main “Lessons” page, run the “Greenhouse Effect”.
1) What is the greenhouse effect? Describe and explain it as clearly and completely as you can in your own words based on the simulations, explanations, and animations shown in this section.
PART II: PhET Sims (Physics Education Technology Simulations)
Go to
1) Run Energy Skate Park. You can make your own track for skating! Below, SKETCH your best track you created. How does this simulation show energy?
2) Run The Ramp. How does this demonstrate energy? Tell about the simulation.
3) Run Masses and Springs. Tell about this simulation and how it demonstrates energy.
4) Run The Ramp. Tell about this simulation and how it demonstrates energy.
5) Run My Solar System. Tell about this simulation and how it demonstrates energy.
6) Run Nuclear Fission. Tell about this simulation and how it demonstrates energy.