6:00pm–Call for Meetingcalled to order at 6:03
Absent –Dawdy, Sobh
Meeting Minutes Approval approved
Guest Speakers
- Dean MacLean
30 minutes including questions
-ERAS update: September 16th is officially considered the first day. Inform students that you should certify your list before the last day, as ERAS has crashed before. The working theory is that the crash is related to the early opening of ERAS and a higher data load. Please complain to AAMC.
-Mistreatment presentation: needs more awareness of the policy and process. Room for improvement, and concerns about how to disseminate this to faculty and students.
-Student concerns: raise awareness for reporting possible breeches in duty hours in order to honor, about malicious student to student behavior (multiple avenues for this).
New Business
-OSR Election – The two questions: (1) Give an example, real or theoretical, about how you have/would resolve a conflict with a superior? (2) list characteristics, what have you done in the past that enhances these?
-Elected Reimer
- Events for Allison Gherardini (Julie) 1 minute ex: Deans cup, ski trip (Eoghan). Email Julie and she will send to Allison.
- Staff appreciation (Leann) 5 minutescider and snacks for support staff. Contact AbbieEntz about getting students involved. Will take place in October. OSR will add this to the spotlight. Possibly work with Os
-AD hoc committee for Faculty and Staff Appreciation in effect until the award ceremony is complete: Alex, David, Sameen, Leanne, Matt, Abby. Alex will email the group. Please work with Osameudeh and Jay.
- Year 2 testing/exam review issues (M2 Senate) 10 minutes Software update so that after everyone has taken the exam, you can look at the questions that you got wrong. Through exam soft. More info to come.
-Alumni appreciation: we must sign up for two dates and not just drop in. Must do two packets or this counts as an absence. If you have to do this for another group, you can double count this on senates behalf.
Old Business
- M3 grading ad hoc committee update (Ryan) 5 minutes
-LCME Update: Pediatrics rotation (Jay and Osamuede) 5 minutes a gave presentation at the deans town hall of initial report. Data about the peds rotation has initiated plans to reassess the requirements of the rotation. Jay proposed an Adhoc committee for pediatrics clerkship improvement. Seconded, passed, Jay and Osamuede to head and will send an email out to see who is interested.
Executive Senate Reports
- OSR: faculty awards/spotlight (Osamuede) 5 minutes
Committee Reports
- Communications: Town Hall recap (Matt) 5 minutesHighlights to be sent out via email. Dr Ledgerwood, surgical association president. Jonathan Wong asage community impact award. Match day, 95.6% match rate. Golden gala October 18th.
- Alumni: First meeting recap5 minutesa Sept 16 med specialty lunches begin. Graduate student research day, alumni appreciation calls, showcase kickoff October 9th (details to come, fundraising event), next meeting October 1st, dinner with a doc initiative starting soon with 3rd year students,
-Julie would like to change the internal committee requirements back to requiring participation on 2 by each member of senate. Not requirement for this year, but strongly suggested. Should help with senate community.
-Social committee, gala at motor city casino, rid of awards ceremony at gala, we need more ideas to fill that time up. Social wants more committee members to help out with planning this and looking at decorations for the event. Contact Alex if you're interested, or sign up via google doc from Allison. Sponsors for the event to help subsidize the cost of the event or putting it towards a nicer venue for future gala. Ideas: class awards?
-Career advisory: 4th years having a mock interview night end of the month. Cv workshops also coming up.
-Financial Aid: looking for student input on what needs to be addressed. Jay will forward concerns from the LCME survey.
Class Senate Reports
-2015 working with admin to setup a program that helps finds interviewing students alumni hosts to decrease expenses
-Water drive - 40 cases of water collected at water drive
-2016 N/A
-2017 N/A
-2018 met with 2017 senate for intro to senate
Adjournat 8:30pm