Low Supply
How to make more milk
Is it low supply, a growth spurt or normal baby behaviour? Often mothers think they have low supply when they do not. Your baby’s weight gain and nappies are the best indicators of good supply. If your baby is feeding more than 12 times in 24 hours for more than 3 days and shows signs of fighting at the breast and pulling on the nipple, it’s probably not a growth spurt and you may have low milk supply.
Some reasons for low milk supply: ~Topping up or supplementing –reduces the demand on your milk production. ~Scheduled feeding or cutting feeds short –interferes with the natural demand on supply. ~Nipple shields – can decrease breast drainage and milk transfer which reduces production. ~Bottles & dummies – Can confuse babies as the flow is faster and they require a different suck. ~Medications - Contraceptive pills, Smoking and other medications can reduce milk production. ~Anatomy - Some anatomical issues such as Tongue-tie or missing breast tissue can cause low supply.
breastfeeding BASics:
Breastfeed as often and for as long as baby is actively feeding/swallowing. Ensure that the latch is deep, and you can hear frequent swallowing, shallow latch = poor breast drainage. DO NOT miss night feeds– Missed feeds = drop in milk supply. Skin to skin and rest as often as possible. Eat well and keep well hydrated. Rest often
Supply – Demand:
Breasts work on a supply demand system. More demand = More milk. Express 1 hour after feeds to boost supply. Offer both sides every feed and try“Switch Feeding” 10 min each side several times to keep your baby satisfied at the breast. Breast compressions while feeding will squeeze more milk into baby’s mouth.
Natural Galactogogues:
Anything that stimulates milk production is called a Galactogogue, these include: Foods: Oats, Kumara, Nuts, Asparagus, Apricots, Green beans, Carrots, Leafy green vegetables, Peas, Beer (without alcohol). Tiger milk: Blend together: 600ml milk or alternative milk, 1 banana, 1 Tbsp Brewer’s yeast[i], 1 Tbsp Milo/ Honey and 2 Tbsp Yogurt. Homeopathy: MILK FLOW spray from Manutuke herbsis very effective. Lactation Cookies and Teas - Recipes. Blessed Thistle:[ii] 3 capsules 3x/day. Fenugreek:[iii] 1-4 caps (580-610mg) 3-4x/day.(The last two work best when taken together.)
Natural Substances are NOT automatically safe. Allergic reactions can occur, and certain medical conditions need to be considered. Please read the notes below and following guide from Kellymom IBCLC regarding herbal remedies before taking:Herbal safety
Medical Galactogogue:
If you have tried all or most of the above steps for 5 days with no improvement you will need to consult a lactation consultant for an assessment and consider the use of a medication called Domperidone.
See our Domperidone Fact Sheetfor more info.
Produced by Janet McGuinness for the Gisborne Lactation Consultant Service. 2018
Disclaimer: The advice and information on this fact sheet is provided in good faith as a public service. However, the accuracy of any statements made is not guaranteed and it is the responsibility of readers to make their own enquiries as to the accuracy, currency and appropriateness of any information or advice provided. The Gisborne Lactation Consultant Service does not accept any liability for any act or omission occurring in reliance on this document or for any loss, damage or injury occurring as a consequence of such act or omission.
[i]Avoid Brewer’s yeastif you have diabetes or hypoglycaemia or are prone to vaginal yeast infections on a regular basis. Side effects of Brewer’s yeast and Fenugreek include: gas, diarrhoea, and abdominal upset for mum and baby.
[ii] Avoid Blessed thistle if you are pregnant or have a stomach ulcer or other gastric issues.
[iii]Avoid Fenugreekif you have a peanut or chickpea allergy andif you have diabetes or hypoglycaemia.