Clerk Patient Care Technician Program
Employability Skills
Student Workbook with Syllabus
Title:Employability Skills
Prefix/Section: RDLS 1400
Contact Hours:3.5
Meeting Time:
Delivery Type:On-Line
ClassLocation:SOC/MHY, room 203
Instructor Name:Assignment Pending
Office Location:N/A
Office Telephone:
Office Hours:
Email Address:
Faculty Web Site:N/A
Academic Program Area:Learning Design & Support
Course Description: Patient, coworker and supervisor communication skills will be emphasized. Assignments will included the accurate completion The Nebraska Medical Centers job application, a résumé and cover letter.
Course Prerequisites: There are no prerequisites for this class.
Course Objectives: Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:
1.Identify different personality types and the best methods of interacting and resolving conflict with each.
2.Understand the importance of working cooperatively within a team.
3.Demonstrate their ability to interpret different thinking styles including their own
4.Develop a résumé and cover letter based on their work history and employment objectives.
Required & Supplemental Materials:
1.3-ring notebook
2.Daily journal to maintain points earned during this class and important course notes.
3.A course calendar or planner that shows due dates of course assignments and personal appointments. This calendar can be used to also keep track of course points you have earned.
Course Structure:This course will include lecture, discussion, small and large group activities.
Students are expected to complete all in-class assignments, workbook and chapter assignments, participate in class discussions, and fully participate in group activities.
- Types of Assessment/Assignments
Assignments, topic exercises, mock and taped interviews
Participants will meet for 8-sessions of the Employability Module;
Session Schedule:
Session 1Review course syllabus, course expectations –
Discussion resume formats: Chronological, Skilled/Functional, Targeted
Begin work on resume, cover letter –
Assignment: begin draft of your résumé, see workbook
Distribute copies of text book – Coping with Difficult People, class should begin reading with chapter 1. / Session 2
Discussion- The cover letter, see workbook
Open lab to work on résumé and cover letter – Instructor assist
Session 3 –
The Nebraska Medical Center – video guest speaker; discussion on application process.
Discussion, complete profiles:
(1) 3 Hostile, Aggressive Personalities
(2) The Complainer
(3) The Silent Unresponsive,
(4) The Super-Agreeable
Role Play – in workbook, opportunity to earn bonus points. / Session 4
The Negativist, The Know-It-All, The Indecisive
Role Play – see workbook,
Assignment, see workbook- complete ADR worksheet
Session 5
Discussion text book - The Difference between complaining and venting
Role play – see workbook
What is your difficult behavior? Complete worksheet / Session 6
Group Activity –Thinking Styles
Movie – Communicating with Tact and Candor, 19 minutes
Review Communicating with Tact handout
Prepare for Interview worksheet, see workbook
Session 7
Mock Interviews, Taped and analyzed by class and instructor, coach, and possibly others / Session 8
Mock Interviews,
Taped and analyzed by class, instructor, coach, others
- Assessment of Student Work
Students will be assessed by the following means:
- Submission of all assignments
- Completion of resume and cover letter
- Completion of interview question exercise
- Dress for success taped interview
- Completion and submission of employer job application
- Participation in all 8 sessions
The quality of work submitted by each participant will also be a means of assessment.
- Maintenance of Student Records
- You will receive written feedback on your assignments and points, which you have earned. If you dispute the points received from your instructor, you must request an appointment to discuss why you feel differently about the points earned within 24 hours of receipt of the points. You are responsible for keeping track of your points. While your instructor will have record of your points, it is not the responsibility of the instructor to provide you with an update of your points earned at each session. When requesting an update, you must show the instructor evidence that you have been keeping track yourself. Do not wait until the 8th session to dispute your grade.
Required Expectations
- Attendance Policy
Regular attendance is critical to the success of this course. All assignments are due at the beginning of each on-line session. All five modules of the Clerk Patient Care Technician program are closely linked to the opinion that your punctuality and attendance in each class will demonstrate how you will perform in these areas if hired.
- Class Participation
All students are expected to participate in class discussions, group activities and the individual interview presentation at the end of the quarter.
- Disruptive Classroom Behavior
Registration at the College means a commitment to seriousness of purpose, academic integrity and high standards of personal and social behavior. Each student is expected to be cooperative and a responsible member of the College community, to comply willingly with College regulations and to abide by local, state and federal laws.
STUDENT WITHDRAWAL: If you cannot attend and complete this course, you should officially withdraw by discussing this with your coach, who will then inform the instructor and notify the project coordinator to drop you from the class. This must be done within 24 hours of the last class that you attend.
ACCOMMODATIONS FOR STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES: If you have a disability that may substantially limit your ability to participate in this class, please contact coach who has been assigned to you for the CPCT program.