Newsletter of the Lone Rock School DistrictAugust 2017
Lone Rock Record
Lone Rock School, 1112 Three Mile Creek Road, Stevensville MT 59870; phone (406) 777-3314
Welcome to the new school year!
My name is Mr. Scott Stiegler and I am honored to be your Superintendent and Principal. I grew up in Frenchtown, Montana and have been an educator for 18 years. I was at Florence School from 2000 to 2017 where I was a classroom teacher, coach and athletic director. My three children are ages 9, 14 & 16 and my fantastic wife, Melissa, is a social worker in Missoula.
As an educator, I’ve adopted a phrase that has become very important to me, “always learning.” I think this is a very important approach to our lives. If we decide that we can’t learn anything new, we immediately block out that possibility. Once we have accepted that there is always still more to learn, we have learned a lot!
In my 17 years at Florence, I have known some of the Lone Rock teachers, students and alumni. All of the teachers that I’ve known over the years have been very caring and dedicated to making the most out of your educational experiences. The children I’ve known or coached from Lone Rock have been kind, hardworking and dedicated student leaders. This tells me a lot about the culture at this school and I am happy to now be part of it. When you see me, please say hi and introduce yourself so that I can get to know you as soon as
possible. I will be using both the Superin-tendent’s office in the Middle School and the Principal’s office in the Elementary building this year.
Let’s have a great year as we aspire to con-tinuously improve ourselves and our school each day.
School is just around the corner and we hope it will be a safe and enjoyable final few weeks of summer vacation! We look forward to seeing all of the students when they return to campus to start classes on Tuesday, September 5th.
At Lone Rock we are working hard this summer to prepare the campus for another fantastic school year for all students, staff, and parents. We look forward to everyone’s participation in helping all students grow and succeed in every possible area. During this summer we are beginning the construc-tion of the new elementary office. When that is complete, please use the new main entrance at the south end of the building by the cafeteria. For the security and safety of our students and staff, all other entrances will be locked at all times.
Our District’s goal is to empower our students with knowledge and to help them become respectful contributing citizens.
We know this is a cumulative effort by all community members, parent/guardians and students. It starts with being punctual, prepared, a good citizen and enthusiasti-cally working hard. In our efforts of setting high expectation for all stakeholders, Lone Rock will continue to use ZAP, which stands for Zeros Are Not Permitted. As you may recall, we have designated space and teacher support for both the middle school and elementary students to finish work they need to catch up with. Teachers will recommend students to visit the “academic center” as needed. Students may also make their own request to attend as well, which allows them to take ownership of their
academic success.
Communication is a key component to success in any organization and I encour-age you to contact your child’s teacher first and foremost if you have questions or concerns. However, should something else arise please feel free to contact me at any time. For my administrative updates, please follow my “Remind” message and update feed. To sign up, send the text message @ LR-SD13 to the number 81010. Your mes-sage must include the “@” symbol. Your teacher may also use Remind for classroom updates, so please check with them. The Remind app is on Google Play and the Itunes App Store.
The following information has been mailed to each household: teacher/homeroom assignment, class supply list and school calendar.
Please submit all updated shot records to the office or have your doctor’s office fax it to us.
We look forward to seeing you all very soon!
Always Learning,
Mr. Stiegler
Superintendent/Principal (406) 777-3314 x202 and x201
Lone Rock School District #13 / Non-Profit Org.1112 Three Mile Creek Road / U.S. Postage
Stevensville, MT 59870 / Stevensville, MT 59870
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Postal Customer
Stevensville, MT 59870
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Congratulations, Lone Rock 8th Grade Class of 2017!
August 2017
8th Grade American Legion Awards
At 8th grade graduation, the American Legion, Fort Owen Post 94 from Stevensville, came to honor some of our 8th grade graduates. Students participated in an essay contest that focused on the subject of our nation’s Constitution; is it still relevant in today’s world, or which of the Amendments were personally most important to them. The Legion chose three winners from Lone Rock and they were: 1st place, Tiani Ertel, 2nd place, Damon Anderson, and 3rd place Teriauna Amt. Tiani Ertel also placed 2nd at the state competi-tion. Congratulations!
Shining Star Award
Shining Star Award - Amaya Jensen. This award was started tohonor Vivian Scoles who was principal at Lone Rock 14 years ago. It was meant to honor a graduate who displays leadership, compassion, and inclusion. This year’s recipient displayed these qualities and much more. On more than one occasion Amaya was welcoming to new students and was always willing to step up and help when help was needed. She sets high standards for herself and leads by example.
Farewell From Mrs. Purcell (retiring 8th grade teacher)
As I head off into the sunset (figuratively speaking) after 21 years as a teacher at Lone Rock School, I just want to say thank you to the Three Mile Community.I have been warmly received here in this community and feel honored to have held the position of teacher to your wonderful children. This is a special place and school. The children who have walked through these doors will always hold a special place in my heart. With the friends I have made as a result of my years teaching here, I will be around so I am sure to see many of you in the future. Thank you for the memories.
Betsy Purcell
Middle School Sports Meeting
There will be a mandatory parent meeting for all students interested in playing any Middle School sports for Lone Rock School on August 22nd at 7:00 pm in the new gym. Updated physical packets can be obtained at the school office before the meeting. There is a $25.00 pay to play fee for each sport that your studentparticipates in. Your student’s third sport is free.
Fall Soccer Registration
Fall Soccer Players - Soccer registration forms are due NOW and can be found on the Lone Rock School website. If you have any questions, please contact Shelley Rahl at 240-6416 or email .
August 2017
Lone Rock Class of 2026
EXCEL Summer News
Immediately following the end of the school year, Lone Rock students, along with several home schoolers, started out their six week summer program with a ton of fun! They began with the Amazing Race, and boy were they amazing! Each day students studied a different country and then off they would go in a mad rush, working in teams to strategize and accomplish difficult tasks, such as working through road blocks and eating ants on sticks! Students also participated in a Spanish Camp where they practiced speak-ing Espanol and learning fun games, songs, arts, crafts, and were introduced to the life-style and culture of Mexico. They ended with one of the summer favorite activities - swim lessons at the Lewis and Clark Park. Thanks to parents for allowing your children to be a part of such a wonderful and educational summer experience and thank you to staff for all your efforts in helping to make it possible.
Pat Cartwright - Program Director
Seeley Mickelson’s EXCEL summer class made ceramic “mon-ster” pinch pots made out of clay and painted with acrylic paints. Students ages ranged from pre-K to 6th grade. All had a great time!
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Some Dates to Remember
Aug 22 / – MS parent sports meeting 7:00Aug 24 / – / Kindergarten Orientation 6:30
Aug 26 / – / Playground beautification, potluck dinner and
movie night
Aug 28-29 – Staff returns to work Every Wednesday is a 2:30 early out
For a complete list of all calendar events, please visit the Facilities webpage at
2017-18 Staff List
Teachers: / KindergartenCheri Hollist
Shelby Murphy / Kindergarten
Terri Morrison / First Grade
Erica Carroll / First Grade
Kimberly Rebich / Second Grade
Julie Bachman / Second Grade
Ward Lake / Third Grade
Jeannette Wandler / Fourth Grade
Eve Wight / Fifth Grade
Amy Reed / Middle School
Ouisie Chanin / Middle School
Lisa Stevens / Middle School
---?--- / Music, Band, Choir
Angela Rowe / Elementary Special Education
Monica Wilson / Middle School Special Education
Sunny Boaz / Title 1
Art Perez / K-8 Health, Physical Education
Tania Jensen / K-8 Guidance Counselor
Jan Burgess / Librarian
Other staff: / Secretary
Marcia Bloom
Alisa Martin / Speech Therapist
Paula Lampi / School Psychologist
Vicky Angyus / Occupational Therapy
Wendy Wood / Physical Therapy
Jon Agosto / IT Manager/Systems Administrator
Amy Reed / Athletic Director
Pat Cartwright / Excel Director
Barbara Porter / CSCT--Mental Health Therapist
Lindsey Davis / CSCT--Mental Health Therapist
Deb High / Title 1 Paraprofessional
Mary Arnott / Title 1 Paraprofessional
Abby Christensen / Special Edudation Paraprofessional
Beth Lowitt / Special Education Paraprofessional
Danielle Myers-Ertel / Special Education Paraprofessional
Billie Dimsha / Special Education Paraprofessional-Braille
Kristen Pound / Specialist
Sign-language Specialist
Cindy Jarvie / Food Services Coordinator/Head Cook
Brandy Hardy / & Nutrition Consultant
Assistant Cook
Linda Nentwig / Kitchen Aide
Mike Wandler / Maintenance/Custodian
Carol Ross / Custodian & Bus Driver
Ken Beaudin / Bus Driver
---??--- / Bus Driver
Jeannie Morgan / Business Manager
Scott Stiegler / Superintendent/Principal
PTM Officers for 2017-2018
President: Michele Brunson
Vice-President: Crystal Grant
Secretary: Crystal Grant
Treasurer: Michele Brunson
Booster Club Officers for 2017-2018
Crystal Grant (406) 241-8134 Other volunteers are still needed.
Substitute Teachers Needed
If you are interested in being a substitute teacher for the upcoming school year there will be a substitute orientation meeting Wednesday, September 6th at 2:45 p.m. in the Middle School library.
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