The purpose of this report is to confirm the overall health of individual collaborative partnerships by evaluating theirability to manage the academic standards and quality of learning opportunities of provision leading to a University of Southampton award.
This form must be completed by the Collaboration Sponsor and should relate to provision in the previous academic year.A separate annual programme report should be completed for each programme delivered.For collaborative arrangements involving more than one Faculty, the lead Faculty should take the lead on the completion of the report liaising with the other Faculty(s) as necessary; only one report per collaborative partner is required.
The form should be discussed by the firstmeeting of the Faculty Programmes Committeeof the academic year and any action required logged onto the Faculty Education Action Plan. The secretary to Faculty Programmes Committee should then forward the report to QSAT () who will submit the reportto AQSC's Collaborative Provision Subcommittee,for consideration.
Programme(s)/Award(s)Partner Institution(s)
Report form completed by:
Type of Collaboration -please see definitions in the Collaborative Provision Policy(please tick)
Branch Campus (USMC)Jointly delivered programme
Validated provision
Erasmus Mundus programme
Joint PhD
Split-site PhD
Double/Multiple Award
Dual Award
Online distance learning with partner institution
Flying Faculty/Off Site Delivery
1. Review of the Action Plan for the previous academic year.
Taking the action plan from your last collaborative provision annual report, please summarise how any objectives have been addressed.
Please note: any non-achieved objectives must be taken forward into the Quality Assurance and Enhancement Action Plan in Section 11.
Objective and reason for implementing / Person Responsible / Success Criteria / Date Achieved / Outcome and benefits to the partnershipPlease provide an evaluative commentary on the following:
2. Management of the Partnership
Describe and reflect on how effective liaison arrangements have been with the partner during the last academic year, including areas for improvement. Comment in particular on:- How liaison was undertaken, including frequency of communications and visits (provide details of dates, purpose of visit, people involved, append any notes/minutes of meetings held).
- Communications concerning administration, management and academic matters, advice and guidance, communication of changes, assessment cycle, admissions, liaison between Academic Link Tutors.
- Any changes to the partner’s management structure or to the management of the partnership.
- For PhD students –How student progress is recorded and monitored by the partner.
3. Staffing and Staff Development
Provide details about changes made to staffing on the programme(s). Was the teaching experience of new staff considered by the Faculty?Provide information about the staff development activities undertaken by staff involved in the partnership including administrative staff supporting the programme. Include those that are both internally led and external attendances. Provide details on what support the partner has received this year in regards to teaching and learning and also the assessment and moderation of student work (where applicable).
4. Learning Resources
Comment on how the quality of learning opportunities has been enhanced during the academic year in question and provide a summary of key issues and details of any improvements either proposed or implemented, focusing in particular on:- Enhancement activities at both the UoS and the partner
- Developments in learning technologies and resources
- Availability of books, journals, library funding arrangements
- How library-related comments from SSLC (or equivalent) are shared with Academic Engagement Librarians
- Access to facilities; training and support for students
- Contact with and use of UoS resources (including use of SUSSED and the VLE) and the partner’s library and learning services
- For PhD students – quality of the research environment
- For PhD students – how students benefit from doctoral training and professional development
5. Student Recruitment, Retention and Progression
Provide data on student recruitment and progression for the last three academic years:
Academic Year / Programme/ Award Title / Total number of students enrolled on programme/ award / Number of new students admitted in academic year / Number of students withdrawn in academic year / Number of students that progressed to next level in academic year / Number of students that received award in academic year2015/16
Please provide further details on student recruitment and performance where the data shows a cause for concern.
6. Student Appeals, Complaints, Misconduct and Mitigating Circumstances
Record the number of Academic Appeals, Academic Misconduct cases, Student Complaints and Mitigating Circumstances claims relating to students on the partnership during the academic year covered by this report.Academic Appeals / Student Complaints / Academic Misconduct / Mitigating Circumstances
Please provide further details where the data shows a cause for concern.
7. Student Support and Guidance
Provide details about the support and guidance provided to students by UoS and the partner. Have arrangements for support and guidance followed what is written in the Operations Manual and or MoA? Please comment on the appropriateness of the support provided with details on any gaps in provision. Comment in particular on:- Personal Academic Tutor arrangements (for taught programmes)
- How student support normally provided by UoS Student Services is provided for students studying at partners
- Careers Advice
8. Student engagement and representation
Provide information about how student views are gathered and how students are engaged in the formal student representation at UoS. How is student feedback disseminated to relevant stakeholders e.g. the library and student services? Comment on the effectiveness of the above arrangements.9. Public Information
When did you last check (provide date) the partner’s marketing materials and website, that the information relating to the partnership is an accurate reflection of the arrangement and that the use of the University’s brand is in line with the MoA?If the information was not accurate please provide details below and briefly summarise any action taken/planned.
10. Good Practice and Areas for Enhancement
Please provide details on areas of good practice and areas for enhancement in the partnership:
Good PracticeFeatures of good practice and its identified impact / Feedback and source of comment / Steps taken to disseminate identified good practice
Areas for Enhancement
Areas requiring enhancement / Feedback and source of comment / Steps taken to address identified enhancement
11. Quality Assurance and Enhancement Action Plan
Please set out the objectives for the forthcoming academic year in regards to the collaborative partnership, linked to commentary in the sections above.
Objective / Person Responsible / Target Date / Success CriteriaPlease tick as appropriate. / Yes / No
Are you confident the collaboration is still appropriate for the University of Southampton? If not, add details below.
Do you have plans to extend or terminate the collaboration? If yes, add details/rationale below.
Signature of Associate Dean (Education and Student Experience)
Date of consideration by Faculty Programmes Committee