Ramsey Magnet School of Science:
Jog-A-Thon 2016
What is a jog-a-thon? The Ramsey Jog-A-Thon is our annual Fall fundraiser. Students run, jog or walk around the school field while listening to fun music and receiving praise from their parents and teachers for their efforts. All students participate whether or not they collect pledges. We ALL run or walk on this day - - rain or shine, so please dress your child appropriately. J
Collecting Pledges: Pledges are recorded on a pledge sheet envelope. Participants will ask families and/or friends to “sponsor” them either by the amount of laps run (example: 10 laps run at a dollar per lap would be $10) or a flat amount ($10 flat rate donation). Note that 4 laps = approximately 1 mile. Once the jog-a-thon is over, students will then collect the money according to what was pledged on their sheets and return the envelope to school by Monday, October 3rd. This is our main fundraiser for the year, and the money raised will be used to directly benefit the students and teachers at Ramsey. Due to last years’ efforts, we were able to purchase a Chromebook Lab! All decisions on how this money is spent are decided at the PTO meetings. If you have ideas/suggestions where this money would be best allocated, please attend a meeting. We value our parents’ ideas!
Dates and Times: This activity is a fun, healthy event for all the students. Please join us on Wednesday, September 28th to cheer on your students. 5th grade students will run from 12:45-1:45; 4th grade will run from 1:00 – 2:00. 3rd grade will run from 1:45 – 2:45, 2nd 2:00 – 3:00 and 1st 2:30 – 3:15. AM Kindergarten will run from 10:30-11:00 and PM Kindergarten will run from 2:45-3:15.
Ø Student with the highest dollar amount collected will receive a CHROMEBOOK AND BE PRINCIPAL FOR A DAY J
Ø Student with the 2nd highest dollar amount collected will receive a GO PRO and be P.E. TEACHER FOR A DAY.
Ø Boy and girl top lap runners in each grade level will earn their choice of a $25 gift card at Triple Play,Toys R Us, JAMMS Yogurt or Claire’s.* *If there are ties in a grade level, each runners’ names will be put into a hat, and one winner’s name will be drawn.*
Ø Boy and girl in each classroom to run the most laps will receive a ribbon.
Ø Classroom with the highest dollar amount collected will earn a pizza party, and the teacher will get a gift certificate to Texas Roadhouse.
Ø Each student who collects just one pledge will have his/her name posted in the cafeteria and will be entered into our daily prize drawing. (Parent just needs to complete the colored “1 Pledge Slip” inside the collection envelope and have student return it to school.) Names will be drawn each school day from September 17-29th.
Dates to Remember:
· September 14th: Jog-A-Thon kicks off in Ramsey classrooms.
· September 15th -27th: Students collect pledges from family and friends.
· Wednesday, September 28th: Ramsey Jog-A-Thon (see times above).
· Thursday, September 29th thru Monday, October 3rd: Pledge envelopes and pledge money are handed in to homeroom teacher. (In order to be eligible for the prizes, all envelopes / donations must be turned in by Monday, October 3rd.)
· Week of October 10th: Prizes will be awarded.