Code / Title of Course / Semester / TH / PR / CR / ECTS
ÇMD101 / TECHNICAL DRAWING / 1.Semester / 1 / 1 / 2 / 2
Being first module, in ‘Graph’ themed department,drawing straight line, pillar geometrical figures, viewdrawing and projetion concept, scale and scale types dimensioning rules,dimensioning components, measuring line,measuring arrow,measuring bound line,measuring numbers, special measuring symbols and letters topics are taught. In the ‘Cross-section Detail Drawing’ themed second module, sectioning and its importance, cross-section types, full section, partial section, scanning types, materials measures and features and process in details topics are taught.
Code / Title of Course / Semester / TH / PR / CR / ECTS
In the ‘Cutting’ themed first module, by pneumatic tools and machines cutting and drilling, by woodwork machinery cutting operations are carried out.In the ‘Planing’themed second module, planning operations are carried out by pneumatic tools and machines and woodwork machinery.In the ‘Perforation’ themed third module, perforations are carried out by pneumatic tools and machines and woodwork machinery. The last module in the ‘Surface and Edge Shaping’themed section, shaping are carried out by pneumatic tools and machines and woodwork machinery.
Code / Title of Course / Semester / TH / PR / CR / ECTS
DRAWING I / 1.Semester / 1 / 1 / 2 / 3
In the ‘Computer Aided Basic Commands’ themed first module, screen editing commands, drawing helper commands, layer consruction and arrangement, in the ‘Computer Aided Line Drawing’ themed second module; drawing commands and usage, adding story to drawings, using coordinate system in the stage of drawing, using arrangement commands, dimensioning commands, arranging dimensioning and dimensioning stories, in the ‘Collectivization of BDC Programs’ themed third module; data transformations between BDC programs, print setting and printing topics are carried out.
Code / Title of Course / Semester / TH / PR / CR / ECTS
The first module “Labor- Worker’s Health and Job safety Security covers that the definition of job safety and regulations, occupational diseases, protective and preventive measures, The second module “Labor- Worker’s Health And Job Safety Security 2” covers that emissions, environment pollution, regulations related to harmful gases, job safety and job safety equipments, protective and preventive measures, indoor air quality, first aid and first aid materials, protective first aid and emergency call, waste and classifying waste, storage of waste, recycling and recycling systems, regulations of hazardous waste.
Code / Title of Course / Semester / TH / PR / CR / ECTS
ÇMD109 / PROFESSION ETHICS / 1.Semester / 2 / 0 / 2 / 2
The analysis of ethic and moral terms. Analyzing ethic system. Analyzing the factors leading to moral code. Analyzing vocational education. Vocational corruption and analyzing the results of unethical attitudes. Analyzing the concept of social responsibility.
Code / Title of Course / Semester / TH / PR / CR / ECTS
ÇMD111 / PHYSICS / 1.Semester / 3 / 1 / 4 / 4
In the ‘Understanding Basic Physical Size and Unit and Transform Them’ themed firs module,unit systems, vectors, power and momentum topics are taught. In the ’Labour, Force and Energy’ themed second module, lobour, force and energy topics are mentioned. In the ‘Static and Dynamic’ themed third module, equilibrium and equilibrium conditions, figuring out the center of gravity, movement topics are mentioned. In the ‘Calculate The Thermal and Fluid System’ themed forth and last module heat transfer, and its types: communication,convection and radiation, basic fluid features, flow types and flow calculation, fluid in channel and pipes,pressure loss topics are mentioned.
Code / Title of Course / Semester / TH / PR / CR / ECTS
TÜR181 / TURKISH LANGUAGE I / 1.Semester / 2 / 0 / 2 / 2
What is language? The Importance and place of language as a social institution in community life, Language-Culture Relation, The place of Turkish Language among World Languages, Development of Turkish Language and Historical Stages, Present Value of Turkish Language and Diffusion Areas, Sounds in Turkish Language and Classification, Sound Features of Turkish and Rules about Phonetic, Syllabography, Orthographic Rules and Practice, Punctuation and Practice.
Code / Title of Course / Semester / TH / PR / CR / ECTS
YDL185 / FOREIGN LANGUAGE I / 1.Semester / 2 / 0 / 2 / 2
This course targets that the students know the correct structures grammatically and linguistic in basic English, identify and use actively certain English words , read and understand texts that are written in English, express themselves written and verbally.
Code / Title of Course / Semester / TH / PR / CR / ECTS
Meaning of Revolution History, Importance of Turkish Revolution, Synopsising to all cousing effects of Turkish Revolution, First World War, Beginning breaking up of Ottoman Empire, Position of country in view of invasions and Mustafa Kemal’s attitude, First step for liberation-organizing via congresses, Communities, National Forces-National Pact, Openning of Grand National Assembly of Turkey, Foundation of National Army, Two important event: Sevr and Gümrü Peace, Liberation Struggle untill Battle of Sakarya, Battle of Sakarya-The Great Offensive, From Mudanya to Lozan, two big political revolutions ,Entering Law on the Maintenance of Order period.
Code / Title of Course / Semester / TH / PR / CR / ECTS
ÇMD113 / INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES(Elective) / 1.Semester / 2 / 1 / 3 / 4
In the ‘Communication on The Internet’ themed first module, internet and internet browser, e-mail management, news groups, forums, web based learning, preparing individual web pages and electronic commerce topics are mentioned. In the ‘Applying for a job on the internet’ themed second module, CV on the word processor program, internet and career, preparing for job interview topics are mentioned. In the ‘Arranging Digital Data‘ themed third department, worksheet, formulas, functions, graphics topics are mentioned. In the ‘Designing with Ready Template ‘themd last section, preparing presentation, preparing introductive materials topics are mentioned.
Code / Title of Course / Semester / TH / PR / CR / ECTS
ÇMD115 / INTRODUCTION TO MANAGEMENT I(Elective) / 1.Semester / 2 / 1 / 3 / 4
In the ‘Economic Indicator Analysis’ themed first module, following microeconomic data and analysing mocroeconomic indicator topics are mentioned. In the ‘Founding a Workplace’ themed second module, determining gaps in the market, consider the best investment alternatives and chosing the most appropriate one, implementation of feasibility studies, and recognition of workplace environment topics are mentioned. In the ‘Workplace Founding Operations’ themed third module, such topics, analyse demand and predict, determining foundation place of company, its legal structure and capacity and determining its total capital cost and financing ıt, calculating estimated income and expenditure account are mentioned. In the ‘Openning Workplace’ themed last module, such topics; making workplace and production plan, carrying out investment operations, forming appropriate structure and open the workplace are mentioned.
Code / Title of Course / Semester / TH / PR / CR / ECTS
ÇMD117 / MASSIVE FURNITURE(Elective) / 1.Semester / 2 / 1 / 3 / 3
Being first module, in the ‘Curved Piece Production’ themed section, single and bidirectional cutting and cladding curved surfaces topics are mentioned.In the ‘Consruction Process’ themed second module section, width joint, edge joint, leg joint and slip joint topics are taught.In the ‘Big Furniture Skeleton Mounting’ themed third module,gluing and pressing topics are taught and practiced.
Code / Title of Course / Semester / TH / PR / CR / ECTS
ÇMD119 / QUALITY ASSURANCE AND STANDARDS (Elective) / 1.Semester / 3 / 0 / 3 / 3
In the ‘QualityAssuranceSystemInfrastructure’ themed first module, the concept ofquality,standards andstandardization,the standardimportance manufacturingandservice industry,managing qualityandstandards,environmental standards, in the ‘Establishing aQualityManagement System’ themed second module;the quality managementsystemmodels,strategicmanagement,participate in management,the process managementsystem,resourcemanagementsystem, EFQM Excellence Model, in the ‘StatisticalQualityControl’ themed third module; qualitycontrol in production, inspectionandsampling, totalquality control,control diagramsandstatistical distributions topics are carried out.
Code / Title of Course / Semester / TH / PR / CR / ECTSÇMD102 / WOOD BASED PANEL PRODUCTION / 2.Semester / 3 / 1 / 4 / 6
In the ‘Timber Production themed first module; parallel shear, prisma shear, tangent shear functions are carried out. In the ‘Natural Seasoning of Timber’themed section, seasoning by stowing methods, and seasoning by special methods functions are carried out. In the ‘Technical Seasoning of Timber’ themed third module, seasoning by classic methods, and seasoning by special methods functions are carried out. In the ‘Coating Production’ themed fourth module; rotary-cut veneer production, sliced veneer production, shear veneer production, special-cut coating functions are carried out. In the ‘Laminated Piece’ themed module; flat piece production and curved piece production, “Signboard Production” themed module, making scheme, and finalizing are carried out.
Code / Title of Course / Semester / TH / PR / CR / ECTS
ÇMD104 / ARTIFICIAL BOARD PRODUCTION / 2.Semester / 1 / 1 / 2 / 4
The first module “Producing Particle Board” covers that supplying raw material, flaking, laying, pressing, sizing and technical features of boards. The second module “Producing Fiberboard” covers that supplying raw materials, producing fiber, types of pressing, sizing fiberboards. The third module “Producing Wersalit Board” covers that creating framework, pressing and labelling. The last module “Producing Laminated Board” covers that supplying raw material producing high pressure laminate, producing constant pressure laminate.
Code / Title of Course / Semester / TH / PR / CR / ECTS
ÇMD106 / COMPUTER AIDED DRAWING II / 2.Semester / 1 / 1 / 2 / 2
In the ‘Constituting Object With BDC Programs’ themed first module, solid modelling and surface modelling are carried out. In the ‘Computer Aided Threedimentional Drawing’ themed last module, constituting space, forming technical drawings of model and space are carried out.
Code / Title of Course / Semester / TH / PR / CR / ECTS
ÇMD108 / ENVIRONMENTALPROTECTION / 2.Semester / 2 / 0 / 2 / 2
In the module called as “Environment and Human Health-1” environment regulation is touched on and the study of risk analysis is also applied. On the other hand, in the module called as “Environment – Human Health-2” the subjects such as waste storage, personal protection precautions and international health and security warnings, worker’s health and work safety are instructed.
Code / Title of Course / Semester / TH / PR / CR / ECTS
ÇMD110 / PROFESSIONAL IMAGE I / 2.Semester / 1 / 1 / 2 / 2
In the ‘Free-hand Drawing’themed first module, classification of professional art concept, free-hand appearence drawing, free-hand cross section and detail drawing and free-hand perspective drawing are carried out. In the ‘Singular Furniture Drawing’ themed last module, constituting layer, computer aided clear drawing of singular furniture, explanation of cross section and detail, computer aided cross section and detail drawing of singular furniture are carried out.
Code / Title of Course / Semester / TH / PR / CR / ECTS
ÇMD166 / INTERNSHIP / 2.Semester / 0 / 0 / 0 / 8
This is practical and applied education which the student will do in related sectors like trade, production an service. It consist of 30 days of work. The education, application and trainings of the students are made in the frame of Higher Education Council’s basis and procedures. It is aimed that student will gain experience by applying and taking professional education. It is evaluated by the comission of training with the help of evaluation forms coming from the firms.
Code / Title of Course / Semester / TH / PR / CR / ECTS
TUR182 / TURKISH LANGUAGE II / 2.Semester / 2 / 0 / 2 / 2
Turkish derivational affixes and their practices, some important info concerning composition, types of word, the practice of clause analysis, ambiguity and faults in a clause and to correct them, letter of application, official report, letter its types, the steps followed to prepare a scientific writing.
Code / Title of Course / Semester / TH / PR / CR / ECTS
YDL186 / FOREIGN LANGUAGE II / 2.Semester / 2 / 0 / 2 / 2
This course, that is a follow up of YDL 185, targets that students parctice some teaching activities to reinforce their knowledges which they acquire in YDL185 course, develop strategies and skills such as learning words, memorising them , keeping them in their minds,using them when necessary, read a text using their learnt reading strategies, acquire writing skill in line with their requirements and levels.
Code / Title of Course / Semester / TH / PR / CR / ECTS
The principles of applying Turkish revolution, the foundation of juridical system and the foundation of system of education, efforts on economics and the Treasury, the other innovations organizing communal living, domestic policies of Turkish republic under the presidency of Atatürk, foreign policy of Turkish republic under the presidency of Atatürk, Unit annex: the death of Atatürk, domestic and foreign policy of Turkish republic after the death of Atatürk, Atatürk’s principles 1-republicanism, 2- nationalism, 3- populism, 4 – etatism,5 – secularism and 6 – revolution.
Code / Title of Course / Semester / TH / PR / CR / ECTSÇMD201 / SURFACE OPERATIONS I / 3.Semester / 1 / 1 / 2 / 3
In the first module, “Preparation Of Surface Operation”, the determination of material quantity to be used for surface, surface tool knowledge, polishing and the determination of polishing quality and bleaching are discussed and practices are carried out. In the second module “Encolouring”, encoluring with wooden preservative substances, tree colors and practices and color procedures and practices take place. In the last and third module “Protector Interstratifying”, protector interstratifying, forming lacker system, lacker practices, last layer practice, faults formed on color and lacker layers are discussed.
Code / Title of Course / Semester / TH / PR / CR / ECTS
ÇMD203 / ERGONOMICS / 3.Semester / 2 / 0 / 2 / 3
In the first module “Ergonomics Production” anatomic structure of a human and production, antropometric sturucture of a human and production sunjects are discussed. In the module “Ergonomics Enviorenment”, illumination ve its effects, artificial illumination and natural illumination, work enviorenment and air movements, personnel preservations and clothes nad also noise in work enviorenment are discussed here.In the third and last module “Human, Machine, Enviorenment-Friendly” the size of ergonomics work bench and the concord od work bench, the size of ergonomics wood machine, the concord of ergonomics and ergonomics wood machine, ergonomics movement in atelier and the results of ergonomics movements in atelier are also discussed.
Code / Title of Course / Semester / TH / PR / CR / ECTS
ÇMD205 / SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND DESIGN / 3.Semester / 3 / 1 / 4 / 5
In the first module “The Definition of System / Production Purpose and Its Scope” defining work item. In the second module “System/production purpose and its scope” presenting the results obtained at the end of the study. In the third module ”Calculating or Software Concerning System/Production” system functions and defining variances, specifying necessary items, preaparing a draft of system process, calculating system, assessing the datum, defining mecanishms chosen in the system, specifying the production methods of draft project, drafting system members or its mechanisms. In the fourth module ”Realizing System/Production” assembling system/production. In the last module”system analysis and devising” testing system/production are discussed.
Code / Title of Course / Semester / TH / PR / CR / ECTS
ÇMD207 / PROFESSIONALMATHEMATICS I / 3.Semester / 3 / 1 / 4 / 4
In the first chapter “Algebra” algebraic calculations, polynomial and identities, rational expressions and rate and ratio are discussed. In the second chapter “Equations and Inequalities” editing equation and inequality subjects are discussed. In the third chapter “Functions” basic functions at occupation, types and practices of functions at occupation are discussed. In the fourth chapter “Geometry”, basic geometry datum, polygonal data practices, garnishing shapes, circle, circle and geometry data practices, coordinate system at occupation and conic practices are discussed. In the last and fifth chapter “Logarithm”, logarithmic basic calculations and practices of exponential function calculations at occupation are discussed.
Code / Title of Course / Semester / TH / PR / CR / ECTS
ÇMD209 / PROFESSIONAL IMAGE II / 3.Semester / 1 / 1 / 2 / 2
In the first module called as “Group Furniture Layout” clear drawing picture of group furniture, forming layer, layout aspects and dimensioning, drawing edges and details of group furniture, edges and carding details, cardings and markings are discussed. In the second module “Perspective Layout”, the definition of perspective, its importance, parallel perspective layout methods, ray method, distance method, pinewood method, conic perspective layout methods are discussed.
Code / Title of Course / Semester / TH / PR / CR / ECTS
ÇMD211 / PRODUCTION MANAGEMENT / 3.Semester / 2 / 0 / 2 / 2
The first module “Work Study” covers that basic processes of furniture production, time measurement, diagrams that show actions, work sampling, time study, time standards. The second module “Planning Production” covers that work and machine capacities, transaction costs in machines, making optimal installment, quality specifications, work orders and genel flow diagrams.
Code / Title of Course / Semester / TH / PR / CR / ECTS
ÇMD213 / COMPUTER-AIDED PRODUCTION I (Elective) / 3.Semester / 2 / 1 / 3 / 4
In the first module “Styling Via The Programme CAM” 2B and 3B CAD module of CAM programmes, data transform of CAD-CAM are discussed and its practices are done. In the second module “Using Two Or Three-Dimensional CAM Programmes”, two or three dimensional CAM programmes are discussed. In the third module “Four Or Five Axis Stick Forming By CAM Software” 4 or 5 axis CAD Module subjects. In the fourth module “Creating A Code Via CAM Programmes” crating a code via CAM programmes and choosing a post processor, transforming programme from computer to the bench and vice versa.
Code / Title of Course / Semester / TH / PR / CR / ECTS
ÇMD215 / PROFESSIONAL FOREIGN LANGUAGE (Elective) / 3.Semester / 2 / 1 / 3 / 4
In the first module called “Basic Professional Concepts and Definitions” there are frequently used terms, vocabulary and concepts in the field of furniture and decoration, making basic definitions by using basic definition templates, numerical values and amounts, shapes and colors, mathematical terms and four operations subjects. The second module “Using The Knowledge of Professional Foreign Langulage” covers the subjects of active and passive voice, tense-verb relationships in technical texts, classifying sentence elements in professional texts, nouns, adjectives, pronouns and punction in professional texts. The third module “Translating” covers that technical writing in foreign language. The fourth and last module “Making Conversation” covers that making business conversations and making presentation.
Code / Title of Course / Semester / TH / PR / CR / ECTS
ÇMD217 / SPACE EQUIPMENT I / 3.Semester / 3 / 1 / 4 / 4
In the ‘Production of Door’ themed first module, definition of door, door types, production of door leaf, definition of doorframe, production of doorframe, door mounting are carried out. In the ‘Production of Window’ themed second module, window leaf, windowframe, window mounting, and hinges and handles are taught. In the ‘Production of Shutter’ themed third module, production of shatterframe, production of shatter leaf, shatter mounting are carried out. In the ‘StairsandPartitionPanelsManufacturing” themed last module, definition of stairs, building rung, building riser, making handrail and ıts tecniques, making guardrail and ıts techiques, stair mounting; making partition, and partition mounting are carried out.
Code / Title of Course / Semester / TH / PR / CR / ECTS
ÇMD219 / WOODEN ORNAMENT TECHNIQUES I(Elective) / 3.Semester / 3 / 1 / 4 / 4
In the first module “Surface Carving”, surface carving by hand, gouges are taught and practice areas, doing low and deep carving, surface carving by machine, the types of carving machines and studying principles are also told. In the second module called as “Scoured Carving”; scoured carving device, sconce or appliqué practice and cutting in scoured activity take place. In the third module; “Wooden Inlaid” preparing wooden inlaid, motif onto the surface in inlaid, forming ground and filato in inlaid practice take place. Lastly in the fourth module “Doing Marquetry” desining onto surface in inlaid, assembling overlay pieces and subjects on doing filato ara mentioned and practices are carried out.
Code / Title of Course / Semester / TH / PR / CR / ECTS
ÇMD267 / INTERNSHIP / 3.Semester
It equals to ÇMD166 Internship. This course can be taken by the students who are in their fifth or upper terms.