Family Terms* and Courtesy Titles / Letter Openings and Closings / Pronoun “I”When used in place of a name or as a part of the name*
I went with Mother to the store.
I went with my mother to the store.
Do NOT capitalize when they come after a possessive pronoun (my, his, our)
Title of rank or respect
Mr. Smith Dr. Jones
President Bush General Powell / Capitalize the words in the opening of a letter
Dear Luke, Dear Editor:
To Whom It May Concern:
Capitalize the first word only in a letter closing
Yours truly, Very truly yours,
Your best friend, / Always capitalize the pronoun “I.”
I think Iforgot my homework.
Maybe I’ll call my mom.
Titles / Proper Adjectives / Direct Quotations*
Capitalize the first word and all important words in the title of a book, movie, song*, work of art*, etc.
Not capitalized within the title:
- Articles (a, an, the)
- Small conjunctions
- Small prepositions
A proper noun used as an adjective
An adjective formed from a proper noun
Chinese food
Mexican restaurant
Texas history / Capitalize the first word of a direct quote even when it is in the middle of a sentence.
Grace yelled, “Take me, too!”
“Iwant to play soccer,” said Jen. “May I sign up?”
Do not capitalize if the sentence continues
“Bill is my first choice,” he said, “but Nan would be a good choice, too.”
- People
- Airplanes(Air Force One)*
- Ships (the Queen Mary)*
- Planets (Saturn, Neptune)*
North America Bell County Lake Whitney
Capitalize geographic locations, but not directions*
I visited the Northeast last summer.
I visited eastern Maine. / School Courses*
All languages
Specific courses, but not general subjects
Spanish, English, math, reading, Biology I, biology, Texas history, 7thGrade Texas History, science
Calendar Names and Holidays
Wednesday March Halloween Christmas / Company Names and Organizations
Boy Scouts General MotorsCorporation
the Red Cross the Dallas Cowboys / Nationalities, Ethnic Groups, and Religions
Russian Choctaw British
Judaism Hispanic Arab
Brand Names*
(but not the name of the product)
Colgate toothpaste Dr. Pepper
Ford car Ford Focus Chevrolet truck Chevrolet Silverado Lucky Charms cereal / Words Like “Chapter” and “Room” When Used as a Proper Noun*
You will have a test over Chapter 1 on Monday.
What chapter do I read for homework?
Will you take this to Room 307?
Will you take this to the second room on the right? / Special Events*
Homecoming Spring Break
Historical Events and Documents
the Civil War World War II
the Battle of San Jacinto theVictorian Age
the Bill of Rights / Do NOT capitalize seasons of the year unless another rule applies.
I likefall weather better than winter.