Wigtownshire Executive Group – Stakeholder Meeting

Minutes of Meeting, 15 September 2015, 13.00, Stranraer Fire Station


Mhairi Hastings (Chair) (MH) Rhona Sturrock (RS)

Kim Hollis (KH) Julie Currie (JC)

Jenny Macdonald (JMcd) Mark Sindall (MS)

Garry Morrison (GM) Ewan Marshall (EM)

Tony Johnson (TJ) Jim McColm (JMcC)

Paula Moreira (PM) Fidelma Eggo (FE)

Viv Gration (VG) Sue Newberry (SN)

Rosy Wilson (RW) Liz McKean (LMcK)

Nathalie Guillaume (NG) David Beattie (DB)

In Attendance: Shelley McColm (SMcC) – note taker, Gillian Churms – support.

Apologies: Peter Ross (PR), Jackie Geddes (JG)

Welcome and Introductions
Mhairi welcomed everyone and introductions were made.
Minutes of Previous Meeting
These were accepted as an accurate record.
Matters Arising
There were no matters arising.
Locality Planning Update:
Locality Plan, Strategic Plan and Consultation Update
FE and MH gave the members a brief update regarding the final draft of version (v9) of the Wigtownshire Locality Plan. Additional work to be done around financial planning in conjunction with the Strategic Plan. The Locality Plan has passed through Plain English and will be produced in an Easy Read format. The Locality Plans and the second draft Strategic Plan will go out for public consultation as of 19th October for 8 weeks to 11th December 2015. FE advised the group that the Locality Plan, whilst still a little wordy, would suffice as a starting point and will improve over time.
JC advised the team that discussions had taken place at the Communication Group and it was agreed that there needs to be variety of methods to support consultation and engagement on the plan, and it is likely that the Easy Read version of the plan will be used to aid consultation engagement and also exploring the possibility of using the existing TVs in hospitals and GP surgeries to promote and the plan and the consultation process. JC went on to explain that future dates for the Communication Group meetings had been agreed and were to be circulated.
MS explained that there is a regional group working to establish a joint consultation strategy and that will provide support during the consultation period. This group also has a broader remit to support future planning and consultation activities.
VG confirmed that there is still a lot of work to do in preparation for the consultation, but that there is a lot of enthusiastic support for the joint strategy on consultation. VG also confirmed that there is to be a suite of resources made available for use during the consultation period.
FE concluded by asking all present that when using the Locality Plan to ensure that the correct version is used, and confirming that when the final version is available it will be issued centrally.
Area Committee Update
MH advised the group that she had attended the Area Committee event at Wigtown. MH went on to advise that the submitted paper regarding locality plan consultation process was accepted by the Committee members. MH also advised that the Committee recognised that education provision in high schools was linked to the difficulty in recruitment and they gave some assurance to look at the lack of provision of higher sciences in the two local high schools. / JC
Revised Locality Governance Structure
MH introduced Rosie Wilson who has been appointed to HCSI Locality Manager and has replaced Gerry McCabe.
Locality Governance
The Integrated Joint Board, (IJB) will come into place at the beginning of November. MH talked the group through some illustrative slides. The Locality Improvement & Development Group will be the successor to the current Stakeholder Group. MS stated that they are currently working on the terms of reference. MH explained that the membership of the proposed Operational & Management group is still to be agreed with locality managers and the GM.
There was a brief discussion regarding the venue(s) to be used for these meetings and the possibility of alternating between two venues on a monthly basis. The use of technology to facilitate remote access to the meetings is also being explored.
SLWG Updates
Workforce Public/Community Engagement
There had been a meeting of this group earlier in the day and JC gave a brief overview of the discussion held. Minutes from the meeting are to be circulated at a later date.
Project Development
MS advised that this group is still developing and a further meeting will be held in the near future to progress the work. MS will advise when a suitable date has been identified.
ICF Proposals/Update
GP Proposal
DB advised the team that the advert has been submitted for a GP support and Liaison Officer. This post is to be managed freelance, as Practice Managers will not supervise this.
Community Link Worker/FLC Proposal
The date for next meeting is Friday 25 Sept from 2pm – 4pm. The job description is still to be finalised, this post finishes in March and it is a project development role (JC advised that she is currently discussing this with Finance to see if the post can be extended to six months fixed rather than ending at 31st March 2016 – JC to advise when the outcome of discussion is known). This ad is with NHS recruitment but could take up to 3 months to progress. JC confirmed that the funding is in place for this.
Carers’ UCI Proposal
This proposal is still awaiting input from some of the other localities. Wigtownshire agreed the proposal but it cannot progress until all other Localities confirm their intentions.
ANP Proposal
This proposal has developed since it was first submitted: MH explained that originally £40k funding had been agreed for 4 ANP posts within Wigtownshire, but this had changed and became 4 posts across the region. This change means that the full £40k would not be needed and that a subsequent proposal from Sandhead Practice could therefore be considered. There have been 2 Advanced Nurse Practitioners provisionally recruited but the full funding was not required as the candidates were already trained. Sandhead practice has identified a candidate to be appointed and commence University – this candidate will cover the Country Practices and the £10k requested is a one off, 1 year, payment (MH pointed out that this would make performance monitoring difficult). A brief discussion ensued.
RVS Proposal
This was not of value to Wigtownshire as it will be based in the Stranraer area not in an urban area; however it will be going ahead as Wigtownshire was in the minority when this was discussed at a regional level. The funding is only until 31st March 2016. Wider transport issues are still outstanding and are subject to further discussion.
JC gave a brief overview of this proposal. The proposal was discussed and generally seen as a good opportunity in support of engagement and consultation, however full agreement could not reached at this time as it was felt that further financial detail was required and it would be beneficial if the proposed event were to be held during the Locality and Strategic Plan consultation period, thus maximising the potential of the proposal. JC to follow up on this and advise the group accordingly. / JC
Locality Baseline Review
MH had circulated part 1 of this document; she explained that it was being driven by the GM and was currently aimed at Health and Social Work. MH asked those present to take it away and complete it for their own groups/organisations and bring it back to the next meeting. Sue Newberry will feed back on Scottish Care and Ewan Marshall for Third Sector for volunteers. The purpose of this is to draw together a baseline status for the locality and it would help to inform the Implementation Plan. / SN, EM, MH & RW
Readiness Assessment Tool
This piece of work was undertaken in April and MH asked if the team could take it away and prepare to discuss and re-evaluate at the next meeting. This will also help to inform the Implementation Plan. / ALL
Locality Implementation Plan
MH asked if there were any ideas for the format of this and it was established that at this time there is no template for it. MH advised that she will put together a template with the ’we wills’ and what measures that are in place with the outcomes and the achievements, but asked for volunteers from the group to assist with this task. This will be brought back to a future meeting and it is hoped that MH will have something ready to hand over when the permanent Locality Manager is appointed. MS will take this to Senior Management Team.
Locality Impact Assessment
Each Locality Plan will require to be Impact Assessed. Council have given names of trained Impact Assessors in each locality. Wendy Jesson is Wigtownshire’s contact. JC noted that there are also trained Impact Assessors in Health and they will also be available to assist with Impact Assessment requirements in January 2016. / MH & Others
Performance Update
Quality, Safety and Effectiveness.
MH opened this part of the meeting by explaining the necessity for robust and accurate performance reporting and opened a discussion around how compliments as well as complaints are recorded and acknowledged. The complaints which are received within Health Services are similar to those that are being received in Social Services. Largely, complaints received relate to poor information, poor communication and response times, and involve a number of different areas. Any positive feedback is usually received in the form of cards, identifying the areas where the positives have been. MH advised that it would be beneficial for details of thank you cards and letters etc. to be captured before they are sent to the communications team in order that good practice can be identified, celebrated and shared, and it is also important to bring patient/service user stories to the table to discuss. It was agreed that varying reporting systems across the partners do not make the process of collating such data easy, and MH went on to advise that new initiatives may need to be explored within the Health setting to expand the opportunity for comment/feedback/complaint/compliment, particularly at the time of admission, stay and discharge. Performance Updates – bring quantitative and qualitative data, risks, falls, etc, trying to evidence some of the work that we focusing on – allocate action to Nurse Manager
SN advised that there are numerous/various quality measure, accreditations and auditing/inspection bodies that work/regulate within the Third and Independent Sectors, and there is a need to encompass these within a framework. SN advised that this piece of work is something that she is currently undertaking.
MH closed this section of the meeting by advising the group that there will be more data to be shared at future meetings, and asked the members for ideas for discussion (members to email their ideas to MH). / ALL
Finance Update
Helen Brown (HB) was unable to attend from Finance today but MH advised the team that there is approximately £90,000 of funding remaining, to the 31st March 2016.
Six people had attended an intensive 3 day training course to be accredited to carry out and support the acute and diagnostic work. The course had culminated in an exam, the results of which will not be known for approximately 6 months. SN and EM to give a 10 minute presentation to the group at a future meeting.
A SLWG has been established as a sub-group to the OD Workstream to take forward work on the Integrated Workforce Plan. / SN & EM
Partner Updates
Independent Sector: SN commented that team adverts are out and that there have been 20 applicants for the East & West Officers, several have applied for both posts. Shortlisting will take place and interviews will be held at end of September.
Third Sector: EM advised the group about the forthcoming Third Sector Conference. EM advised members to contact him for further details or to host a stand. EM also advised the group of details around the Cultural Study that the Third Sector are closely involved in, explaining that this is a substantial piece of work. There is a new search engine being launched, which is currently in a ‘soft-launch’ period with a public launch to take place later in the year.
Future Meeting Dates
The 13 October meeting will go ahead as scheduled, but future meeting dates may change subject to venues etc. MH to advise group of this. / MH
Fire Station Car Parking
MH advised member that when attending meetings at the Fire Station, parking is only permitted at the back of the station along the back wall, if there is no spaces, please park in the long stay car park in Hanover square, turn left out of fire station, first right, next left into entrance to car park.
EM to invite colleague, Cat Walker, to present to the group on Timebanking at the next meeting.
It was requested that Building Healthy Community’s staff should not park in Dalrymple Street.
TJ – A team meeting was held earlier in the day and there is a lack of staff awareness around Integration. TJ and RW are to discuss this and feedback at a future meeting.
JMcC - Carer Strategy is currently undergoing its second reading and consultation.
PM – HCSI website; soft-launch occurred 31st August with public launch due late September/early October.
NG – staff consultation process currently under way.
MS commented that Julie Stewart will support around Health complaints etc., on a region-wide basis. / EM
Date of Next Meeting:
MH to advise group of these once established. / MH