Ontario Childhood Injury Prevention Committee Teleconference Minutes
Thursday, June 25, 2015, 1:00 PM
Present:Marie Brisson,Casey Walters Gray, Helene Gagne, Lorna Boratto, Etta Li, Paula Waddell, Kelly Wilson, Jaclyn Degelder, Kelly Taylor, Cindy Kirkpatrick, Jane Harrington, Paula Mattie, Amber Wooldridge, Meagan Melling
Regrets:Jennifer Flood, Debbie Bridge, RebeccaSabourin
Recorder:Etta Li
- Welcome
- Agenda
Approved, with no additions
- Approval of minutes, May 28, 2015
Moved: Cindy Kirkpatrick. Approved
- Website research:
Linda emailed Diane Mack and informed her that Kelly Wilson, Janie Baker, Jane Harrington, Meagan Melling and Lorna Boratto can be contacts in Niagara, Hamilton and London corridor if she should need them. They have not heard from Diane so far.
Helene will follow up with Diane.
- Hamilton Rourke tool revisions update-Jaclyn:
Casey shared the background and that her team had approached Dr Leslie Rourke in the past. There are strict guidelines to make changes to the tool.It was last revised in 2014. Jaclyn shared that in Hamilton, a PT PHN Kathryn was seconded to work with DrRourke torevise it. They made revisionswhichincluded modifying nutrition on growth & development, prompting referralsto HBHC, and including Fall Prevention information for teaching purposes. It was only modified for Hamilton, tool received approval, copyright and permission for use in Hamilton. Jaclyn shared that not all doctors are using it as there are other tools/medical records available.Rourke is not required for Well Baby visits. It is updated every 3 years.
Jaclyn to confirm with the PHN Kathryn before sharing the September 2014 pdf with the committee.
- Review existing materials and decide components of education-all
Katrina, Casey, Etta, Kelly Wilson said they would work on this. Committee shared feedback of the e-learning module. Members shared that time required for completing it ranges from 2hrs to 6 hrs. Members have heard that stakeholders may only have 1 hour for training. Suggestions were made to enhance it with the LDCP illustrations, teachable moment videos and “What? So What? Now What?. Committee agreed on the need for a needs assessment to survey ECEs, HBHC PHNs, IP Practitioners feedback of the usefulness, length, content and effectiveness of the e-learning course. Committee also agrees that the Canadian IP Curriculum would be great if integrated in colleges and other professional trainings for RNs, ECEs, etc. Committee agreed that having a certificate upon completion may provide the incentive. Also at the end of the e-learning course, itis missing the contact information for further enquiries. Committee agrees that IP is similar to BFI and need the buy in from decision makers to implement IP e-learning to stakeholders and their discipline/profession. Some members who have viewed the AMM online module (1 hour) felt that it was specific to Alberta’s health care setting and there was a strong emphasis on repeating key messages in the quiz.
Linda can ask Parachute if there has been any focus test or evaluation done for the e-learning module.
Etta, Marie & Megan would work on a draft of the survey and send it to the committee by August. The survey can be sent out to stakeholders through Best Start List-Serve, Megan’s Child Safety Coalition, Jaclyn and Kelly’s contact.
Etta will try to approach IP Practitioners, HBHC managers/staff and ECEs in York Region re: uptake or interest in using the e-learning course.
- Sub-committees:
b) Business Case for adoption
The Sub-committee is looking at the Injury report in Ontario and will then focus on childhood injuries.
c) Analyze existing tools for gaps
The sub-committee has analyzed existing tool through Hamilton.
New Business:
- Barbara Morrongiolo research
Linda will forward us an update through email for members to review. Committee will discuss it at the next meeting. Message from Barbara Morrongiolo: I would like to bring this program to your attention too. It is RCT tested, easy to administer in the community (we just finished a pilotusing the local OEYCs and delivering it as part of parenting programs
there) and the materials are amenable to ANY injury topic because the
focus is on changing supervision behaviors more generally. I am eager to
work with organizations (public health, OEYC, Parachute, etc) to move
this to the next level and do more general community dissemination and
evaluation of the program.
Perhaps you could share it with the others (I did not want to do a group
email in case you do not want to share the information) and please let me
know if anyone is interested in working with me on KT of the program. Materials attached.
- Best Start Resource Centre soliciting workshop topics for Toronto (near Pearson airport) Feb 17-19, 2016 conference.
-Best Start is looking at ministry’s priority, surveying users and sending out letters of interest. Topics for the Conference include BFI, child right, discipline, healthy growth and development, nutrition. Marie is also looking for Injury Prevention as a topic for workshop.
Date of Next meeting:
Sept 24, 2015, 1:00pm Have a great summer !