Rivers of the World Project
Rivers of the World (ROTW) has been delivered in partnership by Thames Festival Trust and the British Council since 2006. This project offers 6 schools in each selected non-UK country the opportunity to be partnered with a UK school and work with a local artist to produce high quality digital artworks with groups of students. These artworks will then be displayed as part of the Totally Thames Festival in London in September 2015 and locally in the overseas country via an online digital exhibition.
Currently we are looking for a young, energetic and creative artist who will work with group of students in Bangladesh. Role profile of the artist will be,
Roles and Responsibilities of the Local Artist in Bangladesh
- Artist should have excellent Photoshop skills and other digital software/apps for conversion of physical art works into digital artworks.
- Artist should have experience of working with children to engage them in creative activity.
- The artist will be available to travel to London for Rivers of The World (RoTW) induction and training workshop (April 2015).
- Artist needs to be aware of Rivers of The World- the wider project and British Council schools work
- Artistwill receive a guidance pack to support RoTW schools post training in April 2015.
- Artist and schools needs to agree ideas for artwork style and approach based on RoTW themes
- Artist will deliver art workshops in six schools in Chittagong by July.
- Artist will finish final artworks in Photoshop to create the final digital artwork for printing by August.
- Artist needs to submit his works by September to the respected British Council official.
- Artist will be selected and trained in art methodology, partnership best practice and wider project objectives to ensure high quality art workshops under supervision of British Council official.
- Artists will benefit from observing best practice art training first hand – a significant professional development opportunity
- Art skills and global knowledge of students and teachers developed and enhanced by engagement with professional artist and overseas partner schools
- Six final digital artworks shared with Thames Festival Trust for London exhibition in September 2015
Application forms can be downloaded from Here (a hyperlink)
Completed applications should be couriered to the British Council Dhaka office - 5 Fuller Road, Dhaka-1000 before Tuesday 24 March, 2015.
For further information, please write to
Or call us on: +88 09666773377
Or visit:
Application Form ATTACH PHOTO HERE(Passport size)
- Name……………………………………………………………………………..
- Gender…………………. 3. Date of birth…………………………………….
- Address…………………………………………………………………………...
- Telephone numbers…………………………………………………………….
- E-mail address…………………………………………………………………..
- Please state briefly your current position and responsibilities (300 word max)
- Summary of higher educational background (colleges/dates/qualifications)
- Please give a brief career history including professional and overseas travel experiences. (500 words max)
- Please state briefly your major achievements and any awards received (250 words)
- Why do you think you are an eligible artist for this project?(250 words)
- Please provide any other information you may find relevant to this application (200 words)
Please make sure this application and all attachments reach British Council office by Tuesday 24 March, 2015.
Short-listed applications will be acknowledged and a date and time given for interview together with any further instructions.
We regret that applications that are not short-listed will not be acknowledged
For further information, please contact
Or call us on: +88 09666773377Or visit:
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