Agenda for the Meeting of the Parish Council to be held in the Parish Rooms,

Recreation Ground, Chacewater on Friday 29th April 2016 at 7pm.

1.Apologies for Absence

2.To receive declarations of interest

a) Councillors to declare any personal interest in any items on the agenda

b) Councillors to declare any personal and/or prejudicial interest in any items on the agenda and to inform the Chairman if they wish to speak on the matter during public question time.

3.Public Question Time

4.Police Report

5.Cornwall Councillor report

6.06.01 Minutes of the Meeting held on Friday 18th March

06.02 Minutes of the Extraordinary Meeting held on Wednesday 23rd March

06.03 Minutes of the Extraordinary Meeting held on Friday15thApril

7.Matters arising from those Minutes(for discussion or future agenda only)

8.Agenda items

08.01/04.16 Culvert/Leat – Floodwater Working Group Brief

Disc from Clear-flow showing issues from under Dave’s Shop.

08.02/02.16 Electricity Suppliers

Note action correspondence 1.

08.03/02.16 Website

To consider revising the Chacewater web site

08.04/04.16 - CALC

CALC Membership 2016/2017

08.05/04.16 -Signage

Signage for Cox Hill/Station Road

08.06/04.16 - Twelveheads notice board

08.07/04.16 – Facebook page for Parish Council

08.08/04.16 - Extend the motorbike no go zone

08.09/04.16 - Anti-social behaviour of cyclists on footpaths in Twelveheads

08.10/04.16 - Electoral review event

08.11/04.16 - Chain of Office

08.12/04.16 – Solar Panels

Emails from Cornwall Solar Panels (Matt Green)

08.13/04.16 – Local Devolution Funding

9.Planning Applications received

PA16/01494 – Mr A HassanGreenbank, 2 Station Road, Chacewater, Truro.

Application for tree works to trees in conservation area (decided under delegated authority) For information only – no comment required.

PA16/03327 - Mr & Mrs A Farnell1 Rose Cottage, West End Chacewater TR4 8LR

Construction of Sustainable Dwelling House and Associated Works

Other planning matters

PA15/06864 Appeal start date: 6 April 2016 Proposal: The erection of two replacement dwellings Location: Land South Of Quaker Cottage, Penstraze, Chacewater, Cornwall Appellant: Penstraze Properties Ltd Cornwall Council decision: REFUSED

10.Planning Decision Notices received

11.Payments, Payments to be authorised, Receipts and Transfer of Funds

11.01/04.16 DD Payments

SWW (Public toilets) [CA1](01/04/16)£ 8.00

SWW (Parish Rooms) [CA1](01/04/16)£ 35.00

EDF Energy (Parish Rooms) [CA1](01/04/16)£ 117.00

CC Rates 2016/2017 (Parish Rooms) [CA1](01/04/16)£ 58.92

CC Rates 2016/2017 (Parish Rooms) [CA1](01/05/16)£ 60.00

CC Rates 2016/2017 (Parish Rooms) [CA1](01/06/16)£ 60.00

EDF Energy Public Lighting Supply [CA1](22/04/16)£ 200.74

11.02/04.16 Payments to be authorised

Chacewater Village Hall invoice for MRVG£ 21.00

Cornwall Farmers invoice£ 12.00

M P Bearham£ 598.99

C A Bearham – Microsoft office Clerk Laptop£ 112.05

M P Bearham – Fire Safes £ 57.60

M P Bearham – Back up devices £ 34.86

M P Bearham – Projector£ 429.99

M P Bearham – Projector Screen£ 116.59

Mr D Hall – Cleaning bus shelters£ 24.00

Printout Printing Services – 2000 Questionnaire leaflets£ 200.00

Cormac Solution Ltd – Tree Survey£ 362.10

Mr R Bailey – Millennium Green petrol£ 28.35

C A Bearham - clerk’s nett salary April [CA1] (To be confirmed)£ 375.00

R L Northey – nett salary April [CA1] (To be confirmed)£ 201.06

11.03/04.16 Receipts

Honesty boxes [CA2 Trust Acct.](25/04/16)£ 140.07

Doctors Surgery [CA2 Trust Acct.](25/04/16)£ 100.00

Easement (Food Genius Ltd) [CA2 Trust Acct.](25/04/16)£ 100.00

Chacewater Projects[CA1](25/04/16)£2,300.00

11.04/04.16 Transfer of Funds to be authorised

From CA2 to CA1£ 2,000.00

Parish Council Accounts

Community Acct. 1 as at 01/04/16 [CA1]£ 872.55

Business Money Manager Acct. as at 01/04/16£22,193.36

Santander as at 02/07/15£10,611.82

Community Acct. 2 as at 01/04/16 [CA2]£ 4,677.68

Community Acct. M/Green as at 22/01/16 [Trust Account]£29,222.12

12.Checklist Report

Checklist / Actions Database update report.

13.Road Matters

13.01/04.16 Report on published list of road works and diversions.

How these are shared with the village.

13.02/04.16 Saveock Road.

Intention of closure notice 27th June – 14th October (24 hours, weekends included)

14.Public Rights of Way

15.Recreation Ground

Before discussion on these matters, the Council gives consideration to its interest as Trustees of the Recreation Ground

Storage facility update.

16.Car Park

Before discussion on these matters, the Council gives consideration to its interest as Trustees of the Car Park [Old Recreation Ground]

Toilet door needs replacing.

17.Millennium Green

Before discussion on these matters, the Council gives consideration to its interest as Trustees of the Millennium Green

Millennium Green leak

18.Outside Bodies Reports

18.01/04.16 Chacewater Bowling Club

18.02/04.16 Chacewater Football Club

18.03/04.16 Chacewater Projects

Music in the Park - Update & request for financial back up/support

Quotes for tree works.

18.04/04.16 Chacewater School

18.05/04.16 Chacewater Village Hall

18.06/04.16 Mining Villages Regeneration Group – MVRG

18.07/04.16 Stepping Stones Pre-school

18.08/04.16 ‘What’s On in Chacewater’

19.Charity Commission

Chacewater Millennium Green Trust. Reminder email Annual return for financial period ending 31/07/2015 has not yet been submitted. Deadline is 31/05/2016.

20.Other Correspondence

1. Parishioners letter re Cattery planning application rejected

2. Copy of A0 size village map obtained from Cormac/Council

3. Local man Mr Eastham requesting info on VC memorial location.

4. Account auditors.

5. Par running track message of support.

6. Email requesting letter of support for refugee camp in Dunkirk.

7. Letter PG Remington Hicks KCAP re freedom of information act request to Cornwall Council re old mine working Wheal Jane and Wheal Magpie environmental issues.

8. SSE Enterprise – Public Lighting Maintenance report.

9. Peninsula Community Health – Goodbye Edition.

10. Action for floods email – SandHoppers.

11. Cornwall AONB Annual Conference 7th May, Bedruthn Steps Hotel

12. Cornwall Countryside Access Forum Recruitment 2016 - Town and Parish Councils

21.Action Correspondence Received

  1. Utilitywise PLC – Jak Drummond. Re. energy contract renewals.

22.Information Correspondence Received

1. Stephanie Tiplady/Edwina Hannaford response to clerk’s email to Samantha Hewitt re Langley House.

23.Matters for future consideration

a) Requests for agenda items from councillors

b) Requests for agenda items from members of the public

Close of meeting

Signed ………………………………………………………………..

Mrs Charlotte Bearham, Clerk to Chacewater Parish Council.