[email address]
[Student ID]
Dear [name],
Notice of Decision
I write to my decision after considering the allegation [that you.... OR set out in my letter dated #] in contravention of Monash University Statute 4.1 – Student Discipline.
After having regard to the oral and written material available to me, I have found that you [have/have not] engaged in [academic/general/research] misconduct as alleged [OR ADD in allegation (1, 2 and 3) of my letter dated (date of notice of allegations)]. I reached this conclusion for the following reasons [insert].
[Delete if no allegation proven] After considering the material available to me relevant to an appropriate penalty, and having regard to the penalty objectives in Statute 4.1 – Student Discipline, I have determined to impose the following penalty:
[Can insert reasons for this penalty].
If you wish to appeal this decision, your appeal must be in writing. To ensure it meets requirements for a valid appeal, you should use the approved appeal form available at[insert link to appeal form]. The appeal must be lodged with the appropriate officer listed at [insert URL for appeals page] within 20 working days from the deemed receipt of this letter.
Appeals can only be made on one or more of the following grounds:
- excessive penalty;
- reasonable apprehension of bias on the part of decision maker;
- a breach of the rules of natural justice with the potential to affect the outcome of the case;
- new evidence of a substantial nature, being evidence not reasonably available to you at the time of responding,
- the decision is so illogical or irrational that it could not be reasonably made.
For misconduct that you admitted, an appeal can be made only on the ground of excessive penalty.
You are encouraged to contact the Student Rights Officer should you wish to appeal. Details of the Student Rights Officer on your campus were given in the letter sent to you dated [date of notice of allegations]. Student Rights will be able to advise you on how to proceed with the appeal.
Should you require any further information, please contact [name] by phone on [insert] or by email at [email].
Yours sincerely
Responsible Officer
cc:[name],Chief Examiner(for finalisation of grade)
[name], Student Services, Faculty of [name] (for placing on the student file)
[email address]
[Student ID]
Dear [name],
Notice of Decision
I write to confirm the outcome of the [insert panel name] Panel hearing held on [date] in contravention of Monash University Statute 4.1 – Student Discipline.
After having regard to the oral and written material presented at the hearing, the Panel has found that you [have/have not] engaged in [academic/general/research] misconduct as alleged in allegation [1, 2 and 3] of the Notice of Allegations dated [date of notice of allegations]. The Panel reached this conclusion for the following reasons [insert].
[Delete if no allegation proven] After considering the oral and written material about an appropriate penalty, and having regard to the penalty objectives in Statute 4.1 – Student Discipline, the Panel has determined to impose the following penalty:
[Panel can insert reasons for this penalty].
If you wish to appeal this decision, your appeal must be in writing. To ensure it meets requirements for a valid appeal, you should use the approved appeal form available at[insert link to appeal form]. The appeal must be lodged with the appropriate officer listed at [insert URL for appeals page] within 20 working days from the deemedreceipt of this letter.
Appeals can only be made on one or more of the following grounds:
- excessive penalty;
- reasonable apprehension of bias on the part of decision maker;
- a breach of the rules of natural justice with the potential to affect the outcome of the case;
- new evidence of a substantial nature, being evidence not reasonably available to you at the time of responding,
- the decision is so illogical or irrational that it could not be reasonably made.
For misconduct that you admitted, an appeal can be made only on the ground of excessive penalty.
You are encouraged to contact the Student Rights Officer should you wish to appeal. Details of the Student Rights Officer on your campus were given in the letter sent to you dated [date of notice of allegations]. Student Rights will be able to advise you on how to proceed with the appeal.
Should you require any further information, please contact me by phone on [insert] or by email at [email].
Yours sincerely
Secretary, [name] Panel
cc:[name],Chief Examiner(for finalisation of grade)
[name], Manager, Enrolments (for placing suspension on student’s record)
[name], Student Services, Faculty of [name] (for placing on the student file)
All University services will be withdrawn after the conclusion of the 20 working day appeal period if you do not appeal OR at the conclusion of the appeal process, should your appeal be unsuccessful.Some of these University services include: access to WES, graduation procedures, library access,my.monash and your Monash email account. Therefore please ensure that your personal contact details are correct now.
Suspended or excluded international students studying in Australia on a student visa
This is Notice of Intention to suspend or cancel your enrolment. Unless extenuating circumstances apply, your enrolment will be suspended or cancelled and you will be reported to the Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research and Tertiary Education at the conclusion of the 20 working day appeal period if you do not appeal. If you appeal and should your appeal be unsuccessful, you will be reported at the conclusion of the appeal process.
As a result of these actions, your student visa may be affected.
Additional support
If you need additional support pleasecontact Health and Wellbeing on your home campus.
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