AGM Claygate Royals Minutes
Date 14 July 2015
Venue Claygate Green – Joishiri Restaurant
Those attending
Katie Ernest / Under 12 SwansPaul Totham / Under 15 Swans
Patrick Ebbs / Under 9 Hares
Ant Crafts / Under 10 Foleys
John Cobb / Under 10 Swans
Mike Cross / Under 10 Colts
Nick Udall / Under 10 Griffins
Kev Warner / Under 8 Griffins
R Iqbal / Under 12 Colts
G Arif / Sponsor
Paddy Willard / Under 12 Foleys
Ben O’Connor / Member
Matt Rawlinson / Under 7’s
Andy Mayer / Under 8 Hounds
Richard Taylor / Under 12 Swans
Eamonn Mullins / Under 14 Griffins
Shaun Creasey / Under 18 Swans
David Sadler / Under 14 Foleys
David Hearn / Under 18 Swans and Vets
Dominic Corrigan / Under 11 Hares
Jason Dale / Under 12 Hawks
Peter Wilson / Under 13 Swans
Mark Woodley / Under 13 Griffins
Neal Williams / Vice Chair
1. Minutes from the AGM
- These have been sent out and chair main happy
2. Chairman Report ( Tony Shearman )
- Good season overall for both matches and weather
- Kev Warner thanked for the help over Charter Standard
- Surrey FA affiliation need small amount of attention regarding outstanding CRCAB will contact you shortly and this is very important as we need the affiliation criteria.
- Success on the pitch two title winners under 16 Griffins under 14 Falcons
- Saturday soccer club thrives and feeds new teams
- Summer soccer school going from strength to strength and mostly booked already. Nick Ford running the club at almost full capacity at 400 children. Good revenue for the club
- Gig on the Rec estimated to have made £5,000 profit which will go to pay off the debt left on the club house. All suggestion for next year please let Tony know.
- Training and equipment – Tony will be sending out an e mail next week about new equipment and separately start talking about training venue.
- New kit production well under way but may have to change the payment process for the kits. The managers will therefore send an e mail to the parents and the parents need to order from the web site. MJ sports will then send out a bundle to the managers and this is sorted by team. The parents must order what they agreed previously and use the number and size that they are told. The system will be tested before the e mail is being sent out and hopefully the kits will be on their way by end of July.
- Parents must all pay by the deadline for the kits to arrive in the bundle. If they buy later then they will have to pay postage. Managers will be told which parents have and not paid. Managers will receive a free shower jacket each and these will be limited to two per team. This will be done after the main process has been done.
- Tony and Colin White have been working on a 4G facility – ongoing but meetings have taken place.
3. Secretary Report ( Andy Brown )
- Results
- Under 11 swans came second and promoted to premier elite
- Under 14 girls won division 2
- Under 16 won SPL
- Two teams in cup finals although both lost
- Claygate have 3 teams play 11x11 for the first time and this shows that the teams are sticking with the club
- We are competing at a higher level throughout the club.
- SPL under 9 under 10 levels
- SPL starting to sort themselves out and Scott Brundish has now taken over and is putting out their divisions in the next few weeks. They will take feedback about whether managers consider that their team are in the right league.
- All teams now registered and encourage people to register players. SPL managers will get an e mail from Andy later next week
- SYL we will have more representation in the future
- Prawn sandwich is up and running
- Players need to be uploaded 27 July and 17 August are our dates for registration
- Non-competitive now to under 11
- Pitches for next year
- Switch 5x5 pitches and 7x7 over by the trees. The reason for this change is that there are plans to landscape around the pavilion
- Continuing to use Lower Green and Long Ditton
- Split the responsibility for allocating pitches between Mike and Andy
4. Treasurers Report(Paul Mc Whirter)
- Income and expenditure account for the year provided by the treasurers
- Assets and Liability balance provided by the treasurer
5. IT and Communications Presentation (Peter Wilson)
- Registration opened three weeks and 50% already processed
- New registration cards to be available mid-September
5. 2014/15 Awards
- Special mention to Neal Williams and Kev Warner, Mark Ford, David Sadler
- Club man of the Year Pete Wilson
- Volunteers of the Year Nick Udall and Andy Pearce
- Manager of the Year Chris Bath
6. Election of Chairman and Election of Committee
- Tony resigns and leaves the room while there is an election for Chair. Tony is re-elected with full support.
- Proposer Shaun Creasey and Seconder Paul Totham
- Is there a mandate for him to continue on the £500 per month package deal that is in place.
- Everyone in the room provided a resounding level of support and the work and effort that Tony puts into the club was remarked on and appreciated by all those in the room.
- Nominations for Vice Chair, Secretary and Treasurer
- Proposer Mike Cross Seconder Paddy Willard (Neal Williams)
- Proposer David Hearn Seconder Andy Mayer (Paul McWhirter)
- Proposer Pete Wilson Seconder Nick Udall (Andy Brown)
7. Any other Business
- Award for Ben O’Connor for all his effort over the years
- Under 18 tight regarding recruitment only 12 players’ suggestions to help
- Paddy Willard spoke about the success of the format for the trials this year and it worked well having all the players that wanted to try out complete in a trail on the one night with all the four under 12 managers present.
- Next meeting September 7th 2015 at Hare and Hounds
- Pitches will be marked out in August