Integrated Justice Technical Committee Conference Call
June 24, 2004
First Name / Last Name / RoleJames / Cabral / Member
Scott / Came / Prospective Member
Tom / Clarke / Observer
Robin / Gibson / Member
David / Goodwin / Member
Marcus / Leon / Prospective Member
Ellen / Perry / TC Chair
Catherine / Plummer / Secretary
Gary / Poindexter / Observer
John / Ruegg / TC Chair
Nancy / Rutter / Prospective Member
Christopher / Smith / Secretary
Tom / Smith / Observer
Ken / Gill / Guest
Mark / Kindle / Guest
Randi / Lorah / Guest
Zemin / Luo / Guest
Christina / Medlin / Guest
Bob / Roper / Guest
- Committee Adminitrative Items—Ellen Perry
- Minutes from June 1, 2004 meeting approved.
- Reminder that OASIS rules require members to attend meetings regularly. Any member who is absent from two consecutive meetings will receive a warning from the chair or secretary. If they do not attend the next meeting they will have his or her membership status demoted to Observer. A person who has been removed from membership may rejoin, but must follow the same process as a new member, i.e. notify the chair of intent to participate and then be on probation for 60 days, etc.. Specific details about OASIS membership rules can be found at
- Summary of Workshop Overview—John Ruegg
- The attendees of the Workshop in Denver identified four reference documents to build—Protection Order, Citation, Sentencing Order, and Court Disposition Order. The attendees then split into smaller working groups to work on each document.
- Each working group is charged with creating a master document, mapping the types, and documenting the methodology.
- The working groups will provide to the committee an Instance Document, an XSD schema, a spreadsheet that maps the elements, and PDFs of sample documents.
- Each working group estimates it will complete the mapping of the elements to the GJXDM within one to two weeks. By July 23, each group will provide the complete instance packet to the committee to be vetted.
- Next Steps
- John Ruegg and Catherine Plummer will investigate ways that GTRI can provide assistance in reviewing the work done on the four reference documents.
- C. Plummer will also research how to best vet these documents with other justice agency organizations such as law enforcement and corrections.
- The committee also identified future deliverables such as documenting the approach for creating reference documents, best practices, a spreadsheet template.
- Robin will provide input to GTRI and XSTF on recommendations for definition refinements and questions relating to the GJXDM.
- Through Tom Carlson, the committee will coordinate its reference document work with NCSC.
- The committee will determine tools such as web meeting services for working on these documents and for facilitating meetings.
- Secretary Position
- Christopher Smith volunteered to become the permanent Committee Secretary. The committee moved and approved the assignment.
- Future Meetings
- The next conference call will be held July 27.
- Face to Face meetings are tentatively planned for September in Seattle and December in Las Vegas.