FMIS 3301
Production and Operations Management
Course Syllabus
Spring 2010
LSBE 135
T Th 8-915
Instructor: Jill Klingner, R.N. Ph.D.
Office: 335 K – FMIS Department Suite
Telephone: 726-8626
Office hours: Thursday 930-1030 AM, Wednesday 930-11 am & by appointment
LSBE candidate or approved non-LSBE bus administration minor or college consent, 3 credits
Course Materials
Selected chapters fromRaviAnupindi–Managing Business Process Flows
Additional readings as assigned.
Course Description
This course is designed for undergraduate students to provide an introductory understanding of survey of production and operations as a functional area of management, including operations strategy, process design, forecasting, resource allocation, inventory management, scheduling, quality management, and project management. Computer applications of quantitative techniques to support operations decision making.
Knowledge Objectives
The course is designed to provide students with the ability to flowchart product and service management, to use spreadsheets to estimate management values to manage service and product management.
Course Structure
The course will incorporate both lecture and discussions. Discussion among the group is highly encouraged and will contribute to the final course grade. The course relies on texts and case studies that play a vital role in comprehension of the subject. Therefore, in order for the student to carry on a coherent discussion, the assigned reading must be finished prior to the class meeting.
Course Requirements
Attendance Your grade will drop if you miss more than three classes.
Three missed classes= no grad change,
4 missed classes = one grade drop, for example A to A-
6 missed classes = two grade drop. for example A to B+, etc..
There are no excused absences.
Quizzes 25-50points eachApprox 100
Homework25-50 points each200
Exams (2)100 points each200
Final150 points150
The final exam is optional. If you are satisfied with your grade you can choose not to take the final. The final cannot lower your grade. The final is cumulative.
Grading Scale
There are approximately 500 points available before the final. Every 5 points is approximately equal to 1%.
Grade / Percent of total points availableA / 96-100%
A- / 92 to <96%
B+ / 88 to<92%
B / 84 to <88%
B- / 80 to <84%
C+ / 76 to <80%
C / 72 to <76%
C- / 68 to < 72%
D / 60 to < 68%
F / <60%
Use of WEBvista
Assignments will be submitted via WEBvista.
For prose assignments you must use the plagiarism software. Any plagiarism or cheating will result in a zero grade for that assignment, exam or quiz.
Computer use in class
Computers will be helpful on certain days of class.
Computers, cell phones and other technology are not to be used during class. It is distracting to students. If you are using these devices for purposes other than this course’s work you will lose 20 points on the next exam or assignment. This includes text messaging, emailing, games, etc.
Ethical Conduct
Cheating and plagiarism will not be tolerated and will be treated according to University policy ( All infractions will be reported to the academic integrity office.
Any disruptive activity in class that interferes with others' ability to see, hear, think or work is unacceptable. Please be polite and refrain from side bar conversations. If someone else's conduct poses problems for you, please inform me immediately. If you repeatedly interrupt other’s learning you will be asked to leave the classroom.
Special Arrangements/Facilities
Individuals who have any disability, either permanent or temporary, which might affect their ability to perform in class, are encouraged to inform the instructor at the start of the semester. Adaptation of methods, materials or testing may be made as required to provide for equitable participation. It is your responsibility to contact the Disability Service and Resources for advice regarding adaptations.
WEBVista Disclosure
In this class, our use of technology will sometimes make students' names and U of M Internet IDs visible within the course website, but only to other students in the same class. Since we are using a secure, password-protected course website, this will not increase the risk of identity theft or spamming for anyone in the class. If you have concerns about the visibility of your Internet ID, please contact me for further information.
Out of respect for everyone’s time, class will begin and end on time. Attendance for eachclass is required as reflected in the grading.
Late assignments
Homework assignments must be submitted electronically via WEBVISTAand are due at 11:59 pm on the due date. Late assignments will lose 20% of the grade per 12 hours automatically. For example, assignments turned in between 12 midnight and 12 noon will lose 20%. Assignments handed in more than 24 hours late will lose 50% of possible points.
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Homework descriptions
Vark homework -25 points
Go to VARK website
Take learning preference test
Complete the following three sentences in your own words: (Do NOT cut and paste from the website.)
My learning preference is:
To learn more effectively and efficiently I should:
To teach me more effectively and efficiently my instructors should
Flowcharting HW – 25 points
Create a flow chart using the symbols from the article.
You must use at least 4 different symbols.
Labeling, clarity and spelling will be considered in grading.
Five key questions – 50 points
Answer the five key questions in prose for the industry and/or process described in your article.
Optimization homework- 25 points
Complete optimization spread sheet for 5 questions.
Submit via webvista
Points for clarity of labeling
5 points per question – all equations and results must be correct
Quality homework –50 points
Find an article a quality project from your major area.
Article must contain data and discuss process improvement. 20 points
20 points spelling and grammar
•Review of a quality project in your major area (Marketing, accounting, management, HCM etc.)
•Find a quality project at a real company
–Either a company in your field or a department in your field within a company.
•Describe the improvement project – 20 points
–Purpose of the project (what are they trying to fix or improve)
–Results of the project (savings?, satisfaction? Etc.)
–Stakeholders (who cares and who worked on it)
–Discuss the business decisions that the results of this project will influence
•Identify the improvement methods 20 points (Is it CQI, TQM, 6 sigma, etc.)
–Define and describe the methods used.
Project exercise –60 points
Refine your homework assignments - five key question, flowchart, optimization, economic analysis and quality improvement that are linked. All the numbers and concepts must match.
Project presentation – 20 points
Presentation of project 5 minutes
Graded on quality of slides, content of slide, speaking skills and question management
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