Main Title Final Paper
Daniela Gonzalez
Javier Augusto Campos
ETHS 2430
My topic is about improvements for ESl in Elementary Education. My plan is to make a speech therapy program. This will help ESL students with their needs because they don't have the right support. So in my paper I will talk about my program in more details. Talking about my plan, the cost and possible areas. As well as my interview to help with my research for this program. I will first state the issue the reason why this program should be created. I want to give a brief history of ESL and the support they got. Secondly I will talk about my plan more in depth. Thirdly talking about the cost of the program and the interview. Lastly my conclusion talking about my hope towards this program.
Keywords: Improvements, ESL, Elementary Education, Speech Therapy Program
Main Title Final Paper
The National Center for Education Statistics (2012) has projected that in the year 2021, Latino students will make up a quarter of the classroom. (Federal Interagency Forum on Child and Family Statistics, 2005). Language is very important because it is how we express our feelings. It is how we communicate with each other, now imagine not being able to express your feelings. Or worse not being able to understand the language and then you have to learn new concepts.
I wanted my program to focus on children who are struggling with the language. Mostly I see older people struggling with this issue I rarely see children. Due to fact that children learn better and faster than adults. 10 percent of U.S. public school students struggle with the English language, while just 1 percent of its teachers are qualified to instruct them (ESL Education,2013).
I want to start out with the history of ESL what support they got to provide for their needs. In 1963, the bilingual program was established in Dade County, Florida to accommodate the immigrants from Cuba. With the passing of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title VI had set out to prohibit any discrimination in educational programs and activities receiving federal financial assistance (Wayne & Collier, 1997). It began to include minorities to receive opportunities for a mainstream American education.
In 1966 an organization called TESOL which stands for Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages was organized to look for better materials and teaching methods and to help ESL students navigate the school system appropriately. The Improving America’s Schools Act (IASA) of 1994 had given priority in federal funding to ESL programs that included bilingualism and biliteracy in harmony with academic achievement in English.
In 2001, the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Movement had removed the goal of bilingualism in the classroom to keep the focus on proficiency and mastery of English, which would increase achievement on standardized testing (Crawford, 2004). It was hoped that the emphasis on high standards for every student, accompanied by pressuring requirements for meeting such standards, would better direct attention to the academic progress of ESL. The flaw in the legislation of NCLB is that it has not brought any attention to benefit these students since they are to be immersed in the classroom. (Stewner-Manzanares,1988).
As you see in the past they got the right support and the help that they need. Time has changed now our support for ESL is decreasing. That is why it is important to improve ESL programs in schools. My program will be beneficial for ESL students and to their families. My plan is to make a speech therapy program this will help ESL students.
I thought of this idea because I went to speech therapy during elementary. I had to go because I was having trouble with my English. My parents are from Guatemala so I grew up speaking Spanish. I didn't mind going to speech therapy I liked because it was fun and I got to miss out on class.
I had speech therapy every other day for the whole year of first grade. The aid helped me with words I was struggling with. For example with pronunciation of words and of letters. Overall speech therapy really helped me and I'm really thankful for it.
My speech program main focus to is to help ESL students with their language needs. It will help with their pronunciations, spelling/grammar and etc.My speech program will be every day for 40 minutes. It will be during their free time because I don't want them to miss out. My plan is not to give them extra homework. During these 40 minutes there will be time to do worksheets given by the therapist. Also time to do homework if they need help with and at the end. Maybe play a game that's what my speech therapist did for our group.
Also there will be one on one time with each student. Students will receive a report of their progress in mail so their parents can see their improvements. The reports can be in Spanish and in English so they can understand. Once a month there will be a meeting with the family and the therapist. Here they can talk more and there will be an interpreter if needed. I want this program to help the child as well as their family.
Speech therapy is covered by health insurance in certain cases for example injury or illness. Without health insurance speech therapy costs between two hundred and two hundred fifty. That is really expensive also ESL students don't fit the criteria for speech therapy. When I was in speech therapy my school provided it which I thought was really helpful. Because most of time ESL families seek help but they can't afford it so it becomes an issue. That's why I want my program to be funded by the school this way they can get help without having money problems.
For my research I interviewed with a resources aide from Elk Meadows Elementary. So resources aide help students with their class work especially students who have learning disabilities. Or she also helps with their reading and their comprehension skill. Most of the time she helps with learning disabilities. She said she has never worked with an ESL student or students before. When I told her about the program I was creating she told me it was great idea. I guess they never had a speech therapy program they only had resources. She said that would be really helpful. Because of her experience with working with students she knows that there is a great need.
I ask her about how would the school fund this program and do they get support. She said her resources program gets funded by the school. So if one day in the future there was a speech therapy program it will also be funded by the school. Overall she really liked my idea and she hopes in the near future there is a speech program.
I would want this program in all schools because I know how it would help ESL students. But I think it would really help in areas where there are higher Latino populations. Because it is stated in the year 2021, Latino students will make up a quarter of the classroom. So it would be great if all schools provide this.
This program got my interest because I know how it feels to be an ESL student. I think it is the best feeling in the world to help people. Especially in a way that can be really helpful to the person you are helping. I think it is our responsibility of human beings to help each other. As a future teacher my main job is to teach students. Although another aspect of teaching is helping your students. With this speech program this can help my ESL students to achieve in the future.
Language is important it is how we communicate, how we express our feelings. Language is very crucial that should be a good reason to help. When I become a teacher I want to help with ESL. or better yet be part of the program. Because in this growing world of diversity we all need a helping hand. Especially when it comes to learning a new language that they didn't grow up with.
Overall I wish in near future schools have a speech therapy program for ESL students. I wish they would realize how beneficial this program would be. Also they would realize it is ok to be different. Teachers should be aware that they might have an ESL student or students in their classroom. They should know how to approach their issue and look for the right materials for them.
In conclusion the program I created is a speech therapy program to help ESL students. Due to fact that 10 percent of U.S. public school students struggle with the English language. This program can help with their language needs I got this idea because I used to attend speech therapy. It really helped me so I thought it would help others students who are struggling with the language. The speech therapy will be funded by school this can help if they can't afford it. We all know learning a new language is hard so we can kind of relate. So if we can relate to them why don't we help them out. Help them with this language that we are born with and know really well.
Elk Meadows Elementary Resources Aide
ESL Education. (2013, August 12). Retrieved from
Federal Interagency Forum on Child and Family Statistics. (2005). America’s Children: Key
Wayne, T. & Collier, V. (2002). A National Study of School Effectiveness for Language Minority Students’ Long-Term Academic Achievement. Center for Research on Education, Diversity & Excellence. Retrieved from:
Crawford, J. (2004). No Child Left Behind: Misguided Approach to School Accountability for English Language Learners. National Association for Bilingual Education. Retrieved from:
Stewner-Manzanares, G., & National Clearinghouse for Bilingual Education. (1988). The Bilingual Education Act: Twenty years later (6th ed., pp. 1-10).