VENUE: Bungendore Council Chambers
6.30pm – 8.50pm
Monday 6 February 2017
1. Welcome (President)
Following nibblies and networking, the President, as Chair, formally opened the meeting at 7:10pm and welcomed all members.
2. Attendance and apologies (Assistant Secretary)
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· Petria Sutton (Chair)
· David Mac Laren
· Jeanette Holness
· Linda Brown
· Murray Gough
· Jennie Curtis
· Anne Fairhurst
· Carol Moon
· Martin Darcy
· Beth Tyerman
· Penny Kothe
· Susanne Gearing
· Tim Gearing
· Sharon Baxter-Judge
· Andrew Riley
· Juliet Dowling
· Alan Longhurst
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3. Conflict of Interest Register (President)
· None to declare.
4. Minutes of previous General Meeting and Matters Arising (President)
· Minutes of the last General Meeting, held Monday 7th November 2016, were emailed to members before the meeting. Copies were also available at the meeting for attendees.
· Business arising: None
Motion: that the Minutes be accepted. Moved by Murray Gough; seconded by Linda Brown. Carried.
5. Correspondence (Assistant Secretary)
· Correspondence In:
o 8 November – Link to Register for Bungendore Connect reminders
o 8 November – Request to publish poster of sketches of Bungendore buildings to
o 10 November – Offer of free talk for professional women entitled “From Danger Zone to Innovation: Access your Brilliance so you can Work Smarter and Live Lighter”
o 28 November – Request for interview by The Canberra Times
o 29 November – Invitation to QPRC Brand Workshop
o 1 December – Invitation to “Bungendore – Have we Met?” session
o Various – New Membership Requests (related to Bungendore Directory)
o 13 January – Letter from Fair Trading confirming new Public Officer for BCCI
o 2 February – QPRC Offer of Funds for Workshops
o 2 February – Query on 50kph zone through Bungendore
· Correspondence out:
o 8 November – Information on NSW Government’s “Get Healthy at Work” program
o 8 November – Advice re registering for Bungendore Connect reminders
o 9 November – Bungendore Weekly newspaper article
o 11 November – BCCI Newsletter Issue 1
o 25 November – The End of An Era – Steam Train Dry Docked
o 29 November – BCCI Christmas Party invitation
o 29 November – Amended constitution for review
o 1 December – Invitation to “Bungendore – Have we Met?” session
o 16 January – Invitation for Tradies to attend a Tender Information Session for Tendering for QPRC work
o 31 January – Invitation to all members to next General Meeting
o 2 February – Information on Destination Canberra Conference
6. Treasurer’s report (Assistant Secretary for Treasurer)
· January balance sheet, P&L attached.
· Current bank balance $26,274.91
· Term deposit: $26,449.31
· Directory Advertising income currently at $6,504.57 with more to be processed
· Nett profit overall for this year: $4,941.98
· 91 members at this stage including some new members
Motion: that the Treasurer’s Report be accepted. Moved by Murray Gough; Seconded by David Mac Laren. Carried.
7. BCCI Planning and Administration (President)
· Executive Committee Update (President)
Petria noted the recent resignation of Executive Committee member Sherridan Marsh but deferred the rest of related material until later in the meeting, as it forms the lead-in to the interactive session. Please see Section 10 below.
8. Bungendore Directory (Assistant Secretary for Sharon Rasker)
As Sharon is “in the thick of things at present”, she has emailed a report, which is summarised here.
- Everything is on track.
- John Salmond is doing an amazing job with the artwork. Sharon and Juliet have been managing the chasing, collating and financial aspects.
- 200 packages were sent out to businesses.
- The Community Pages are nearly completed thanks to Linda Williams.
- Coloured maps and the Bus Route 850 map will be included.
- Sharon hopes to wrap up her initial part of things this week. Everything goes to John Salmond so that he can put the first proof together. Sharon will then collect it and check it. There are usually three proof runs in total and then it goes to the printer.
- All is on track for an end of March / Early April delivery.
The President thanked Sharon for all her hard work.
9. Bungendore Harvest Festival 2017
The President introduced Penny Kothe, owner/operator of Caroola Farm. They are part of the Southern Harvest Association, a not-for-profit which focuses on food and food-related businesses in the local region. They started the Southern Harvest Farmers Market in Bungendore, but also provide an educational component.
The group is proposing that Bungendore hold its first Bungendore Harvest Festival later this year. There is already a Canberra Harvest Festival (in early March, near the National Museum, New Acton) but following the QPRC initiative to promote Bungendore, they submitted the proposal to Martin Darcy’s team at the QPRC and received support to explore this further.
With input from Jennie Curtis, they have developed a two day Harvest Festival plan, to be held at the end of April. Day 1 would be held in town, with the verge of Ellendon St used for marquees. They would like to involve as many food and wine-oriented businesses as possible, with the objective that attendees use existing local businesses for food and coffee breaks. They envisage marquees focussing on activities such as grape stomping, apple pressing and garlic tasting for example. Day 2 would focus on visits to properties and businesses around the region – chestnuts, truffle farms etc. Perhaps there could be special Taste of Bungendore menus at the local shops? Cooking and preserving demonstrations? It is hoped that visitors may choose to stay overnight.
The Group is seeking support from the Chamber. If food producers and town businesses work together, all can benefit.
It was noted that Rotary did hold something similar in the Park, but by basing the event closer to the town’s businesses, we can incorporate both. A town map will be available pinpointing places to visit.
If businesses have an idea for something for that weekend, please contact Penny at this stage at or 02 4842 1899. What will suit your own business and tie in with the Harvest Festival? Grape stomping or a musician? Please let us know so that it can all be coordinated.
The focus is our shire’s food bowl, so in a way, this is equivalent to the Palerang Harvest Festival. Businesses from all parts of Palerang are welcome to be involved.
The process to this stage – the Group has approached the Council, then the Chamber. Their proposal is detailed. If there is support, then let’s make it happen. Council Events staff are happy to meet with interested business owners to discuss logistics, food health and safety, promotional aspects, etc.
Event Funding may be available through Destination NSW. Application fees could be rebated. This event allows us to set up a framework to allow initiatives like this to take place.
For this year, let’s get things started. We don’t want to wait a year, and we’ll learn a lot from the experience.
10. Other Business
· Executive Committee Update: (President / Murray Gough)
The Chamber’s Executive Committee Members were introduced to attendees. There is now a position vacant if anyone would like to step up. We meet once a month, the last Monday of the month. The Constitution and Strategic Plan are still being worked on.
The one page Strategic Plan was handed out. It has deliberately been kept as simple as possible. We looked briefly at the Mission, drivers, purpose and initiatives. Some of these are underway, some not.
Petria thanked Murray for his work on all these documents, then led us into the main theme for tonight’s meeting. At last week’s Executive meeting, one of the things that came up was the need to clarify “What Do You Want from your Chamber membership this year?”
11. Interactive Session – What Do You Want in 2017?
· A major Event will be held in May. The proposed keynote speaker is Justin Herald. There will be a 3 course meal, and the event will be open to all businesses in the Shire. “At the age of 25 with only $50 to his name, Justin Herald set about changing the course of his life. Justin created Attitude Inc, a clothing brand that became an international licensing success that turned over millions per year.” The event is to be held on the 1st May, a Monday night.
· Petria asked for suggestions for speakers or workshops for other meetings.
· Suggestion – with the Supermarket moving, and Gibraltar St needing to reinvent itself… We have heard that the QPRC has a plan – is there space for a workshop / discussion with the Council to help us know what’s going on. It seems to be more than seats and paving. Surely this is about what Gibraltar St is to become.
Martin Darcy, the QPRC representative, agreed that this was a great idea. Martin himself is not involved in this, but he will seek further information. Consultation is essential. He believes that the current status is planning focussed, but a session like this will be invaluable to all. If we open up to the community for ideas, we can develop a strategy.
Martin suggested that we develop a submission for a budget item in in the next month or two. If we have money, we can do proper consultation.
· The s355 Bungendore Town Centre and Environs Committee (BTCEC) was supposed to meet in November and December, but both meetings were cancelled. Members are still waiting for a February meeting to be organised. Mark Schweikert is the Council representative on this Committee. The BTCEC has been actively involved in many critical town-related issues since 2007 so very much wants to continue.
Martin noted that Palerang had many s355 Committees whereas Queanbeyan had gotten rid of theirs. Palerang did not have necessary resources so used these Committees as a way to deal with important local issues. Queanbeyan has more resources and has a properly staffed Planning section. Council meets on the 4th Wednesday of each month, with planning / strategy meetings on the 2nd Wednesday of each month. Martin will see where this is at.
· Perhaps we could have a Planning Presentation and Discussion for one of our four main meetings. This would attract town people. Perhaps our June General Meeting? Get everyone in the room together instead of each working separately. We are happy to be the conduit.
· Martin has been asked to put to us – what was the Queanbeyan Business Enterprise Awards, sponsored by the BEC and QPRC – they want to investigate if we can have new QPRC Business Awards and what these might look like. Open these up to the whole of the region including Queanbeyan and all towns in Palerang. Are we interested? How would it work with Bungendore Business Awards?
Martin will send through a formal letter for consideration. The Queanbeyan Awards are normally run every second year, as they prove to be a bit of a fizzer if held annually.
Prizes could be cash but the Council would prefer to see an offer of in-house training or conference registration of up to $2000 to $3000. Perhaps even an ad on TV. Offering cool package prizes provides incentive.
These are normally held around October / November. We would need to look at award categories. It would only work if the Business Chamber was involved. If not in favour, it will be retained as a Queanbeyan only function.
Feedback from attendees indicated that the regional view would be good because it then includes areas such as Braidwood and Captains Flat. Suzanne volunteered to be the Braidwood representative if we are to go down this path. We could even have one or more Bungendore Chamber Awards as part of this, and specific Braidwood Awards too. The individual winners can go then go up for the major award. We would need representatives from the BCCI on the Awards Committee if we go ahead with joint Awards.
· Further discussion on the Awards suggested that we currently have insufficient criteria for businesses to aspire to. As the next Awards are not due to be held until 2018, perhaps we can spend 2017 sorting out what we consider as effective criteria. This would mean that businesses have time to build towards this. Going through the process helps businesses understand what they’re not doing and adds value for businesses.
Another suggestion was that we could increase our membership by running a seminar on what’s required. We could refer people to do it. This sort of training might be able to be funded.
· Our Awards are very successful. However, we’re still having trouble connecting with our general membership. As a Committee, we can do a lot, but member interaction is essential. We have approached businesses face to face, via Facebook, email and specific invitations. This meeting was advertised in all these ways.
Advice from attendees was that there will always be a percentage who will never communicate. They have their memberships for other reasons. If we simply look at those businesses as a source of extra income, and continue to offer events, training, awards etc, then we are doing our part. Don’t fret if you can’t engage. Let’s use what we can.
· Members discussed historical aspects of the Chamber and noted that a survey had been sent out to all members back in 2015. When the survey results came in, we implemented the suggestions. Perhaps we could now send out an updated survey, saying what has been done. As we are now part of the NSWBC, we can use their call centre to have them call our businesses and ask questions for us. We may get more results that way.
Most people have a reason for being a member. They do want something. We just need to find out what it is. Perhaps they just want to belong. Perhaps it is simply for the discounted rates in the Bungendore Directory. We can’t do everything. We don’t want to end up with volunteer fatigue. But as we stand, we’re an effective organisation – one without a shopfront or paid staff, and with admirably low fees. In many ways, we’re a virtual chamber. If a query comes, we can channel it to get solutions, via the NSWBC, the QPRC etc. One attendee with experience with larger Chambers advised that they too have these same issues. Their meetings would only have as many attendees as tonight’s meeting, so really, we are doing very well.