Area 15/16 Winter League Series
Triathlon Competition -Sunday 5th January 2014
Wellington Sports Centre, Coram’s Lane, Wellington TA21 8LL
Entries close Sunday 22nd Dec. 2013 - but as early as possible please
Class 1: -Biathlon Mixed / 7 years and under – swim 2 minutes and run 1000mClass 2:MiniMinimus Mixed / 9 years and under 1st Jan. 14 and minimum age 8 years on 1st Jan. 14. Fixed targets at 7m – two hands , swim 2minutes, run 1000m.
Class 3: Minimus Boys / 11 years and under on 1st Jan. 14 - minimum age 8 years on 1st Jan. 14. Fixed targets at 7m – two hands, swim 2minutes, run 1000m. Competitors can shoot with both hands.
Class 4 Minimus Girls / 11 years and under on 1st Jan. 14 - minimum age 8 years on 1st Jan. 14. Fixed targets at 7m – two hands, swim 2 minutes, run 1000m. .
Class 5 Junior Boys / 14 years and under on 1st Jan. 14
Turning targets at 7m -one hand, swim 3 minutes, run 1500m
Class 6 Junior Girls / 14 years and under on 1st Jan. 14
Turning targets at 7m –one hand, swim 3 minutes, run 1500m
Class 7 Senior Boys / 21 years and under on 1st Jan. 14
Turning targets at 10m–one hand, swim 4 minutes, run 3000m
Class 8 Senior Girls / 21 years and under on 1st Jan. 14
Turning targets 10m–one hand, swim 3 minutes, run 1500m
Individual entries will be placed into teams by organisers. Classes may become mixed boys and girls if there are insufficient entries.
Please email entries to and post signed paper formswithcheque (payable to Devon Somerset Pony Club) to:
Andrew Bray Wootton Knowle Farm, Tivington, Minehead, Somerset TA24 8SXTel 01643 841 328
Organiser: Sue McCanlis - contactable on 01643 862521
Times will be emailed to team trainers by Thursday 2nd January 2014
Entry Fee; £13.00 CLASS 2 - 8, £10 Class 1
Entries close Sunday 22nd Dec. 2013 – early entries appreciated.
No refund after entries close
The first 6 teams in Classes 2 – 6
The first 3 teams in Class 7 and 8
The first 6 individuals in all classes. 1st in each phase.
All classes will be judges in accordance with the Pony Club Tetrathlon Rule Book 2013.
Any complaints to be made by Team Managers only, to Official Organisers only, within 10 minutes of the scores being published and with £10.00 deposit.
The organisers reserve the right to alter the class or combine classes without prior notice if they felt this is necessary.
The organisers of the event have taken reasonable precautions to ensure the health and safety of everyone present. For these measures to be effective, everyone must take all reasonable precautions to avoid and prevent accidents occurring, and must obey the instructions of the organisers, officials and stewards.
Neither the organisers, nor any person acting on their behalf accept any liability for any loss, damage, accident, injury or illness to competitors, spectators, or any person or property whatsoever.
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