Prices are for ACTIVE instructors ONLY / 4775 Granby Circle
Colorado Springs, CO 80919-4775 USA
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Each / Step Into Swim Donation / $0.00
Each / 2017 NSPF Pool & Spa Operator™ HandbookBundle (10 Books)- English(Includes one exam per book) / $350.00
Each / Pool Operator Primer™ Online Training Course English(Includes discount code, 2017 Handbook, exam) / $85.00
Each / Regular 2017 Exam (in addition to those included with a book)___English___Spanish ___French___Metric / $3.00
Each / 2017 Re-Take Exam ___English ___Spanish ___French ___Metric / $3.00
Each / South Carolina exams used with CPO Exams for residents of South Carolina / $0.00
Each / South Carolina Exam Grade Key / $15.00
Each / 2017 Grade Key – the first one is complimentary / $25.00
Each / 2017 NSPF Pool & Spa Operator™ Handbook Bundle (10 Books) -Spanish(Includes one exam per book) / $350.00
Each / NSPF Pool & Spa Operator™ Handbook Bundle (10 Books) - French(Includes one exam per book) / $350.00
Each / Pool Operator Primer™ Online Training Course English Metric(Includes discount code, 2017 Handbook, exam) / $85.00
Each / Pool Operator Primer™ Online Training Course Spanish(Includes discount code, 2017 Handbook, exam) / $85.00
Each / Pool Operator Primer™ Online Training Course Spanish Metric(Includes discount code, 2017 Handbook, exam) / $85.00
Each / Pool Math™ Workbook - English / $10.00
Each / Pool Math™ Workbook – Spanish (Cuaderno de Trabajo de Matemáticas de Piscina™) / $10.00
Each / Advanced Service Technician Online Training Course - English(Includes discount code, 2017 Handbook) / $500.00
Each / Certified Pool / Spa Inspector™ Handbook – English (not the online course) Exams, too? ___Yes ___No / $10.00
Each / Certified Pool / Spa Inspector™ Online Training Course – English(Includes discount codeandbook) / $25.00
Each / Certified Pool / Spa Inspector™ Handbook – Spanish (not the online course) Exams, too? ___Yes ___No / $10.00
Each / Certified Pool / Spa Inspector™ Online Training Course – Spanish(Includes discount codeandbook) / $25.00
Each / Grade Keys for Certified Pool / Spa Inspector™ (CPI) course / $15.00
Each / Aquatic Play Feature™ Handbook –English Exams, too? ___ Yes ___No / $10.00
Each / Aquatic Play Feature™ Online Training Course – English(Includes discount codeandbook) / $25.00
Each / Aquatic Play Feature™ Handbook – Spanish Exams, too? ___Yes ___No / $10.00
Each / Aquatic Play Feature™ Online Training Course – Spanish (Includes discount codeandbook) / $25.00
Each / Grade Keys for Aquatic Play Feature™ (APF) course / $15.00
Each / Field Service Professional Online Training Course – English(Includes discount code) / $25.00
Bundle of 10 / Field Service Professional Online Training Course – English(Includes discount code) / $200.00
Each / Pool & SpaBasics™ Online Course (access code - no handbook) / $20.00
Each / Water Chemistry Basics Online Course (access code – no handbook) / $20.00
Aquatic Management Series
Each / Volume 1: Aquatic Risk Management™ Handbook–English Exams, too? ___Yes ___No / $10.00
Each / Volume 1: Aquatic Risk Management™ Online Training Course–English(Includes discount codeandbook) / $25.00
Each / Volume 1: Aquatic Risk Management™ Handbook – SpanishExams, too? ___Yes ___No / $10.00
Each / Volume 1: Aquatic Risk Management™ Online Training Course – Spanish(Includes discount codeandbook) / $25.00
Each / Volume 2: Emergency Response Planning™ Handbook Exams, too? ___Yes ___No / $10.00
Each / Volume 2: Emergency Response Planning™ Online Training Course (Includes discount codeandbook) / $25.00
Each / Volume 3: Aquatic Facility Audits™ Handbook Exams, too? ___Yes ___No / $10.00
Each / Volume 3: Aquatic Facility Audits™ Online Training Course (Includes discount codeandbook) / $25.00
Each / Volume 4: Recreational Water Illness™ Handbook Exams, too? ___Yes ___No / $12.50
Each / Volume 4: Recreational Water Illness™ Online Training Course (Includes discount codeandbook) / $37.50
Each / Grade Keys for Aquatic Management Series (ARM, ERP, AFA, and RWI) / $15.00
Each / 19oz. Specialized Tumblers ___CPO Certification for resale / $9.95
Each / CPO® Certification Baseball Cap (Blue Logo) ___Navy ___Stone / $12.00
Each / NSPF®Instructor Golf Shirt –Blue shirt with white embroidery
___Small ___Medium ___Large ___X-Large ___XX-Large / $30.00
Each / NSPF®Instructor Golf Shirt – White shirt with blue embroidery
___Small ___Medium ___Large ___X-Large ___XX-Large / $30.00
Each / CPO® Certification T-Shirt (White with Blue Logo) ___Medium ___Large ___X-Large ___XX-Large / $12.00
Each / CPO Logo Polo - White shirt with blue embroideryM__ L__XL__XXL__ / $30.00
Each / CPO®Certification Lapel Pin / $3.00
Each / CPO®Certification Shoulder Patch (3-inch / 7.7 cm Diameter) / $5.00
25 / CPO® Certification Adhesive Bumper Sticker (3-inch / 7.7 cm Diameter) / $25.00
25 / Water Clarity Disks – Red/Black (2.5-inch / 6.4 cm Diameter) / $25.00
Each / AST Certification Frisbee / $2.50
10 / AST Certification Frisbee (10 Frisbee’s) / $25.00
25 / AST Certification Frisbee (25 Frisbee’s) / $62.00
50 / AST Certification Frisbee (50 Frisbee’s, 10 % Bulk Discount) / $112.00
10 / AST Certification Last Service Sticker / $15.00
25 / AST Certification Last Service Sticker (25 Stickers) / $37.00
50 / AST Certification Last Service Sticker (75 Stickers, 10 % Bulk Discount) / $75.00
1 / AST Certification Patch / $5.00
3 / AST Certification Patch (3 Patches, 10% Bulk Discount) / $13.50
2 / AST Certification Vehicle Magnet (2 Magnets) / $20.00
4 / AST Certification Vehicle Magnet (4 Magnets, 10% Bulk Discount) / $36.00
“Rite in the Rain”® Products
Bundle of 6 / All-Weather Commercial Pool and Spa Log Book – “Rite in the Rain”® / $99.48
Each / All-Weather Commercial Pool and Spa Log Book – “Rite in the Rain”® / $18.95
Each / All Weather Copier / Laser Paper (200 Sheets) – “Rite in the Rain”® / $28.95
Each / All Weather Copier / Laser Paper (25 Sheets) – “Rite in the Rain”® / $10.95
Each / All-Weather Clicker Pen – Standard – “Rite in the Rain”® / $9.95
Each / All-Weather Clicker Pen – Tactical Black - “Rite in the Rain”® / $13.95
Revised 20180101