AUGUST 01, 2016
COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Jim Fluckinger, Glenda Forga, Carol Hill, Guy Spratt and Greg Morosoff.
EMPLOYEES PRESENT: Jill Davis, Deputy Clerk, Craig McCown, Public Works, John Brockmueller, Police Chief.
GUESTS: Penny Morosoff, Marlea Hanson, Joh Jones, Jake Morgan, and Stephanie Tourne.
CONSENT AGENDA APPROVING CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OF JULY 18, 2016 AND PAYROLL AND CLAIMS IN THE AMOUNT OF $114,564.82. Greg motioned to approve the consent agenda, Guy seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
Steve Dobosh – Mayor: Nothing.
John Brockmueller – Police Department: John reported 23 calls for service for the past two weeks. Everything is running smoothly. He is hoping to have the new car by the middle of this month, get it outfitted and have it on the road by the end of August. Today marks one year for providing services to Winlock and all seems to be well.
Craig McCown – Public Works: Sewer Plant is running well. They will be performing bio-solids testing this week.
After doing a water shut down over last weekend Craig has found a leak at the back of the High School at the top of the hill. They think the leak is off a fire system line that goes around the school and is unmetered. The School District has a leak detection service coming out tomorrow to help find any other leaks. Glenda asked what they have done after we asked them to fix their unmetered water 2 years ago. Craig explained that they have done some work with the engineering of it and have tried to get a bond to pass to pay for the repairs. Craig has spoken with Department of Health and they say as long as the school is actively working on a resolution and the City is okay with it, they are fine. Greg would like to see the City and the School District sit down as a group and have a resolution put in place. Greg asked if they are responsible for the cost of the meter and the repairs, yes they are. Would the City be able to help them with the repairs? The required repairs are above the Public Works Department’s ability.
Ric Kindle asked if we could purchase 2 park signs that say “Park is open dawn to dusk.” Ric has had a few incidents with people in the park at 1:00 am taking showers and have caused some problems. Glenda asked if the Police Department patrols the park, yes they drive through if the gate is open. Carol asked if Craig needed to ask the Council’s permission to purchase the signs or was it within his budget. Craig responded that he could purchase the signs but in this case he thought it would be best to bring it up to the City Council. The issue will be sent to the Park Board for their recommendation.
Michelle Whitten– City Clerk: Absent.
Water Leak Reduction Request – 720 S. Third Street. Ms. Moore had a water leak under her house. Repairs have been made and it appears the leak is fixed. Glenda made a motion to approve the water leak reduction in the amount of $31.88, Jim seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
Ordinance No. 738 Second Reading- Interfund Loan. This is the interfund loan to purchase the new police vehicle with terms and payments. Mayor read by title only. Carol motioned to approve Ordinance No. 738, Greg seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
PUBLIC. Joh Jones asked why the State doesn’t pay for the water repairs at the high school, we all pay taxes for education, they should pay for it.
Jim mentioned that a resident asked him if the City could make the stop sign area on Pacific Road look better. Greg asked if it is on City property. Craig said part of it. Steve said he would check it out.
ADJOURNMENT: Guy made a motion to adjourn, Greg seconded. Meeting was adjourned.
These minutes are not verbatim. If so desired, a recording of this meeting is on file and can be heard.
Steve Dobosh – Mayor Jill Davis – Deputy Clerk