Welcome back after the Autumn holiday. We hope you all had an enjoyable and relaxing week.
Thank you to all the parents who attended our AGM last month. We welcome the new committee and look forward to working with them. Thankyou to our out-going committee for all their hard work on behalf of the settings, some over several years.
Thankyou to Deddington Farmers Market for their generous donations to both the Nursery and PFSU.
We have a vacancy for a cleaner at the Nursery. This is for three hours per week over three evenings, rising to five in the New Year. Please see Rachel or Jacqui if you would like to know more.
The nursery has undergone a huge transformation thanks to the committee and helpers who gave up a weekend to decorate and repair. The result is a bright new playroom for the children and staff to enjoy. Do pop in and have a look and tell your friends about the revamp.
Unfortunately we have had 2 tricycles stolen from the Nursery garden. Please look at the photos displayed at both Nursery and Pre-school. If you spotthe tricycles in a neighbour’s garden or are approached to purchase one, do let a member of staff know. We hope to replace these by using next year’s Sainsbury voucher collection but as they are expensive pieces of equipment we are going to need an awful lot of vouchers!
The children really enjoyed role playing in a greengrocer’s shop using all the lovely vegetables donated by parents and staff. They were used to print with, cook with, and explore weights and measures. The last remaining vegetables were used to make models with. Thank you for supporting this mini project.
The children have been out and about collecting leaves and conkers and have produced a lovely Autumnal display. They have been printing Hedgehogs and making clay models and are now busy making decorations for the Bonfire breakfast due to be held on Thursday 9th November. Look out for your invite and for notices in the next few days.
Welcome to new children and families who have recently joined the group. Welcome to Ida, Freddie, Theo and Constance. And a special welcome to William and his family who have joined us from Malta.
Christmas is coming. We are planning a Christmas production on the morning of Friday 15th December. Our Christmas party will be held on Tuesday 19th December from 11.30am to 1.00pm. More details will follow soon.
This term our topic is Celebration! This will include Fireworks Night, Diwali, Hanukkahand Christmas. We are also thinking about the season of Autumn.
Our Forest School sessions will continue this term and throughout the year. For this, and outdoor play every day, please ensure that your child has warm and weatherproof clothing at pre-school, as well as a pair of wellies. We like to get outside in all weathers.
On Monday 6th November we will be making our own Autumn lunch of vegetable soup and bread rolls. Please bring in a vegetable in to go in the soup. Your child will not need a packed lunch that day, but you may wish to provide them with one if you feel that they will not eat the food provided.
As part of our Christmas celebrations we will be presenting our Christmas production, Whoops-a-Daisy Angel, with the F1 class. The provisional date for this is Monday 11th December at 2pm at Deddington Church. We expect to finish by about 2.45pm and you would be welcome to collect your child then if you wish, or if they usually stay with us until later they can return with us to the PFSU until their normal leaving time. As always we expect this to be an un-missable occasion.
We will also be holding two ‘decorations’ afternoonsonMonday 4th and Tuesday 5thDecember from 1.30 to 3.00pm.Parents or Grandparents are invited to join their children at pre-school for a creative afternoon and a Christmas snack. We hope to make the classroom look wonderfully festive on these occasions. These afternoons are open to all PFSU children whether or not they usually attend on these days. However, children who are not normally at pre-school on these days need to be accompanied by an adult.
Our PFSU Christmas party will be held on the morning ofMonday 18th December. This is open to all PFSU children, whether or not they normally attend on a Monday. We will be asking for food donations nearer to the time.
Children born between 1 September 2013 and 31 August 2014 will be starting school in September 2018. You must apply for a place at your preferred school and the deadline for applications is 15th January 2018. You canapply online now and we would advise you to apply as soon as you have decided on your choices of school. More information is available on the Oxfordshire County Council website. Offers of school places will be made on 18th April 2018. Making an application after the deadline date makes it much less likely that you will get your first choice of school.
We have added some new books to our F2 library book collection by the front door. Please have a look if you are not already borrowing from our library.
Please may we remind you to bring in and collect your child at the times you have requested. Our staffing levels are based on the number of children attending at any one time and we are not able to accommodate children outside their booked times unless previously arranged, as this could take us out of our legal staffing ratios. If you feel that your chosen hours are not working for you and need amending please contact Sam at the e-mail address at the end of this newsletter.
Get your Christmas festivities off to a perfect start at our Christmas Fayre in Deddington Church on Tuesday 5th December. From 7.30 to 9.30pm the beautiful building will be brimming with festivity, filled with the smell of mulled wine and the sounds of carols played by Deddington Brass. Stallholders will be selling unique and special Christmas gifts and there will be the opportunity to relax over a drink and a mince pie with friends.
Halloweenies was a sell-out and much enjoyed by all the children who came. Thankyou for your support.
We have lots of activities planned for the coming year ( see list of diary dates below ). We have a small team in place to run these events but always welcome more help, for a single event or on a more regular basis. Please let us know if you would like to get involved.
- Monday 6th November – am – PFSU Autumn lunch
- Thursday 9th November – Nursery Bonfire Breakfast and open day
- Monday 4th and Tuesday 5th December – 1.30-3.00pm – PFSU Decorations afternoons.
- Tuesday 5th December - 7.30 -9.30pm – Christmas Fayre in Deddington Church
- Monday 11thDecember – 2pm – Deddington Church – PFSU and F1 Christmas productionof ‘Whoops-a-Daisy Angel’ ( provisional date )
- Friday 15th December – am - Nursery Christmas production
- Monday 18th December – am – PFSU Christmas party
- Tuesday 19th December – Nursery Christmas party – 11.30am – 1.00pm
- Monday 15th January 2018 – closing date for school applications for PFSU children
- Saturday 17th March 2018 – car boot sale in aid of PFSU and Nursery – on the school playground at Deddington Primary School.
- Wednesday 18th April 2018 – offers of school places for September 2018 are made
- Saturday 28th April 2018 – Messy Play morning at PFSU ( all welcome!)
- May 2018 – Spring hamper raffle in aid of PFSU and Nursery
- Sunday 13th May 2018 - 4 Farms Challenge ( 5K, 10K and fun run in aid of PFSU and Nursery, Deddington Fire Service, and Deddington Primary School )
- Saturday 30th June 2018 – Deddington Primary School fete
Rachel O’Connell – PFSU Manager
Jacqui Moulder - Nursery Manager
Lucy Squires – PFSU Deputy Manager
Jo Bull – Nursery Deputy Manager
Hazel Neal – Early Years Practitioner ( PFSU )
Liza Staples - Early Years Practitioner ( DVN )
Jane Rickard – Early Years Assistant ( PFSU )
Sam Brown - Administrator / Committee:
Nicola Halton – Chair
Sophie McCarthy – Treasurer
Deedee Gill - Secretary
Liz Easter
Suzanne Owen
Lauren Odell
PFSU phone number: ( 01869 ) 337484
Nursery phone number: ( 01869 ) 337383
E-mail us on: / Any matters concerning places, sessions or payments please speak to Sam. Invoice payments not made by the due date will incur a £20 late payment fee. Please remember there is a late pick-up charge.
Don’t forget to look at our website:Deddingtonnurseryandpfsu.co.uk
Plus, find Deddington Village Nursery and PFSU on Facebook!