Welcome to Mr. Loicano’s 7th Grade English Class

The goal of this class is to improve your skills in the area of Language Arts. When this school year is over, you will be stronger readers, writers, listeners, and speakers. In order to provide you with a brief overview of what to expect for the upcoming year, I present to you the following information:

Contact Information: The fastest and easiest way for both students and parents to reach me is via e-mail, at . I can also be reached by leaving a message with the POBMS Main office, at 516-434-3308. I will make every effort to respond as soon as possible.

Extra Help: Available in room 315 during 9th period on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Classroom Environment:Students are expected to follow the district’s behavioral guidelines and policies at all times. Our classroom will be an environment of safety, respect, and academic growth. Actions such as cheating, lying, and treating others in a hurtful manner are unacceptable.

Our Units of Study May Include:

➢Short stories


➢Full novels

➢Excerpts from novels

➢Nonfiction long works

➢Nonfiction articles

➢Research-based projects

➢Spelling, Grammar, and Vocabulary

Materials Needed: The List of Supplies Was Available on the School’s Website Since June. Students are to have:

One three-inch binder, two packs of loose leaf paper, a pack of dividers, two folders (one to keep in the binder, one to keep in the classroom), five black and/or blue pens, five pencils, three colored pens of any color other than black, blue, or red, two highlighters - one yellow, one green (at least two), a hole puncher, post-its (3 in. x 3 in.), and a composition notebook

Assignments and Homework:

All assignments and homework are expected to be turned in at the beginning of the period in which they are due. In most instances, students will be permitted one day to hand in work late. Unexcused late work will receive a reduced grade, or a grade of zero.

Formal Assessments:

Along with the New York State ELA Exam, all English 7 students are required to take a midterm exam and a final exam. In addition, throughout the year students should expect multiple choice tests, essays, short answer tests, reading check quizzes, and a variety of other assessments.

Grading: Quarterly averages are comprised of: Classwork & Homework, 25%; Quizzes, Tests, and Projects: 45%; Writing Assignments: 30%

Electronic Devices: Unless otherwise instructed, these items are to be out of sight and silent at all times. The use of a phone or device in any way will result in that device being taken away, and left for parent pick-up in the main office.


Students and Parents/Guardians, please acknowledge the reading of this document with your signature below. This signed document will count for part of the first homework grade of the year. Please do not tear this portion off.

Student: Parent/Guardian:

Print ↓------Sign ↓ Print ↓------Sign ↓