Gilbert Tiger Lacrosse Player/Parent Agreement Form

Players and parents should understand that playing time within the Gilbert Tiger Lacrosse Program is rewarded by the following:

Work Ethic ∙ Attendance ∙ Commitment ∙ Attitude ∙ Ability


Attendance at all practices starting in January is mandatory. If you are not playing a fall sport, Fall Ball is NOT mandatory but highly recommended. All players must notify the Head Coach by phone prior to practice if they are going to be absent, only then can they be excused from practice. If a player is injured or cannot dress, the player is still required to attend practice.

A. Excused Absences

1. Family emergency- a death, illness, or accident in the family

2. Religious conflict

3. Sickness

4. School situations-to be determined by the coach

B. Unexcused Absences

1. Vacations

2. Not having a ride to practice

3. Social events

Lying about an absence will result in suspension or dismissal from the team

C. Tardiness

1. Players must be FULLY dressed ready to play at the scheduled practice time, not arriving. Ideally players should be warming up before practice starts (progressions).

2. Players who are late for any reason should make every effort to be as close to ready to play as possible when they reach the fields and run in and quickly to check in with one of the coaches(sprinting from the car to the field to get dressed out).

3. Practice is never cancelled unless a Head Coach notifies you directly via phone, text or email. The word of other player, parents, or friends in not definitive. If bad weather is present, players should still show up at the fields unless told otherwise from a head coach.

Conduct Waiver

1. Every player must have fun and work hard every time they step foot on the field.

2. Gilbert Tiger Lacrosse players/parents are expected to conduct themselves in a manner that honors the game and demonstrates respect for coaches, teammates, officials, visiting teams, parents, adults, and spectators NO EXCEPTIONS. If you do not adhere to these expectations you will be asked to leave and both parents/player will be subject to dismissal from the program.

3. Zero tolerance for back talk, negative attitudes to included practice and games. This may result in loss of playing time and disciplinary action including dismissal from the program. Parents please help be a positive example. No negative communication to coaches, officials, opponents and/or fans of the game.

4. Zero tolerance for tobacco, drug and alcohol use by any player. Violation of this rule will result in disciplinary action and/or removal from the program.

5. Players will be prepared with proper equipment and on time for all practices, meetings, games, and/or any other Gilbert Tiger Lacrosse function. Please contact Head Coach if you are going to be late. This is a respect issue gentlemen to the coaches and your teammates.

6. Players must attend all practices, games, and events unless the coach has deemed it optional. Missed practices/events may result in loss of playing time and disciplinary action including dismissal from the program.

7. All players must obtain a passing grade average and supply progress reports to the coaching staff when asked. If the player does not improve the grade within 2 weeks his playing time will either be reduced and/or dismissed from the program. We have high expectation of all of our players and we will expect nothing less.

8. Players/Parents are expected to treat all facilities and equipment with respect. The program will not tolerate any actions of vandalism or actions that result in damage to property. Gilbert Tiger Lacrosse will hold its players legally and financially responsible for any and all damages they may cause to the property or facilities or any, and all, fields and facilities visited by the Gilbert Tiger Lacrosse Program.

We have read the enclosed Attendance and Equipment Requirements, Player and Parent Communication Procedures and agree to abide by said guidelines and the above condensed conduct rules. By signing this agreement, both players and parents, agree to conduct themselves in a manner which exemplifies a Gilbert Tiger lacrosse player/parent, and which represents this team in a manner the players would be proud of, both on and off the field.


Player Signature Date


Parent Signature Date